'' ); $server = "help.linkpi.cn:5735"; $rootPath = "/root/usb"; if ( isset( $_GET[ 'func' ] ) ) call_user_func( $_GET[ 'func' ] ); else exit; echo json_encode( $result , JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); function setPasswd() { global $result; $old = $_POST[ 'old' ]; $new1 = $_POST[ 'new1' ]; $new2 = $_POST[ 'new2' ]; $json_string = file_get_contents( '/link/config/passwd.json' ); $data = json_decode( $json_string, true ); if ( $data[ 0 ][ "passwd" ] != md5( $old ) ) { $result->error = "原密码错误Original password wrong"; return; } if ( $new1 != $new2 ) { $result->error = "密码不一致Password inconformity"; return; } $data[ 0 ][ "passwd" ] = md5( $new1 ); $json = json_encode( $data ); file_put_contents( '/link/config/passwd.json', $json ); $result->result = "修改密码成功Save password success"; } function getTime() { global $result; exec('date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"',$output); $result->result = $output; //$result->result = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", intval( time() ) ); } function delRes() { exec( 'rm /link/res/'. $_POST[ 'file' ] ); } function setTime() { exec( "/link/bin/rtc -s time " . $_POST[ 'time' ]. " '".$_POST[ 'time2' ]."'" ); exec( "/link/bin/rtc -g time" ); global $result; $result->result = "/link/bin/rtc -s time " . $_POST[ 'time' ]; } function reboot() { exec( '/link/shell/reboot.sh' ); } function resetCfg() { exec( '/link/shell/reset.sh' ); } function setNDI() { global $result; $json_string = file_get_contents( '/link/config/ndi.json' ); $data = json_decode( $json_string, true ); $data[ "ndi" ] = $_POST[ 'ndi' ]; $json = json_encode( $data , JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); file_put_contents( '/link/config/ndi.json', $json ); } function setNetwork() { global $result; $json_string = file_get_contents( '/link/config/net.json' ); $data = json_decode( $json_string, true ); $data[ "ip" ] = $_POST[ 'ip' ]; $data[ 'mask' ] = $_POST[ 'mask' ]; $data[ 'gateway' ] = $_POST[ 'gateway' ]; $data[ 'dns' ] = $_POST[ 'dns' ]; if(isset($_POST[ 'dhcp' ])) { $data[ 'dhcp' ] = ($_POST[ 'dhcp' ]=="true"); } $result->mask = $data[ 'mask' ]; $result->data = $data; $json = json_encode( $data ); file_put_contents( '/link/config/net.json', $json ); exec( '/link/shell/setNetwork.sh' ); } function setNetwork2() { global $result; $json_string = file_get_contents( '/link/config/net2.json' ); $data = json_decode( $json_string, true ); $data[ "ip" ] = $_POST[ 'ip' ]; $data[ 'mask' ] = $_POST[ 'mask' ]; $data[ 'gateway' ] = $_POST[ 'gateway' ]; $data[ 'dns' ] = $_POST[ 'dns' ]; if(isset($_POST[ 'dhcp' ])) { $data[ 'dhcp' ] = ($_POST[ 'dhcp' ]=="true"); } $result->mask = $data[ 'mask' ]; $result->data = $data; $json = json_encode( $data ); file_put_contents( '/link/config/net2.json', $json ); exec( '/link/shell/setNetwork.sh eth1' ); } function setCron() { global $result; if ( isset( $_POST[ 'day' ] ) && isset( $_POST[ 'time' ] ) ) { if ( $_POST[ 'day' ] == "x" ) { exec("sed -i '1s/.*/ /' /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root"); exec("cp -a /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /link/config/auto/root.cron"); } else { $cron = '0 ' . $_POST[ 'time' ] . ' * * ' . $_POST[ 'day' ]; exec("sed -i '1s/.*/".$cron." \/link\/shell\/reboot.sh/' /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root"); exec("cp -a /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /link/config/auto/root.cron"); } $result->result = "OK"; } else { $result->result = shell_exec( 'crontab -u root -l | grep /link/shell/reboot.sh' ); } } function setPushCron() { global $result; $start = $_POST['start']; if ( isset( $start[ 'day' ] ) && isset( $start[ 'time' ] ) ) { if ( $start[ 'day' ] == "x" ) { exec("sed -i '2s/.*/ /' /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root"); exec("cp -a /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /link/config/auto/root.cron"); } else { $tm = explode(":", $start[ 'time' ]); $cron = intval($tm[1]).' ' . intval($tm[0]) . ' * * ' . $start[ 'day' ]; exec("sed -i '2s/.