
4 lines
441 KiB
Executable File

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252.41 108.61 252.04 110.46 C 251.68 112.31 251.17 113.88 249.92 114.56 C 248.67 115.24 246.32 114.95 244.55 114.52 C 242.79 114.09 240.6 113.27 239.31 111.96 C 238.03 110.66 236.74 108.13 236.85 106.71 C 236.95 105.29 238.76 104.59 239.93 103.44 C 241.09 102.29 243.45 100.2 243.84 99.79 C 244.24 99.39 242.63 100.82 242.3 101.01" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 247.16 100.34 C 248.92 100.81 251.2 102.72 252.23 104.1 C 253.27 105.48 253.74 107.11 253.37 108.62 C 253 110.12 251.36 111.94 250.03 113.14 C 248.7 114.33 246.97 115.67 245.36 115.77 C 243.76 115.88 241.67 114.87 240.4 113.75 C 239.13 112.63 238.27 110.79 237.72 109.07 C 237.17 107.34 236.45 104.84 237.1 103.41 C 237.75 101.98 239.69 100.87 241.62 100.49 C 243.55 100.12 247.22 100.84 248.7 101.16 C 250.18 101.49 250.61 102.23 250.51 102.46 M 250.06 99.56 C 251.61 99.92 251.69 102.29 252.25 104.07 C 252.82 105.85 253.86 108.83 253.47 110.26 C 253.07 111.69 251.51 111.7 249.87 112.65 C 248.23 113.6 245.6 115.88 243.63 115.97 C 241.65 116.06 238.93 114.54 238.03 113.17 C 237.13 111.81 237.89 109.57 238.24 107.8 C 238.59 106.03 239.22 103.96 240.13 102.58 C 241.04 101.19 242.16 99.95 243.7 99.51 C 245.23 99.07 248.61 99.62 249.32 99.95 C 250.02 100.27 248.28 101.43 247.93 101.46" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 245 115 M 245 115 C 246.77 125.86 243.65 134.22 245 140 M 245 115 C 245.62 122.66 245.15 128.82 245 140 M 245 120 M 245 120 C 240.51 120.61 236.11 120.03 230 120 M 245 120 C 241.84 119.36 238.69 119.51 230 120 M 245 120 M 245 120 C 250.06 119.34 253.18 121.34 260 120 M 245 120 C 248.67 120.3 251.68 119.48 260 120 M 245 140 M 245 140 C 241.84 146.86 236.79 152.77 230 160 M 245 140 C 241.36 144.82 236.34 151.27 230 160 M 245 140 M 245 140 C 250.01 142.98 252.16 149.71 260 160 M 245 140 C 248.6 145 253.4 150.7 260 160" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" 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379.2 209 C 360 217.8 381.6 237 397.2 229 C 408 245 444 245 456 229 C 480 229 480 213 465 205 C 480 189 456 173 435 181 C 420 169 396 169 390 185 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 391.71 185.15 L 375.36 188.84 L 371.15 191.9 L 366.97 198.65 L 368.55 200.16 L 370.65 206.95 L 381.06 207.34 L 374.81 211.26 L 372.24 219.08 L 372.33 222.57 L 380.3 230.11 L 390.21 231.13 L 395.43 230.97 L 405.42 238.26 L 415.43 242.18 L 436.41 241.58 L 447.41 234.97 L 456.53 228.04 L 468.26 225.98 L 474.96 220.93 L 474.75 212.63 L 463.38 205.14 L 467.61 198.44 L 470.3 189.79 L 465.35 184.56 L 455.96 180.25 L 441.11 177.65 L 435.75 181.1 L 422.64 174.63 L 409.78 171.95 L 397.67 174.87 L 390.09 185.96" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 390 185 M 390 185 C 366.33 186.84 361.38 204.46 379.2 209 M 390 185 C 365.6 183.55 361.22 203.9 379.2 209 M 379.2 209 C 360.6 217.43 381.49 236.09 397.2 229 M 379.2 209 C 358.59 218.7 382.56 237.3 397.2 229 M 397.2 229 C 409.01 243.73 443.09 243.48 456 229 M 397.2 229 C 407.25 245.37 444.07 243.85 456 229 M 456 229 C 481.08 229.66 481.39 211.29 465 205 M 456 229 C 478.48 230.32 478.75 210.89 465 205 M 465 205 C 479.86 188.45 456.69 172.67 435 181 M 465 205 C 481.77 188.46 457.18 174.34 435 181 M 435 181 C 419.87 170.62 394.42 169.27 390 185 M 435 181 C 420.25 169.29 397.83 168.89 390 185 M 390 185 C 390 185 390 185 390 185 M 390 185 C 390 185 390 185 390 185" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 205px; margin-left: 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stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 306.44 541.95 C 306.44 541.95 306.44 541.95 306.44 541.95 M 306.44 541.95 C 306.44 541.95 306.44 541.95 306.44 541.95 M 308.15 546.08 C 308.49 545.6 309.24 545.12 310.12 543.81 M 308.15 546.08 C 308.77 545.35 309.45 544.5 310.12 543.81" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 310 548.88 M 310 548.88 C 308.76 546.8 309.15 546.33 306.5 541.88 M 310 548.88 C 309.12 547.04 307.45 544.31 306.5 541.88 M 306.5 541.88 C 307.84 542.31 308.92 543.28 310 543.63 M 306.5 541.88 C 307.42 542.43 308 542.62 310 543.63 M 310 543.63 C 310.8 543.6 312.01 542.82 313.5 541.88 M 310 543.63 C 311 542.94 312.06 542.53 313.5 541.88 M 313.5 541.88 C 312.28 544.01 312.05 544.6 310 548.88 M 313.5 541.88 C 312.63 544.03 311.38 546.11 310 548.88" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" 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440 280 C 416 280 410 300 429.2 304 C 410 312.8 431.6 332 447.2 324 C 458 340 494 340 506 324 C 530 324 530 308 515 300 C 530 284 506 268 485 276 C 470 264 446 264 440 280 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 441.71 280.49 L 423.77 282.7 L 420.12 284.58 L 416.13 291.09 L 418.82 296.36 L 419.05 298.38 L 428.6 305.2 L 425.51 308.79 L 421.12 313.71 L 424.5 320.06 L 431.14 324.62 L 440.56 327.21 L 447.88 325.51 L 455.67 332.36 L 468.66 336.97 L 486.77 335.97 L 498.54 331.34 L 505.16 323.86 L 520.86 321.38 L 523.45 316.21 L 525.28 305.69 L 516.2 298.84 L 517.93 295.96 L 520.28 283.84 L 517.14 282.59 L 507.77 275.56 L 492.37 272.49 L 483.35 