import {queryData, checkFileExists, func, alertMsg, rpc, rpc2, rpc3, rpc4, deepCopy, clearReactiveObject, clearReactiveArray, request, isEmpty} from "./lp.utils.js"; import vue from "./"; const { ref,reactive,onMounted } = vue; export const useDefaultConf = () => { const defaultConf = reactive([]); const handleDefaultConf = () => { queryData("config/config.json").then((conf)=>{ defaultConf.splice(0, defaultConf.length, ...conf); }); } const updateDefaultConf = (tip= "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ rpc( "enc.update", [ JSON.stringify( defaultConf, null, 2 ) ]).then(data => { if ( typeof ( data.error ) != "undefined" ) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config success!', 'success'); resolve(); } }); }) } onMounted(handleDefaultConf); return { defaultConf,updateDefaultConf } } export const useHardwareConf = () => { const hardwareConf = reactive({}); const handleHardwareConf = () => { queryData("config/hardware.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(hardwareConf, conf); }) } const updateHardwareConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/conf/updateHardwareConf",hardwareConf).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleHardwareConf); return { hardwareConf,updateHardwareConf } } export const usePortConf = () => { const portConf = reactive({}); const handlePortConf = () => { queryData("config/port.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(portConf, conf); }) } const updatePortConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ rpc3("update", [JSON.stringify( portConf, null, 2 )]).then(data => { if ( typeof ( data.error ) !== "undefined" ) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }); }) } onMounted(handlePortConf); return { portConf,updatePortConf } } export const useOverlayConf = () => { const overlayConf = reactive([]); const handleOverlayConf = () => { queryData("config/auto/overlay.json").then((conf)=>{ overlayConf.splice(0, overlayConf.length, ...conf); }) } const updateOverlayConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ rpc("enc.updateOverlay", [ JSON.stringify( overlayConf, null, 2 ) ]).then(data => { if ( typeof ( data.error ) != "undefined" ) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config success!', 'success'); } }); }) } onMounted(handleOverlayConf); return { overlayConf,updateOverlayConf } } export const useResConf = () => { const resConf = reactive([]); const handleResConf = () => { queryData("res/").then((conf)=>{ clearReactiveArray(resConf); resConf.splice(0, resConf.length, ...conf); }) } onMounted(() => { handleResConf(); }) return { resConf,handleResConf } } export const useDefLaysConf = () => { const defLaysConf = reactive([]); const handleDefLaysConf = () => { queryData("config/defLays.json").then((conf)=>{ defLaysConf.splice(0, defLaysConf.length, ...conf); }) } onMounted(handleDefLaysConf); return { defLaysConf } } export const useThemeConf = () => { const themeConf = reactive({}); const handleThemeConf = () => { queryData("config/theme_standard.json").then(conf => { clearReactiveObject(themeConf); Object.assign(themeConf,conf); }) } const updateThemeConf = (type) => { return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ themeConf.used = type; func("/conf/updateThemeConf",themeConf).then(data => { if ( data.status === "success" ) { const html = document.querySelector('html'); html.setAttribute('data-bs-theme', type); localStorage.setItem("theme",type); resolve(); return; } reject(); }) }) } onMounted(handleThemeConf); return { themeConf,updateThemeConf } } export const useNetManagerConf = (tip = "tip") => { const netManagerConf = reactive({}); const formatMac = mac => { mac = mac.toUpperCase(); mac = mac.replace(/[\'\"\\\/\b\f\n\r\t]/g, ''); mac = mac.replace(/(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})/, '$1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6'); return mac; } const handleNetManagerConf = async () => { const [conf,mac, mac2] = await Promise.all([ queryData("config/netManager.json"), queryData("config/mac",{responseType: 'text'}), await checkFileExists("config/mac2") ? queryData("config/mac2",{responseType: 'text'}) : Promise.resolve("") ]); Object.keys(conf.interface).forEach(item => { if(item.includes("eth")) { if(item === "eth0") conf.interface[item].mac = formatMac(mac); else conf.interface[item].mac = formatMac(mac2); } }); clearReactiveObject(netManagerConf); Object.assign(netManagerConf, conf); } const updateNetManagerConf = (tip = "tip") => { let mac = "",mac2 = ""; const conf = deepCopy(netManagerConf); Object.keys(conf.interface).forEach(item => { if(item.includes("eth")) { if(conf.interface[item].hasOwnProperty("mac")) { if(item === "eth0") mac = conf.interface[item].mac; else mac2 = conf.interface[item].mac; } delete conf.interface[item].mac; } }); return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ const macRegex = /^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$/; const promiseList = []; if(!isEmpty(mac)) { if(!macRegex.test(mac)) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('Mac地址格式错误Mac address format error', 'error'); return; } else promiseList.push(func("/conf/updateMacConf",mac)); } if(!isEmpty(mac2)) { if(!macRegex.test(mac2)) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('Mac地址格式错误Mac