*/".$cron." \/usr\/php\/bin\/php \/link\/web\/link\/timer\/autoPush.php start/' /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root"); exec("cp -a /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /link/config/auto/root.cron"); } } $stop = $_POST['stop']; if ( isset( $stop[ 'day' ] ) && isset( $stop[ 'time' ] ) ) { if ( $stop[ 'day' ] == "x" ) { exec("sed -i '3s/.*/ /' /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root"); exec("cp -a /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /link/config/auto/root.cron"); } else { $tm = explode(":", $stop[ 'time' ]); $cron = intval($tm[1]).' ' . intval($tm[0]) . ' * * ' . $stop[ 'day' ]; exec("sed -i '3s/.*/".$cron." \/usr\/php\/bin\/php \/link\/web\/link\/timer\/autoPush.php stop/' /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root"); exec("cp -a /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /link/config/auto/root.cron"); } } $result->result = "OK"; } function getPushCron() { global $result; exec( "crontab -u root -l | grep '/link/web/link/timer/autoPush.php start'",$output1); exec( "crontab -u root -l | grep '/link/web/link/timer/autoPush.php stop'",$output2); $result->result = [ 'start'=>$output1[0], 'stop'=>$output2[0] ]; } function startHelp() { global $result; global $hardware; $result->result = "OK"; $authCode=$_POST[ 'authCode' ]; $sshPort=2000+intval($authCode); $rtspPort=5000+intval($authCode); exec("pkill ngrokc" ); exec("/usr/bin/ngrokc -SER[Shost:".$hardware["other"]["help"].",Sport:4443] -AddTun[Type:http,Lhost:,Lport:80,Sdname:".$authCode."] -AddTun[Type:tcp,Lhost:,Lport:22,Rport:".$sshPort."] -AddTun[Type:tcp,Lhost:,Lport:554,Rport:".$rtspPort."] > /tmp/ngrok &" ); } function stopHelp() { global $result; $result->result = "OK"; exec("pkill ngrokc" ); } function setNtp() { $json_string = file_get_contents( '/link/config/ntp.json' ); $data = json_decode( $json_string, true ); $data[ 'server' ] = $_POST[ 'server' ]; $data[ 'enable' ] = ($_POST[ 'enable' ]=="true"); $json = json_encode( $data ); file_put_contents( '/link/config/ntp.json', $json ); } function setMac() { file_put_contents( '/link/config/mac', $_POST[ 'mac' ] ); } function setEDID() { exec( 'cp /link/config/edid/'.$_POST[ 'edid' ].'.bin /link/config/edid/edid.bin' ); exec( 'echo '.$_POST[ 'edid' ].' > /link/config/curEDID' ); } function setColor() { exec( 'echo '.$_POST[ 'color' ].' > /link/config/edid/colorMode' ); } function getLphAuth() { global $result; $data = file_get_contents('/link/web/.htaccess'); $ctx1 = 'location /link {rewrite ^(.*)/link/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)$ $1/link/monitor.php?class=$2&func=$3&verify=true&login=true last;}'; $ctx2 = 'location /link {rewrite ^(.*)/link/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)$ $1/link/monitor.php?class=$2&func=$3&verify=true&login=false last;}'; $ctx3 = 'location /link {rewrite ^(.*)/link/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)$ $1/link/monitor.php?class=$2&func=$3&verify=false&login=true last;}'; $ctx4 = 'location /link {rewrite ^(.*)/link/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)$ $1/link/monitor.php?class=$2&func=$3&verify=false&login=false last;}'; $ret = "-1"; if($data == $ctx1) $ret = "0"; if($data == $ctx2) $ret = "1"; if($data == $ctx3) $ret = "2"; if($data == $ctx4) $ret = "3"; $result->result = $ret; } function setLphAuth() { $auth = $_POST[ 'lphAuth' ]; $ctx = ''; if($auth == '0') $ctx = 'location /link {rewrite ^(.*)/link/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)$ $1/link/monitor.php?class=$2&func=$3&verify=true&login=true last;}'; if($auth == '1') $ctx = 'location /link {rewrite ^(.*)/link/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)$ $1/link/monitor.php?class=$2&func=$3&verify=true&login=false last;}'; if($auth == '2') $ctx = 'location /link {rewrite ^(.