275.62 L 474.16 267.86 L 459.89 268.66 L 445.5 272.4 L 439.68 278.95" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 440 280 M 440 280 C 416.21 279.92 409.12 298.91 429.2 304 M 440 280 C 417.76 280.03 408.6 298.05 429.2 304 M 429.2 304 C 411.07 313.96 429.67 333.68 447.2 324 M 429.2 304 C 409.5 312.86 431.68 333.05 447.2 324 M 447.2 324 C 457.44 338.73 493.54 339.18 506 324 M 447.2 324 C 458.93 340.6 492.79 338.82 506 324 M 506 324 C 531.48 322.08 530.43 306.11 515 300 M 506 324 C 531.07 325.59 532.11 309.95 515 300 M 515 300 C 530.35 285.69 506.67 266.18 485 276 M 515 300 C 528.38 283.53 503.87 267.19 485 276 M 485 276 C 470.21 265 445.16 264.11 440 280 M 485 276 C 469.37 265.29 446.34 262.83 440 280 M 440 280 C 440 280 440 280 440 280 M 440 280 C 440 280 440 280 440 280" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 300px; 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stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 331.37 370.16 C 331.37 370.16 331.37 370.16 331.37 370.16 M 331.37 370.16 C 331.37 370.16 331.37 370.16 331.37 370.16 M 333.08 374.3 C 333.71 373.76 334.63 372.6 335.05 372.03 M 333.08 374.3 C 333.92 373.35 334.42 372.63 335.05 372.03" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 338.08 374 M 338.08 374 C 335.16 374.74 333.36 377.05 331.08 377.5 M 338.08 374 C 336.72 374.46 334.91 375.57 331.08 377.5 M 331.08 377.5 C 331.71 376.87 332.14 375.74 332.83 374 M 331.08 377.5 C 331.71 376.49 332.22 375.46 332.83 374 M 332.83 374 C 332.11 373.08 331.65 371.85 331.08 370.5 M 332.83 374 C 332.38 373.15 332.06 372.2 331.08 370.5 M 331.08 370.5 C 333.39 371.5 335.65 373.3 338.08 374 M 331.08 370.5 C 333.13 371.76 336.09 372.62 338.08 374" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" 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385.06 248.92 383.99 C 247.85 382.92 247.69 380.28 247.63 378.46 C 247.56 376.64 247.79 374.22 248.51 373.08 C 249.24 371.94 251.36 372.31 251.98 371.6 C 252.61 370.89 251.9 369.09 252.26 368.81" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 251.41 371.05 C 252.88 370.17 255.69 369.87 257.2 370.25 C 258.71 370.63 259.55 372.21 260.49 373.35 C 261.43 374.49 262.84 375.66 262.84 377.08 C 262.85 378.5 261.75 380.58 260.53 381.85 C 259.32 383.11 257.18 384.46 255.56 384.68 C 253.95 384.89 252.13 383.97 250.84 383.13 C 249.55 382.28 248.47 381.13 247.83 379.63 C 247.2 378.12 246.28 375.59 247.04 374.09 C 247.79 372.6 251.47 371.21 252.36 370.65 C 253.25 370.09 252.29 370.79 252.38 370.73 M 256.55 370.35 C 258.29 370.17 258.91 370.88 260.04 372.07 C 261.17 373.26 263.25 375.84 263.34 377.49 C 263.43 379.14 261.53 380.56 260.56 381.97 C 259.58 383.37 258.97 385.42 257.49 385.92 C 256 386.42 253.04 385.6 251.65 384.95 C 250.26 384.3 249.96 383.44 249.13 382.02 C 248.3 380.6 246.27 378.18 246.67 376.43 C 247.08 374.68 250.05 372.84 251.56 371.52 C 253.07 370.21 255.13 368.9 255.73 368.53 C 256.33 368.17 255.35 368.91 255.16 369.35" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 255 385 M 255 385 C 253.47 392.75 254.82 405.71 255 410 M 255 385 C 255.3 391.7 255.56 399.92 255 410 M 255 390 M 255 390 C 251.09 389.24 248.55 388.67 240 390 M 255 390 C 249.72 390.28 245.2 389.94 240 390 M 255 390 M 255 390 C 259.96 389.11 265.8 391.48 270 390 M 255 390 C 260.31 390.53 264.46 390.2 270 390 M 255 410 M 255 410 C 251.08 417.31 247.3 421.09 240 430 M 255 410 C 250.58 415.74 245.24 422.8 240 430 M 255 410 M 255 410 C 257.85 415 262.87 419.62 270 430 M 255 410 C 260.63 416.26 265.11 424.66 270 430" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 437px; margin-left: 255px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;">Signal Angel</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="255" y="449" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="IBM Plex Sans" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Signa...</text></switch></g><path d="M 325 570 Q 541 570 541 462.87" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 541 457.62 L 544.5 464.62 L 541 462.87 L 537.5 464.62 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 325 570 M 325 570 C 470.71 568.19 539.31 536.08 541 462.87 M 325 570 C 471.26 568.2 538.79 536.26 541 462.87" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 541.31 457.26 C 541.31 457.26 541.31 457.26 541.31 457.26 M 541.31 457.26 C 541.31 457.26 541.31 457.26 541.31 457.26 M 541.71 462.9 C 542.34 462.33 542.45 461.98 543.02 461.39 M 541.71 462.9 C 542.05 462.52 542.37 462.24 543.02 461.39" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 541 457.62 M 541 457.62 C 542.98 459.89 543.18 462.94 544.5 464.62 M 541 457.62 C 541.73 459.46 543.14 461.98 544.5 464.62 M 544.5 464.62 C 543.29 464.42 542.92 463.37 541 462.87 M 544.5 464.62 C 543.48 464.21 541.97 463.58 541 462.87 M 541 462.87 C 540.07 463.37 538.09 464.49 537.5 464.62 M 541 462.87 C 539.77 463.46 538.49 463.89 537.5 464.62 M 537.5 464.62 C 538.8 463.13 538.9 460.69 541 457.62 M 537.5 464.62 C 538.54 462.11 540.09 459.85 541 457.62" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 571px; margin-left: 351px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; background-color: rgb(255, 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316 552.43 316.12 553.73 316.83 554.76 C 317.53 555.79 318.87 556.66 318.57 558.06 C 318.26 559.47 316.44 562.03 315 563.19 C 313.55 564.34 311.6 565.07 309.9 564.99 C 308.2 564.9 305.96 563.83 304.79 562.67 C 303.63 561.51 303.01 559.66 302.89 558.04 C 302.76 556.43 302.96 554.43 304.04 552.96 C 305.12 551.49 308.5 549.52 309.37 549.21 C 310.23 548.89 309.65 550.68 309.25 551.08" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 312.77 550.55 C 314.05 550.73 314.74 551.37 315.49 552.52 C 316.24 553.67 317.34 555.79 317.25 557.46 C 317.17 559.13 316.22 561.15 314.96 562.54 C 313.7 563.92 311.38 565.45 309.7 565.77 C 308.02 566.09 306.2 565.58 304.88 564.46 C 303.56 563.35 302.08 560.77 301.77 559.07 C 301.45 557.37 302.2 555.54 302.99 554.25 C 303.78 552.95 304.75 551.86 306.52 551.28 C 308.28 550.7 312.34 550.8 313.57 550.77 C 314.81 550.74 313.93 551.17 313.94 551.12 M 309.33 550.96 C 310.73 550.92 311.77 550.69 313.04 551.62 C 314.31 552.55 316.36 555.23 316.94 556.55 C 317.51 557.86 317.2 558.16 316.5 559.49 C 315.79 560.83 314.11 563.76 312.69 564.55 C 311.28 565.34 309.35 564.62 308.02 564.25 C 306.7 563.88 305.62 563.56 304.76 562.33 C 303.9 561.1 302.98 558.49 302.86 556.86 C 302.74 555.22 302.77 553.92 304.04 552.51 C 305.31 551.1 309.47 548.99 310.49 548.41 C 311.52 547.82 310.33 548.74 310.19 548.98" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 310 565 M 310 565 C 311.37 575.71 311.54 584.87 310 590 M 310 565 C 309.53 573.71 309.37 582.95 310 590 M 310 570 M 310 570 C 305.29 571.09 301.36 569.51 295 570 M 310 570 C 306.01 570.19 301.03 569.68 295 570 M 310 570 M 310 570 C 313.92 569.93 317.67 570.42 325 570 M 310 570 C 315.35 570.6 320.88 569.44 325 570 M 310 590 M 310 590 C 305.37 596.12 303 600.52 295 610 M 310 590 C 306.72 594.71 302.27 600.64 295 610 M 310 590 M 310 590 C 315.53 598.35 318.51 602.25 325 610 M 310 590 C 312.98 595.82 318.01 599.11 325 610" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 617px; margin-left: 310px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;">Translation Angel</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="310" y="629" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="IBM Plex Sans" font-size="12px" 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560.2 448.5 C 583.47 448.08 593.94 453.71 592.5 469.05 M 592.5 469.05 C 592.01 484.32 601.82 488.87 622.2 489.64 M 592.5 469.05 C 590.78 483.69 603.88 489.97 622.2 489.64" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 620.37 486.23 C 620.37 486.23 620.37 486.23 620.37 486.23 M 620.37 486.23 C 620.37 486.23 620.37 486.23 620.37 486.23 M 622.73 489.61 C 623.31 489.22 623.84 488.66 624.04 488.1 M 622.73 489.61 C 623.21 489.06 623.51 488.68 624.04 488.1" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 627.45 489.64 M 627.45 489.64 C 626.36 489.98 624.29 491.68 620.45 493.13 M 627.45 489.64 C 625.52 490.24 623.5 491.55 620.45 493.13 M 620.45 493.13 C 621.21 492.33 621.36 491.74 622.2 489.64 M 620.45 493.13 C 620.98 492.01 621.3 491.29 622.2 489.64 M 622.2 489.64 C 621.43 488.66 621.03 487.49 620.46 486.13 M 622.2 489.64 C 621.96 488.79 621.45 488.07 620.46 486.13 M 620.46 486.13 C 622.09 487.19 623.57 487.56 627.45 489.64 M 620.46 486.13 C 622.96 487.64 625.43 488.5 627.45 489.64" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 475 412.5 C 451 412.5 445 432.5 464.2 436.5 C 445 445.3 466.6 464.5 482.2 456.5 C 493 472.5 529 472.5 541 456.5 C 565 456.5 565 440.5 550 432.5 C 565 416.5 541 400.5 520 408.5 C 505 396.5 481 396.5 475 412.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 476.71 414.35 L 460.39 414.62 L 454.97 419.8 L 451.78 425.35 L 454.9 429.69 L 455.62 432.59 L 465.77 437.15 L 459.32 439.41 L 455.63 444.71 L 460.19 450.51 L 465.5 455.14 L 476.96 460.01 L 480.71 456.16 L 491.67 465.25 L 500.58 468.63 L 519.21 466.03 L 530.06 465.31 L 542.67 455.63 L 554.24 455.48 L 560.38 445.83 L 558.41 438.41 L 550.45 434.16 L 554.18 426.55 L 555.2 416.55 L 551.28 415.22 L 542 409.33 L 528.42 408.34 L 520.73 410.19 L 507.27 401.28 L 495.34 400.01 L 483.79 403.01 L 473.05 411.38" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 475 412.5 M 475 412.5 C 450.72 412.76 443.06 433.22 464.2 436.5 M 475 412.5 C 452.18 413.81 446.91 431.75 464.2 436.5 M 464.2 436.5 C 443.96 444.57 465.39 464.55 482.2 456.5 M 464.2 436.5 C 443.55 446.63 467.74 463.96 482.2 456.5 M 482.2 456.5 C 494.19 471.21 530.33 474.45 541 456.5 M 482.2 456.5 C 491.45 474.01 527.24 471.21 541 456.5 M 541 456.5 C 564.08 456.27 565.62 441.85 550 432.5 M 541 456.5 C 567.24 454.56 566.77 440.3 550 432.5 M 550 432.5 C 563.32 415.14 541.57 400.71 520 408.5 M 550 432.5 C 563.62 416.33 539.41 400.3 520 408.5 M 520 408.5 C 506.58 395.01 479.13 395.97 475 412.5 M 520 408.5 C 505.45 397.2 480 395.73 475 412.5 M 475 412.5 C 475 412.5 475 412.5 475 412.5 M 475 412.5 C 475 412.5 475 412.5 475 412.5" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" 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410.28 295.5 M 410.28 295.5 C 411.26 294.47 411.6 292.4 412.03 292 M 410.28 295.5 C 410.65 294.58 411.26 