address format error', 'error'); return; } else promiseList.push(func("/conf/updateMac2Conf",mac2)); } promiseList.push(rpc2("net.update",[JSON.stringify(conf,null,2)])); Promise.all(promiseList).then((results) => { if(results.every(ret => typeof ret === "boolean" ? ret : (ret?.status === "success"))) { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } else { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleNetManagerConf); return { netManagerConf,updateNetManagerConf } } export const usePasswordConf = () => { const updateUserPasswd = (param,tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ func("/conf/updatePasswdConf",param).then((data)=>{ if(data.status === "success") { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg(data.msg, 'success'); } else { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg(data.msg, 'error'); } }); }) } return { updateUserPasswd } } export const useVideoBufferConf = () => { const videoBufferConf= reactive({}); const handleVideoBufferConf = () => { queryData("config/videoBuffer.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(videoBufferConf,conf) }) } const updateVideoBufferConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/conf/updateVideoBufferConf",videoBufferConf).then((data)=>{ if(data.status === "success") { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } else { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } }); }) } onMounted(handleVideoBufferConf); return { videoBufferConf,updateVideoBufferConf } } export const useNtpConf = () => { const ntpConf= reactive({}); const handleNtpConf = () => { queryData("config/ntp.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(ntpConf,conf) }) } const updateNtpConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/conf/updateNtpConf", ntpConf).then((data)=>{ if(data.status === "success") { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } else { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } }); }) } onMounted(handleNtpConf); return { ntpConf,updateNtpConf } } export const useTimezoneConf = () => { const timezoneConf= reactive({}); const handleTimezoneConf = () => { queryData("config/misc/timezone/tzselect.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(timezoneConf,conf) }) } const updateTimezoneConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/conf/updateTimezoneConf", timezoneConf).then((data)=>{ if(data.status === "success") { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } else { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } }); }) } onMounted(handleTimezoneConf); return { timezoneConf,updateTimezoneConf } } export const useVersionConf = () => { const versionConf= reactive({}); const handleVersionConf = () => { queryData("config/version.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(versionConf,conf) }) } onMounted(()=>{ handleVersionConf(); }) return { versionConf } } export const useVerLogsConf = () => { const verLogsConf= reactive([]); const handleVerLogsConf = () => { queryData("config/verLogs.json").then((conf)=>{ verLogsConf.splice(0, verLogsConf.length, ...conf); }) } onMounted(handleVerLogsConf); return { verLogsConf } } export const usePushConf = () => { const pushConf= reactive({}); const handlePushConf = () => { queryData("config/push.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(pushConf,conf) }) } const updatePushConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject)=> { rpc("push.update", [ JSON.stringify( pushConf, null, 2 ) ]).then(data => { if ( typeof ( data.error ) !== "undefined" ) { if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); reject(); return; } resolve(); }); }) } onMounted(handlePushConf); return { pushConf,updatePushConf } } export const useUartConf = () => { const uartConf= reactive({}); const handleUartConf = () => { queryData("config/uart.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(uartConf,conf) }) } onMounted(()=>{ handleUartConf(); }) return { uartConf } } export const useButtonConf = () => { const buttonConf= reactive([]); const handleButtonConf = () => { checkFileExists("config/button.json").then(exists => { if(exists) { queryData("config/button.json").then((conf)=>{ buttonConf.splice(0, buttonConf.length, ...conf); }) } }) } onMounted(handleButtonConf); return { buttonConf } } export const useIntercomConf = () => { const intercomConf= reactive({}); const handleIntercomConf = () => { queryData("config/intercom.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(intercomConf,conf) }) } onMounted(handleIntercomConf); return { intercomConf } } export const useMqttConf = () => { const mqttConf= reactive({}); const handleMqttConf = () => { queryData("config/misc/mqtt.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(mqttConf,conf) }) } const updateMqttConf = (tip='tip') => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { rpc4( "mqtt.update", [mqttConf]).then( data => { if ( typeof ( data.error ) != "undefined" ) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config success!', 'success'); } } ); }) } onMounted(handleMqttConf); return { mqttConf,updateMqttConf } } export const useFrpEnableConf = () => { const frpEnableConf= ref(false); const handleFrpEnableConf = () => { queryData("config/rproxy/frp_enable").then((conf)=>{ frpEnableConf.value = conf; }) } const updateFrpEnableConf = (tip='tip') => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/conf/updateFrpEnableConf",frpEnableConf.value.toString()).