*)/link/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)$ $1/link/monitor.php?class=$2&func=$3&verify=false&login=true last;}'; if($auth == '3') $ctx = 'location /link {rewrite ^(.*)/link/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)$ $1/link/monitor.php?class=$2&func=$3&verify=false&login=false last;}'; file_put_contents('/link/web/.htaccess',$ctx); exec('/usr/nginx/sbin/nginx -p /usr/nginx -s reload'); } function addNewTheme() { global $result; exec( "cp /link/web/css/theme/default.css /link/web/css/theme/".$_POST["name"].".css"); $result->result = "OK"; } function delTheme() { global $result; exec( "rm -f /link/web/css/theme/".$_POST["name"].".css"); $result->result = "OK"; } function saveTheme() { global $result; file_put_contents( '/link/web/css/theme/'.$_POST['name'].'.css', $_POST['css'] ); $result->result = "OK"; } function saveConfigFile() { global $result; file_put_contents( "/link/".$_POST["path"], $_POST['data'] ); $result->result = "OK"; } function changeType() { exec( 'echo '.$_POST[ 'type' ].' > /link/config/fac' ); exec( 'cp /link/fac/'.$_POST[ 'type' ].'/* /link/ -rd' ); exec( 'chmod 777 /link -R' ); exec( 'pkill Encoder' ); exec('rm -f /link/config/record.json'); exec('rm -rf /link/config/auto/*'); } function delFile() { global $rootPath; exec( 'rm '.$rootPath.'/'. $_POST[ 'name' ].' -r'); } function testNet(){ global $result; exec('ping www.baidu.com -c1',$result->result); } function setVideoBuffer() { global $result; $json_string = json_encode( $_POST,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ); file_put_contents( '/link/config/videoBuffer.json', $json_string ); exec( 'pkill Encoder' ); $result->result = "OK"; } function setNgrok() { global $result; if($_POST[ 'enable' ]=="on" || $_POST[ 'enable' ]=="true" || $_POST[ 'enable' ]=="checked") file_put_contents( "/link/config/rproxy/ngrok_enable", "true"); else file_put_contents( "/link/config/rproxy/ngrok_enable", "false"); file_put_contents( "/link/config/rproxy/ngrok.cfg", $_POST[ 'config' ]); $result->result="OK"; } function setFrp() { global $result; if($_POST[ 'enable' ]=="on" || $_POST[ 'enable' ]=="true" || $_POST[ 'enable' ]=="checked") file_put_contents( "/link/config/rproxy/frp_enable", "true"); else file_put_contents( "/link/config/rproxy/frp_enable", "false"); file_put_contents( "/link/config/rproxy/frpc.ini", $_POST[ 'config' ]); $result->result="OK"; } function showFunc() { global $result; global $hardware; foreach($hardware["function"] as $key => $val) { if($_POST[$key]=="on") $hardware["function"][$key]=true; else $hardware["function"][$key]=false; } $json_string = json_encode( $hardware); file_put_contents ( '/link/config/hardware.json' , $json_string ); $result->result = "OK"; } function hadFiles() { global $rootPath,$result; $output=array(); exec( "ls ".$rootPath."/".$_POST["path"],$output); if(count($output) == 0) { $result->error = "文件不存在File not found"; return; } $result->result = "OK"; } function delFiles() { global $rootPath, $result; $file_array = $_POST["files"]; foreach ($file_array as $file) exec( 'rm '.$rootPath.'/'. $file.' -r'); $result->result = "OK"; } function formatReady() { global $result; $psd = $_POST["psd"]; $json_string = file_get_contents( '/link/config/passwd.json' ); $data = json_decode( $json_string, true ); if ( $data[ 0 ][ "passwd" ] != md5( $psd ) ) { $result->error = "格式化失败,密码错误Formatting failed because the password is incorrect"; return; } $result->result = "正在格式化,请勿关闭此页面Do not close this page while formatting"; } function umountDisk() { global $result; exec("umount -l /root/usb"); exec("sync"); $output=""; exec("df -h | grep /root/usb | wc -l",$output); if($output[0] == "0") $result->result = "OK"; else $result->error = "卸载失败,请确保设备没有被占用Unmount failed, please make sure the device is not in use"; } function formatDisk() { global $result; exec("/link/shell/fusb.sh ".