293.93 412.03 292 M 412.03 292 C 411.47 291.34 411.06 290.34 410.28 288.5 M 412.03 292 C 411.49 290.96 410.68 289.39 410.28 288.5 M 410.28 288.5 C 412.66 289.23 415.65 291.56 417.28 292 M 410.28 288.5 C 412.5 289.84 415.21 290.67 417.28 292" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 305 270 Q 330 270 330 248.3 Q 330 226.6 369.23 226.6" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 374.48 226.6 L 367.48 230.1 L 369.23 226.6 L 367.48 223.1 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 305 270 M 305 270 C 322.81 269.36 330.48 264.09 330 248.3 M 305 270 C 322.32 269.42 327.72 263.32 330 248.3 M 330 248.3 C 330.68 233.58 343.59 225.32 369.23 226.6 M 330 248.3 C 328.19 236.05 344.45 224.4 369.23 226.6" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 367.69 222.86 C 367.69 222.86 367.69 222.86 367.69 222.86 M 367.69 222.86 C 367.69 222.86 367.69 222.86 367.69 222.86 M 369.4 226.99 C 370.32 226.02 370.84 225.43 371.37 224.73 M 369.4 226.99 C 369.83 226.44 370.25 225.86 371.37 224.73" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 374.48 226.6 M 374.48 226.6 C 371.89 228.39 370.25 229.42 367.48 230.1 M 374.48 226.6 C 372.58 227.63 370.5 228.63 367.48 230.1 M 367.48 230.1 C 368.02 229.31 368.36 227.8 369.23 226.6 M 367.48 230.1 C 368.28 228.63 368.79 227.42 369.23 226.6 M 369.23 226.6 C 368.83 225.25 368.45 224.33 367.48 223.1 M 369.23 226.6 C 368.64 225.84 368.42 224.8 367.48 223.1 M 367.48 223.1 C 369.72 224.27 370.76 225.65 374.48 226.6 M 367.48 223.1 C 369.91 224.29 371.98 225.13 374.48 226.6" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" 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286.44 253.04 C 284.96 252.25 284.64 252.41 283.82 250.96 C 283 249.51 281.06 245.75 281.51 244.33 C 281.96 242.91 284.93 243.08 286.51 242.43 C 288.1 241.78 290.22 240.84 291.02 240.43 C 291.82 240.03 291.54 239.95 291.3 240" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 293.79 240.43 C 295.35 240.88 296.7 242.36 297.24 243.8 C 297.79 245.23 297.66 247.41 297.06 249.04 C 296.46 250.67 295.06 252.73 293.66 253.58 C 292.25 254.42 290.27 254.24 288.62 254.11 C 286.96 253.98 284.91 254.02 283.73 252.83 C 282.55 251.64 281.5 248.5 281.53 246.98 C 281.57 245.45 282.95 244.8 283.96 243.68 C 284.97 242.55 285.89 240.74 287.58 240.22 C 289.28 239.71 293.07 240.31 294.12 240.6 C 295.17 240.88 294 241.75 293.9 241.92 M 291.54 241.99 C 292.76 242.32 294.88 242.54 295.66 243.48 C 296.43 244.43 296.43 246.17 296.18 247.64 C 295.94 249.12 295.35 251.18 294.2 252.33 C 293.05 253.48 291.01 254.28 289.3 254.53 C 287.59 254.77 285.27 254.69 283.93 253.79 C 282.6 252.9 281.41 250.75 281.29 249.15 C 281.16 247.56 281.98 245.79 283.18 244.23 C 284.39 242.67 286.97 240.3 288.5 239.8 C 290.02 239.3 291.43 240.84 292.34 241.25 C 293.25 241.66 293.71 242.18 293.95 242.24" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 290 255 M 290 255 C 288.36 265.79 288.89 272.99 290 280 M 290 255 C 289.07 262.98 289.3 271.03 290 280 M 290 260 M 290 260 C 284.6 260.35 280.01 258.48 275 260 M 290 260 C 285.18 260.03 280.12 259.59 275 260 M 290 260 M 290 260 C 296.11 260.57 300.23 258.74 305 260 M 290 260 C 295.13 259.39 301.33 259.6 305 260 M 290 280 M 290 280 C 287.02 283.8 282.71 290.26 275 300 M 290 280 C 284.74 287.06 280.78 294.39 275 300 M 290 280 M 290 280 C 295.16 289.25 300.59 294.56 305 300 M 290 280 C 294.03 285.92 298.73 291.64 305 300" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g 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306.12 300 C 308.62 298.59 310.77 297.57 313.12 296.5 M 313.12 296.5 C 312.47 297.58 311.7 299 311.37 300 M 313.12 296.5 C 312.41 298.02 311.77 299.07 311.37 300 M 311.37 300 C 311.79 300.97 312.56 301.43 313.12 303.5 M 311.37 300 C 311.93 301.04 312.43 302.35 313.12 303.5 M 313.12 303.5 C 310.42 302.44 308.22 301.18 306.12 300 M 313.12 303.5 C 311.12 302.7 309.61 301.63 306.12 300" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 350 350 C 326 350 320 370 339.2 374 C 320 382.8 341.6 402 357.2 394 C 368 410 404 410 416 394 C 440 394 440 378 425 370 C 440 354 416 338 395 346 C 380 334 356 334 350 350 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 351.14 349.46 L 335.78 354.51 L 331.8 357.22 L 327.17 360.66 L 327.6 368.18 L 331.79 370.08 L 339.61 375.71 L 334.42 379.28 L 333.26 382.47 L 332.28 389.33 L 338.54 393.3 L 352.64 395.59 L 355.38 393.88 L 364.66 399.57 L 377.26 404.95 L 394.95 406.14 L 408.9 403.03 L 416.91 392.57 L 430.74 391.09 L 435.77 383.52 L 433.03 377.97 L 423.15 368.3 L 427.92 363.64 L 427.45 355.55 L 427.28 350.79 L 416.74 345.18 L 403.55 344.68 L 394.17 347.42 L 381.72 337.87 L 367.57 338.55 L 356.7 342.46 L 348.61 351.49" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 350 350 M 350 350 C 325.7 348.69 321.57 370.37 339.2 374 M 350 350 C 324.67 348.41 319.3 369.61 339.2 374 M 339.2 374 C 320.04 382 341.86 401.68 357.2 394 M 339.2 374 C 322.1 384.71 339.93 403.24 357.2 394 M 357.2 394 C 367.91 410.59 404.78 408.87 416 394 M 357.2 394 C 369.29 412.21 403.58 410.45 416 394 M 416 394 C 441.48 394.9 439.95 377.34 425 370 M 416 394 C 440.16 394.19 440.8 380 425 370 M 425 370 C 441.43 353.65 