#!/bin/sh migrate() { python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate } wait_for_redis() { echo "Trying to connect to redis at ${REDIS_HOST:-redis}:${REDIS_PORT:-6379} ..." while ! nc -z ${REDIS_HOST:-redis} ${REDIS_PORT:-6379}; do sleep 1; done; echo "Successfully connected to redis. Continuing."; } wait_for_database() { echo "Trying to connect to database at ${SQL_HOST:-postgres}:${SQL_PORT:-5432} ..." while ! nc -z ${SQL_HOST:-postgres} ${SQL_PORT:-5432}; do sleep 1; done; echo "Successfully connected to database. Continuing."; } case $1 in "create_superuser" ) wait_for_redis wait_for_database python manage.py createsuperuser --no-input --username "${ADMIN_USER:-admin}" --email "${ADMIN_EMAIL:-post@chaoswest.tv}" ;; "migrate_start" ) wait_for_redis wait_for_database migrate gunicorn -w 4 --bind${EXPOSE_PORT:-8000} portier.wsgi ;; "only_start" ) wait_for_redis wait_for_database gunicorn -w 4 --bind${EXPOSE_PORT:-8000} portier.wsgi ;; esac