$_POST["format"]); $result->result = "OK"; } function mountDisk() { global $result; $output=array(); exec( "ls /dev/sda",$output); if(count($output) == 0) { $result->error = "没有检测到外部存储设备No external storage device is detected"; return; } unset($output); exec("mount -t vfat -o rw,relatime,codepage=936,utf8 /dev/sda1 /root/usb"); exec("mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /root/usb"); exec("ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /root/usb"); exec("df -h | grep /root/usb",$output); if(count($output) == 1) $result->result = "OK"; else $result->error = "外部存储设备挂载失败The external storage device failed to be mounted"; } function setTimeZone() { global $result; $area = $_POST["timeArea"]; $city = $_POST["timeCity"]; exec("cp /link/config/misc/timezone/zoneinfo/".$area."/".$city." /etc/localtime"); $data = array( "timeArea" => $area, "timeCity" => $city ); file_put_contents( "/link/config/misc/timezone/tzselect.json",json_encode($data)); $result->result = "OK"; } function checkHelpNet() { global $result; $exec_out=""; exec('ping www.help.linkpi.cn -c1',$exec_out); $out = join(" ",$exec_out); if($out == "" || !strstr($out," 0%")) { $result->error = "网络异常,请检测网络The network is abnormal, Check the network"; return; } $result->result = "ok"; } function checkUpdate() { global $result,$server; $fac = file_get_contents("/link/config/fac"); $fac = str_replace("\n","",$fac); if(is_null($fac) || $fac == "") { $result->error = "获取机型错误Error getting model"; return; } $version = json_decode(file_get_contents("/link/config/version.json"),true); $sys_ary = explode(" ",$version["sys"]); $args = array("type"=>$fac,"build"=>$sys_ary[0],"sys_ver"=>$sys_ary[2]); $ret = send("http://".$server."/api/patch/query_master",json_encode($args)); if($ret["status"] == "error") $result->error = $ret["msg"]; else $result->result = $ret["data"]; } function getPatch() { global $result,$server; $fac = file_get_contents("/link/config/fac"); $fac = str_replace("\n","",$fac); if(is_null($fac) || $fac == "") { $result->error = "获取机型错误Error getting model"; return; } $version = json_decode(file_get_contents("/link/config/version.json"),true); $sys_ary = explode(" ",$version["sys"]); $args = array("type"=>$fac,"build"=>$sys_ary[0],"sys_ver"=>$sys_ary[2]); $ret = send("http://".$server."/api/patch/query_patch",json_encode($args)); if($ret["status"] == "error") $result->error = $ret["msg"]; else $result->result = $ret["data"]; } function getPatchBySn() { global $result,$server; $fac = file_get_contents("/link/config/fac"); $fac = str_replace("\n","",$fac); if(is_null($fac) || $fac == "") { $result->error = "获取机型错误Error getting model"; return; } $args = array("type"=>$fac,"sn"=>$_POST["sn"]); $ret = send("http://".$server."/api/patch/query_sn_patch",json_encode($args)); if($ret["status"] == "error") $result->error = $ret["msg"]; else $result->result = $ret["data"]; } function getAliase() { global $result,$server; $fac = file_get_contents("/link/config/fac"); $fac = str_replace("\n","",$fac); if(is_null($fac) || $fac == "") { $result->error = "获取机型错误Error getting model"; return; } $args = array("fac"=>$fac); $ret = send("http://".$server."/api/aliase/query_aliase",json_encode($args)); if($ret["status"] == "error") $result->error = $ret["msg"]; else $result->result = $ret["data"]; } function send($url, $data = null){ global $result; $context = null; if(!is_null($data)) { $opts = [ 'http'=>[ 'method'=>"POST", 'content'=> $data ] ]; $context = stream_context_create($opts); } $json = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); if(strpos($http_response_header[0], "200") === false) { if(strpos($http_response_header[0], "404") !== false) { $result->error = "函数没有找到"; return; } if(strpos($http_response_header[0], "405") !== false) { $result->error = "函数参数不匹配"; return; } $result->error = "请求异常"; return; } if(is_null($json)) { $result->error = "返回值为空"; return; } $retVal = json_decode($json,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); if(is_null($retVal)) { $result->error = "返回格式异常"; return; } return $retVal; } ?>