417.04 337.98 395 346 M 425 370 C 440.93 352.46 414.01 336.58 395 346 M 395 346 C 378.91 335.84 357.85 335.18 350 350 M 395 346 C 379.46 335.35 355.3 332.41 350 350 M 350 350 C 350 350 350 350 350 350 M 350 350 C 350 350 350 350 350 350" 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219.57 719.46 205 710 M 205 710 C 221.92 695.88 197.01 676.48 175 686 M 205 710 C 222.14 692.53 195.29 679.04 175 686 M 175 686 C 159.25 675.22 134.59 675.02 130 690 M 175 686 C 158.58 671.76 133.82 675.96 130 690 M 130 690 C 130 690 130 690 130 690 M 130 690 C 130 690 130 690 130 690" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 710px; margin-left: 101px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; 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396.39 C 231.98 396.39 231.98 396.39 231.98 396.39 M 231.98 396.39 C 231.98 396.39 231.98 396.39 231.98 396.39 M 233.68 400.52 C 234.36 399.73 235 398.99 235.65 398.26 M 233.68 400.52 C 234.43 399.85 235.07 399.06 235.65 398.26" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 238.88 400 M 238.88 400 C 237.5 401.11 235.92 402.04 231.88 403.5 M 238.88 400 C 236.89 400.93 234.84 402.08 231.88 403.5 M 231.88 403.5 C 232.1 402.3 232.42 401.77 233.63 400 M 231.88 403.5 C 232.56 402.06 233.31 400.56 233.63 400 M 233.63 400 C 232.94 398.52 232.65 397.79 231.88 396.5 M 233.63 400 C 233 398.8 232.17 397.24 231.88 396.5 M 231.88 396.5 C 234.7 398.41 236.95 398.68 238.88 400 M 231.88 396.5 C 234.18 397.86 236.93 398.83 238.88 400" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 50 460 C 26 460 20 480 39.2 484 C 20 492.8 41.6 512 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105.61 520.4 116 504 M 116 504 C 138.28 503.75 138.04 486.96 125 480 M 116 504 C 140.75 504.72 138.33 488.93 125 480 M 125 480 C 138.41 464.12 116.99 448.99 95 456 M 125 480 C 138.75 462.6 116.58 446.89 95 456 M 95 456 C 79.59 444.59 55.33 444.86 50 460 M 95 456 C 82.3 442.76 56.93 444.91 50 460 M 50 460 C 50 460 50 460 50 460 M 50 460 C 50 460 50 460 50 460" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 480px; margin-left: 21px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: 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231.98 396.39 M 231.98 396.39 C 231.98 396.39 231.98 396.39 231.98 396.39 M 233.68 400.52 C 234.28 399.77 234.71 398.89 235.65 398.26 M 233.68 400.52 C 234.4 399.52 235.11 398.78 235.65 398.26" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 238.88 400 M 238.88 400 C 237.33 401.28 235.89 400.87 231.88 403.5 M 238.88 400 C 235.94 400.95 233.4 402.26 231.88 403.5 M 231.88 403.5 C 232.17 402.67 233.38 400.97 233.63 400 M 231.88 403.5 C 232.43 402.34 233 401.17 233.63 400 M 233.63 400 C 233.11 398.29 232.28 397.07 231.88 396.5 M 233.63 400 C 232.83 398.87 232.32 397.38 231.88 396.5 M 231.88 396.5 C 234.57 397.93 235.81 398.41 238.88 400 M 231.88 396.5 C 234.5 397.91 237.32 398.76 238.88 400" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: 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200.58 C 798.08 201.89 796.24 202.84 793.44 204.12 M 800.42 200.58 C 798.85 201.89 796.49 202.43 793.44 204.12 M 793.44 204.12 C 793.42 203.13 794.46 202.86 795.17 200.61 M 793.44 204.12 C 793.93 203.35 794.4 202.19 795.17 200.61 M 795.17 200.61 C 794.62 199.61 794.35 199.4 793.4 197.12 M 795.17 200.61 C 794.82 199.76 794.33 199.06 793.4 197.12 M 793.4 197.12 C 794.75 197.5 797.07 198.45 800.42 200.58 M 793.4 197.12 C 794.76 198.05 796.28 198.65 800.42 200.58" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 445 90 C 445 81.72 462.91 75 485 75 C 495.61 75 505.78 76.58 513.28 79.39 C 520.79 82.21 525 86.02 525 90 L 525 130 C 525 138.28 507.09 145 485 145 C 462.91 145 445 138.28 445 130 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 525 90 C 525 98.28 507.09 105 485 105 C 462.91 105 445 98.28 445 90" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 446.15 89.87 L 446.43 87.74 L 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525 90 M 525 90 C 526.15 98.15 507.71 105.76 485 105 M 525 90 C 523.46 100 508.35 105.55 485 105 M 485 105 C 462.34 106.91 445.32 99.68 445 90 M 485 105 C 464.08 106.74 443.57 99.8 445 90" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 78px; height: 1px; padding-top: 123px; margin-left: 446px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: 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1048.58 190.63 1050 166.37 M 931.18 199.85 C 1009.44 201.53 1049.26 188.52 1050 166.37" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1049.85 161.29 C 1049.85 161.29 1049.85 161.29 1049.85 161.29 M 1049.85 161.29 C 1049.85 161.29 1049.85 161.29 1049.85 161.29 M 1050.24 166.94 C 1050.5 166.19 1051.57 165.62 1052.21 164.67 M 1050.24 166.94 C 1050.78 166.28 1051.4 165.44 1052.21 164.67" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1050 161.12 M 1050 161.12 C 1050.5 163.34 1051.61 165.81 1053.5 168.12 M 1050 161.12 C 1051.28 163 1052.19 165.78 1053.5 168.12 M 1053.5 168.12 C 1052.45 167.44 1051.33 166.85 1050 166.37 M 1053.5 168.12 C 1052.64 167.66 1051.96 167.23 1050 166.37 M 1050 166.37 C 1049.31 166.64 1047.78 167.83 1046.5 168.12 M 1050 166.37 C 1048.83 167.18 1047.43 167.64 1046.5 168.12 M 1046.5 168.12 C 1047.87 166.21 1048.19 163.25 1050 161.12 M 1046.5 168.12 C 1047.24 165.96 1048.42 163.8 1050 161.12" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 790 177.5 L 920 177.5 L 940 217.5 L 920 257.5 L 790 257.5 L 810 217.