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleFrpEnableConf); return { frpEnableConf,updateFrpEnableConf } } export const useFrpcConf = () => { const frpcConf= ref(""); const handleFrpcConf = () => { queryData("config/rproxy/frpc.ini").then((conf)=>{ frpcConf.value = conf; }) } const updateFrpcConf = (tip='tip') => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/conf/updateFrpcConf",frpcConf.value).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleFrpcConf); return { frpcConf,updateFrpcConf } } export const useServiceConf = () => { const serviceConf= reactive({}); const handleServiceConf = () => { queryData("config/service.json").then((conf)=>{ clearReactiveObject(serviceConf); Object.assign(serviceConf,conf); }) } const updateServiceConf = (tip='tip') => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/conf/updateServiceConf",serviceConf).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleServiceConf); return { serviceConf,updateServiceConf } } export const useSlsConf = () => { const slsConf= ref(""); const handleSlsConf = () => { queryData("config/sls.conf").then((conf)=>{ slsConf.value = conf; }) } const updateSlsConf = (tip='tip') => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/conf/updateSlsConf",slsConf.value).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleSlsConf); return { slsConf,updateSlsConf } } export const useRtmpConf = () => { const rtmpConf= ref(""); const handleRtmpConf = () => { queryData("config/rtmp.conf").then((conf)=>{ rtmpConf.value = conf; }) } const updateRtmpConf = (tip = 'tip') => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/conf/updateRtmpConf",rtmpConf.value).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleRtmpConf); return { rtmpConf,updateRtmpConf } } export const useNdiConf = () => { const ndiConf= ref(""); const handleNdiConf = () => { queryData("config/ndi.json").then((conf)=>{ ndiConf.value = JSON.stringify(conf,null,4); }) } const updateNdiConf = (tip = 'tip') => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/conf/updateNdiConf",ndiConf.value).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败,格式错误Failed to save, format error!', 'error'); } else { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleNdiConf); return { ndiConf,updateNdiConf } } export const useSsidConf = () => { const ssidConf= reactive({}); const handleSSIDConf = () => { queryData("config/ssid.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(ssidConf,conf) }) } onMounted(handleSSIDConf); return { ssidConf } } export const useWpaConf = () => { const wpaConf= reactive([]); const handleWpaConf = () => { checkFileExists("config/wpa.conf").then(exists => { if(exists) { queryData("config/wpa.conf").then((conf)=>{ const networkList = []; const regex = /network={([\s\S]*?)}/g; let match; while ((match = regex.exec(conf)) !== null) { const networkObjStr = match[1].trim(); const lines = networkObjStr.split("\n"); const networkObj = {}; for (const line of lines) { let [key, value] = line.split("="); value = value.trim(); value = value.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1'); networkObj[key.trim()] = value; } networkList.push(networkObj); } wpaConf.splice(0, wpaConf.length, ...networkList); }) } }) } onMounted(handleWpaConf); return { wpaConf } } export const useRecordConf = () => { const recordConf = reactive({}); const handleRecordConf = () => { queryData("config/record.json").then(conf => { clearReactiveObject(recordConf); Object.assign(recordConf,conf) }) } const updateRecordConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { rpc("rec.update", [JSON.stringify(recordConf, null, 2)]).then(data => { if(tip !== "noTip") { if ( typeof ( data.error ) !== "undefined" ) alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); else alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleRecordConf); return { recordConf,handleRecordConf,updateRecordConf } } export const useRecordFiles = () => { const recordFiles = reactive({}); const handleRecordFiles = () => { func("/root/getRecordFiles").then(conf => { clearReactiveObject(recordFiles); Object.assign(recordFiles,; }) } onMounted(handleRecordFiles); return { recordFiles,handleRecordFiles } } export const useGb28181Conf = () => { const gb28181Conf = reactive({}); const handleGb28181Conf = () => { queryData("config/auto/gb28181.json").then(conf => { Object.assign(gb28181Conf,conf) }) } const updateGb28181Conf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { rpc( "gb28181.update", [JSON.stringify( gb28181Conf, null, 2 ) ]).then( data => { if ( typeof ( data.error ) != "undefined" ) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }); }) } onMounted(handleGb28181Conf); return { gb28181Conf,updateGb28181Conf } } export const useRoiConf = () => { const roiConf = reactive([]); const handleRoiConf = () => { queryData("config/auto/roi.json").then(conf => { roiConf.splice(0, roiConf.length, ...conf); }) } const updateRoiConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { rpc( "enc.updateRoi", [JSON.stringify( roiConf, null, 2 ) ]).then( data => { if ( typeof ( data.error ) != "undefined" ) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }); }) } onMounted(handleRoiConf); return { roiConf,updateRoiConf } } export const useSyncConf = () => { const syncConf = reactive([]); const handleSyncConf = () => { queryData("config/auto/sync.json").then(conf => { syncConf.splice(0,syncConf.length,...conf) }) } const updateSyncConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { rpc("sync.update", [ syncConf ]).then( data => { if ( typeof ( data.error ) != "undefined" ) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } } ); }) } onMounted(handleSyncConf); return { syncConf,updateSyncConf } } export const usePtzConf = () => { const ptzConf = reactive({}); const handlePtzConf = () => { queryData("config/auto/ptz.json").then((conf)=>{ Object.assign(ptzConf, conf); }) } const updatePtzConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ func("/conf/updatePtzConf",ptzConf).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handlePtzConf); return { ptzConf,updatePtzConf } } export const useUsbFilesConf = () => { const usbFiles = reactive([]); const handleUsbFilesConf = () => { queryData("files/").then(conf => { usbFiles.splice(0, usbFiles.length, ...conf); }) } onMounted(handleUsbFilesConf); return { usbFiles } } export const useDiskConf = () => { const diskConf = reactive({}); const handleDiskConf = () => { queryData("config/misc/disk.json").then(conf => { clearReactiveObject(diskConf); Object.assign(diskConf,conf) }) } const updateDiskConf = conf => { return new Promise(async (resolve,reject)=>{ let result = await func("/conf/updateDiskConf", conf); if(result.status === "error") { alertMsg(result.msg,result.status); reject(); return; } resolve(); }); } onMounted(handleDiskConf); return { diskConf,handleDiskConf,updateDiskConf } } export const useGroupConf = () => { const groupConf = reactive({}); const handleGroupConf = () => { queryData("config/group.json").then(conf => { clearReactiveObject(groupConf); Object.assign(groupConf,conf); }) } const updateGroupConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise(async (resolve,reject)=>{ rpc("group.update", [groupConf]).then (data => { if (!data) { reject(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } } ); }); } onMounted(handleGroupConf); return { groupConf,updateGroupConf } } export const useRttyConf = () => { const rttyConf = reactive({}); const handleGroupConf = () => { rpc("enc.getSN").then(sn=> { queryData("config/rtty.json").then(conf => { = sn; clearReactiveObject(rttyConf); Object.assign(rttyConf,conf); }) }) } const updateRttyConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise(async (resolve,reject)=>{ func("/conf/updateRttyConf",rttyConf).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }); } onMounted(handleGroupConf); return { rttyConf,updateRttyConf } } export const useFacConf = () => { const curFac = ref(""); const facConf = reactive([]); const handleFacConf = () => { func("/root/scanFacDir").then(data => { if(data.status === "success") { clearReactiveArray(facConf); facConf.push(...(; } }) } const updateFacConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/root/changeFacType",curFac.value).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleFacConf); return { curFac,facConf,updateFacConf } } export const useColorModeConf = () => { const colorModeConf = ref(0); const handleColorModeConf = () => { func("/root/getColorMode").then(data => { if(data.status === "success") { =\\+/g, ''); colorModeConf.value = parseInt(; } }) } const updateColorModeConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/root/setColorMode",colorModeConf.value).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleColorModeConf); return { colorModeConf,updateColorModeConf } } export const useLphConf = () => { const lphConf = ref(""); const handleLphConf = () => { func("/root/getLphAuth").then(data => { if(data.status === "success") lphConf.value =; }) } const updateLphConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/root/setLphAuth",lphConf.value).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleLphConf); return { lphConf,updateLphConf } } export const useEdidConf = () => { const edidConf = ref(""); const handleEdidConf = () => { func("/root/getEdidConf").then(data => { if(data.status === "success") { const [edid,] ="."); edidConf.value = edid; } }) } const updateEdidConf = (tip = "tip") => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { func("/root/setEdidConf",edidConf.value).then(data => { if ( data.status !== "success" ) { reject(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置失败Save config failed!', 'error'); } else { resolve(data); if(tip !== "noTip") alertMsg('保存设置成功Save config successfully!', 'success'); } }) }) } onMounted(handleEdidConf); return { edidConf,updateEdidConf } } export const useSnConf = () => { const sn = ref(""); const handleSnConf = () => { rpc( "enc.getSN").then( data => sn.value = data.replace(/[\r\n]/g,"")); } onMounted(handleSnConf); return { sn } } export const useMcuConf = () => { const mcuConf =reactive({}); const handleMcuConf = () => { func("/conf/handleMcuConf").then(data => { if(data.status === "success") { clearReactiveObject(mcuConf); Object.assign(mcuConf,; } }) } onMounted(handleMcuConf); return { mcuConf } }