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 791.15 178.05 L 921.43 175.97 L 940.59 218.36 L 919.42 256.85 L 789.97 257.82 L 811.11 215.75 L 790.1 176.74" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 790 177.5 M 790 177.5 C 829.29 178.97 869.35 176.47 920 177.5 M 790 177.5 C 835.64 178.03 882.11 177.65 920 177.5 M 920 177.5 C 925 189.94 930.57 202.23 940 217.5 M 920 177.5 C 926.23 191.97 934.53 206.75 940 217.5 M 940 217.5 C 933.76 231.76 928.27 244 920 257.5 M 940 217.5 C 933.62 227.97 927.56 239.85 920 257.5 M 920 257.5 C 868.28 258.79 816.33 259.75 790 257.5 M 920 257.5 C 878.07 256.6 834.46 258.39 790 257.5 M 790 257.5 C 799.52 240.92 805.88 224.68 810 217.5 M 790 257.5 C 796.43 244.05 803.99 231.29 810 217.5 M 810 217.5 C 803.58 204.23 800.03 195.38 790 177.5 M 810 217.5 C 803.44 206.5 798.74 194.06 790 177.5" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 148px; height: 1px; padding-top: 218px; margin-left: 791px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; 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660.3 245.63 662.34 246.63 663.21 248.09 C 664.09 249.56 664.6 251.79 663.93 253.76 C 663.26 255.72 660.96 258.9 659.19 259.86 C 657.41 260.82 654.86 259.84 653.28 259.51 C 651.7 259.19 650.52 258.81 649.71 257.9 C 648.9 256.99 648.77 255.82 648.42 254.03 C 648.07 252.23 646.75 248.8 647.6 247.14 C 648.45 245.48 652.88 244.61 653.51 244.06 C 654.15 243.52 651.66 243.55 651.4 243.85" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 656.41 245.22 C 658.12 245.18 660.11 245.43 661.16 246.42 C 662.2 247.41 662.78 249.44 662.68 251.14 C 662.58 252.85 661.49 255.19 660.56 256.65 C 659.62 258.11 658.42 259.58 657.06 259.91 C 655.71 260.24 653.86 259.47 652.44 258.63 C 651.01 257.78 649.39 256.16 648.52 254.82 C 647.64 253.48 646.91 252.03 647.18 250.57 C 647.45 249.12 648.36 247.07 650.15 246.1 C 651.94 245.14 656.64 244.77 657.95 244.79 C 659.25 244.82 657.96 246.12 657.97 246.25 M 655.13 245.18 C 656.68 245.12 659.83 244.73 661.17 246.06 C 662.51 247.39 663.35 251.21 663.16 253.18 C 662.97 255.14 661.18 256.57 660.04 257.84 C 658.89 259.11 657.8 260.82 656.29 260.82 C 654.78 260.83 652.27 258.64 650.99 257.88 C 649.71 257.11 649.23 257.58 648.61 256.22 C 647.99 254.86 647.06 251.44 647.27 249.71 C 647.47 247.99 648.33 246.48 649.84 245.88 C 651.34 245.28 655.15 246.07 656.28 246.11 C 657.42 246.15 656.69 246.02 656.66 246.13" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 655 260 M 655 260 C 657.14 269.38 654.82 277.94 655 285 M 655 260 C 654.47 268.87 654.27 277.13 655 285 M 655 265 M 655 265 C 652.57 263.6 648.41 263.72 640 265 M 655 265 C 651.24 265.4 647.1 264.46 640 265 M 655 265 M 655 265 C 660.81 265.38 665.61 263.87 670 265 M 655 265 C 660.15 265.5 664.4 265.3 670 265 M 655 285 M 655 285 C 648.74 291.96 647.59 296.08 640 305 M 655 285 C 650.49 291.71 646.41 297.41 640 305 M 655 285 M 655 285 C 657.7 290.44 664.43 296.41 670 305 M 655 285 C 659.91 291.55 663.98 297.48 670 305" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 312px; margin-left: 655px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;">Doekisch, thunfisch, L3D</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="655" y="324" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="IBM Plex Sans" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Doeki...</text></switch></g><ellipse cx="275" cy="547.5" rx="7.5" ry="7.5" fill="transparent" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 275 555 L 275 580 M 275 560 L 260 560 M 275 560 L 290 560 M 275 580 L 260 600 M 275 580 L 290 600" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 273.95 540.79 C 275.26 540.49 276.86 541.64 278.17 542.35 C 279.49 543.06 281.02 543.92 281.83 545.05 C 282.64 546.19 283.48 547.85 283.05 549.18 C 282.61 550.51 280.76 552.11 279.22 553.03 C 277.67 553.95 275.43 554.8 273.8 554.72 C 272.16 554.64 270.46 553.69 269.41 552.56 C 268.36 551.43 267.53 549.63 267.51 547.92 C 267.48 546.22 268.04 543.48 269.26 542.31 C 270.49 541.15 273.71 541.19 274.85 540.94 C 275.99 540.69 276.14 540.87 276.1 540.81 M 270.24 539.79 C 271.31 539.14 274.36 540.96 276.2 541.52 C 278.04 542.08 280.01 541.91 281.3 543.13 C 282.59 544.35 284.25 547.09 283.96 548.86 C 283.67 550.62 281.01 552.73 279.58 553.74 C 278.14 554.75 276.98 555.15 275.33 554.93 C 273.68 554.71 270.76 553.11 269.67 552.41 C 268.58 551.71 268.99 552.22 268.78 550.74 C 268.57 549.26 268.08 545.18 268.4 543.53 C 268.72 541.87 270.25 541.18 270.71 540.83 C 271.16 540.48 270.85 541.44 271.14 541.43" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 274.02 540.16 C 275.43 539.93 277.11 540.79 278.36 541.63 C 279.61 542.46 280.95 543.74 281.52 545.19 C 282.09 546.64 282.18 548.81 281.76 550.32 C 281.34 551.83 280.36 553.68 278.98 554.23 C 277.61 554.77 275.16 554.14 273.53 553.59 C 271.9 553.04 270.3 551.96 269.2 550.94 C 268.1 549.93 266.85 548.96 266.95 547.5 C 267.05 546.03 268.65 543.22 269.79 542.16 C 270.92 541.11 272.78 541.56 273.78 541.17 C 274.77 540.77 275.54 539.8 275.76 539.81 M 272.55 541.36 C 273.77 540.47 274.16 540.15 275.61 540.4 C 277.06 540.65 280.11 541.43 281.24 542.87 C 282.36 544.32 282.52 547.28 282.36 549.06 C 282.2 550.84 281.42 552.8 280.28 553.55 C 279.14 554.29 277 553.69 275.52 553.51 C 274.03 553.33 272.89 553.05 271.37 552.48 C 269.84 551.91 266.73 551.4 266.36 550.1 C 265.98 548.8 268.49 545.93 269.11 544.68 C 269.74 543.44 269.87 543.41 270.11 542.61 C 270.36 541.81 270.24 540.11 270.59 539.88" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 275 555 M 275 555 C 273.24 563.51 274.66 572.86 275 580 M 275 555 C 274.99 561.19 274.6 568.89 275 580 M 275 560 M 275 560 C 271.21 558.79 266.9 558.91 260 560 M 275 560 C 270.74 559.37 267.65 560.49 260 560 M 275 560 M 275 560 C 276.98 559.69 282.52 561.16 290 560 M 275 560 C 279.74 559.9 284.14 560.67 290 560 M 275 580 M 275 580 C 269.72 585.93 265.65 588.98 260 600 M 275 580 C 269.44 587.45 264.81 592.06 260 600 M 275 580 M 275 580 C 279.02 585.94 285.77 594.95 290 600 M 275 580 C 280.57 585.75 284.03 593.25 290 600" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 805 462.5 Q 750 462.5 750 437.75 Q 750 413 722.5 413 Q 695 413 695 426.13" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 695 431.38 L 691.5 424.38 L 695 426.13 L 698.5 424.38 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 805 462.5 M 805 462.5 C 769.49 463.45 751.75 456.16 750 437.75 M 805 462.5 C 766.52 464.42 751.39 456.26 750 437.75 M 750 437.75 C 750.16 421.95 741.48 412.88 722.5 413 M 750 437.75 C 750.81 420.15 738.91 410.85 722.5 413 M 722.5 413 C 704.92 413.87 694.85 417.88 695 426.13 M 722.5 413 C 705.71 412.4 695.21 416.38 695 426.13" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 691.27 424.64 C 691.27 424.64 691.27 424.64 691.27 424.64 M 691.27 424.64 C 691.27 424.64 691.27 424.64 691.27 424.64 M 693.63 428.02 C 694.02 427.67 694.27 427.5 694.95 426.51 M 693.63 428.02 C 694.08 427.58 694.43 427.22 694.95 426.51" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 695 431.38 M 695 431.38 C 693.1 428.51 692.51 426.47 691.5 424.38 M 695 431.38 C 694.11 429.98 693.51 428.22 691.5 424.38 M 691.5 424.38 C 692.67 424.99 694.15 425.55 695 426.13 M 691.5 424.38 C 692.69 425.07 694.31 425.53 695 426.13 M 695 426.13 C 696.69 425.83 697.97 424.99 698.5 424.38 M 695 426.13 C 696.11 425.76 696.92 425 698.5 424.38 M 698.5 424.38 C 697.97 426.18 696.04 428.83 695 431.38 M 698.5 424.38 C 697.47 426.97 695.89 429.34 695 431.38" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 845 522.5 Q 845 570 950.5 570 Q 1056 570 1056 462.37" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1056 457.12 L 1059.5 464.12 L 1056 462.37 L 1052.5 464.12 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 845 522.5 M 845 522.5 C 846.15 553.32 882.07 569.63 950.5 570 M 845 522.5 C 844.24 554.26 880.29 571.08 950.5 570 M 950.5 570 C 1021.09 570.9 1056.42 534.81 1056 462.37 M 950.5 570 C 1019.7 571.09 1055.31 531.83 1056 462.37" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1056.15 456.95 C 1056.15 456.95 1056.15 456.95 1056.15 456.95 M 1056.15 456.95 C 1056.15 456.95 1056.15 456.95 1056.15 456.95 M 1056.54 462.59 C 1057.08 462.29 1057.18 461.63 1057.86 461.08 M 1056.54 462.59 C 1056.97 462.17 1057.48 461.66 1057.86 461.08" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1056 457.12 M 1056 457.12 C 1056.95 459.52 1058.34 460.8 1059.5 464.12 M 1056 457.12 C 1056.5 459.04 1057.8 460.79 1059.5 464.12 M 1059.5 464.12 C 1057.91 463.27 1056.71 462.93 1056 462.37 M 1059.5 464.12 C 1058.43 463.52 1057.42 463.01 1056 462.37 M 1056 462.37 C 1055.37 462.92 1054.54 463.38 1052.5 464.12 M 1056 462.37 C 1055.25 462.91 1054.18 463.37 1052.5 464.12 M 1052.5 464.12 C 1053.49 461.66 1055.48 458.92 1056 457.12 M 1052.5 464.12 C 1053.05 462.19 1054.56 460.27 1056 457.12" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 845 522.5 Q 845 542 872.5 542 Q 900 542 900 476 Q 900 410 925 410 Q 950 410 950 453.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 950 458.88 L 946.5 451.88 L 950 453.63 L 953.5 451.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 845 522.5 M 845 522.5 C 843.61 535.26 855.88 541.22 872.5 542 M 845 522.5 C 843.52 536.2 852.84 539.99 872.5 542 M 872.5 542 C 892.28 542.11 900.05 520.65 900 476 M 872.5 542 C 891.36 541.79 900.86 519.95 900 476 M 900 476 C 901.39 432.77 909.62 410.25 925 410 M 900 476 C 899.82 433.82 909.5 407.85 925 410 M 925 410 C 941.06 410.36 950.23 425.3 950 453.63 M 925 410 C 943.47 410.89 947.95 424.29 950 453.63" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 946.57 451.8 C 946.57 451.8 946.57 451.8 946.57 451.8 M 946.57 451.8 C 946.57 451.8 946.57 451.8 946.57 451.8 M 948.28 455.93 C 949.06 455.34 949.65 454.36 950.25 453.66 M 948.28 455.93 C 948.97 455.12 949.78 454.29 950.25 453.66" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 950 458.88 M 950 458.88 C 948.56 456.15 948.11 453.24 946.5 451.88 M 950 458.88 C 948.33 456.37 947.11 453.96 946.5 451.88 M 946.5 451.88 C 947.85 452.24 948.62 452.85 950 453.63 M 946.5 451.88 C 947.29 452.2 948.19 452.58 950 453.63 M 950 453.63 C 951.31 453.02 952.26 452 953.5 451.88 M 950 453.63 C 950.82 453.23 951.44 452.98 953.5 451.88 M 953.5 451.88 C 952.73 454.52 950.95 457.02 950 458.88 M 953.5 451.88 C 952.4 454.71 950.93 457.56 950 458.88" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" 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531.45 316.19" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 526.32 316 M 526.32 316 C 528.36 315.26 530.82 314.39 533.32 312.5 M 526.32 316 C 527.97 315.35 529.15 314.35 533.32 312.5 M 533.32 312.5 C 532.9 313.18 532.3 314.47 531.57 316 M 533.32 312.5 C 532.84 313.69 531.97 314.95 531.57 316 M 531.57 316 C 531.6 317.21 532.65 318 533.32 319.5 M 531.57 316 C 532.36 317.1 532.77 318.18 533.32 319.5 M 533.32 319.5 C 531.18 318.19 529.39 318.44 526.32 316 M 533.32 319.5 C 530.75 318.34 528.59 316.65 526.32 316" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 785 422.5 L 885 422.5 L 905 462.5 L 885 502.5 L 785 502.5 L 805 462.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" transform="rotate(90,845,462.5)" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 786.15 421.25 L 886.59 422.69 L 906.51 461.77 L 883.32 501.05 L 785.06 503.01 L 805.88 461.56 L 783.4 423.64" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" transform="rotate(90,845,462.5)" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 785 422.5 M 785 422.5 C 821.26 421.97 859.3 423.47 885 422.5 M 785 422.5 C 806.62 423.71 827.14 422.76 885 422.5 M 885 422.5 C 892.97 438.4 898.77 449.47 905 462.5 M 885 422.5 C 893.41 438.25 900.96 454.75 905 462.5 M 905 462.5 C 897.44 477.08 891.46 492.39 885 502.5 M 905 462.5 C 901.1 472.49 895.12 481.43 885 502.5 M 885 502.5 C 855.53 502 826.92 503.98 785 502.5 M 885 502.5 C 855.22 502.65 823.8 501.86 785 502.5 M 785 502.5 C 792.36 488.39 798.18 471.46 805 462.5 M 785 502.5 C 790.05 492.52 794.06 481.67 805 462.5 M 805 462.5 C 797.65 449.83 793.65 440.72 785 422.5 M 805 462.5 C 798.07 446.13 788.54 431.6 785 422.5" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" transform="rotate(90,845,462.5)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)rotate(90 845 462.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: 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71.04 1193.63 70 M 1193.63 70 C 1192.64 68.97 1192.19 67.59 1191.88 66.5 M 1193.63 70 C 1193.19 68.58 1192.35 67.64 1191.88 66.5 M 1191.88 66.5 C 1193.64 66.68 1195 68.09 1198.88 70 M 1191.88 66.5 C 1194.63 67.53 1197.28 69.2 1198.88 70" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1095 420 Q 1150 420 1150 285 Q 1150 150 1213.63 150" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1218.88 150 L 1211.88 153.5 L 1213.63 150 L 1211.88 146.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1095 420 M 1095 420 C 1131.03 421.91 1149.4 376.6 1150 285 M 1095 420 C 1129.5 419.62 1148.95 375.44 1150 285 M 1150 285 C 1151.91 195.12 1170.21 150.44 1213.63 150 M 1150 285 C 1150.57 196.45 1170.23 152.27 1213.63 150" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1211.57 146.85 C 1211.57 146.85 1211.57 146.85 1211.57 146.85 M 1211.57 146.85 C 1211.57 146.85 1211.57 146.85 1211.57 146.85 M 1213.94 150.23 C 1214.11 149.96 1214.66 149.34 1215.25 148.72 M 1213.94 150.23 C 1214.37 149.64 1214.86 149.26 1215.25 148.72" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1218.88 150 M 1218.88 150 C 1217.16 151.37 1215.82 152.17 1211.88 153.5 M 1218.88 150 C 1216.71 150.84 1214.61 152.4 1211.88 153.5 M 1211.88 153.5 C 1212.63 152.17 1212.91 151.04 1213.63 150 M 1211.88 153.5 C 1212.49 152.72 1212.77 151.62 1213.63 150 M 1213.63 150 C 1213.39 149.07 1212.55 147.77 1211.88 146.5 M 1213.63 150 C 1213.14 148.87 1212.33 147.51 1211.88 146.5 M 1211.88 146.5 C 1214.45 147.53 1217.84 150.02 1218.88 150 M 1211.88 146.5 C 1213.56 147.23 1215.71 148.13 1218.88 150" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1110 420 Q 1150 420 1150 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368.53 859.12 382.93 861 408.13" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 857.61 406.26 C 857.61 406.26 857.61 406.26 857.61 406.26 M 857.61 406.26 C 857.61 406.26 857.61 406.26 857.61 406.26 M 859.31 410.39 C 860.01 409.69 860.19 409.18 861.28 408.13 M 859.31 410.39 C 859.99 409.59 860.68 408.79 861.28 408.13" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 861 413.38 M 861 413.38 C 859.66 411.87 859.51 409.71 857.5 406.38 M 861 413.38 C 859.67 411.03 858.78 409.55 857.5 406.38 M 857.5 406.38 C 858.6 406.6 859.16 407.57 861 408.13 M 857.5 406.38 C 858.13 406.94 858.95 407.09 861 408.13 M 861 408.13 C 861.92 407.21 863.4 406.59 864.5 406.38 M 861 408.13 C 861.57 407.69 862.67 407.32 864.5 406.38 M 864.5 406.38 C 864.15 408.79 862.96 409.29 861 413.38 M 864.5 406.38 C 863.53 408.53 862.4 410.27 861 413.38" 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399.43 L 1003.88 405.09 L 1000.41 405.17 L 998.51 414.01 L 998.97 415.58 L 1002.67 420.22 L 1010.69 422.87 L 1002.47 427.03 L 1001.87 433.45 L 1002.52 437.21 L 1011.43 444.83 L 1019.54 446.78 L 1028.26 444.33 L 1034.21 452.87 L 1046.91 455.25 L 1066.71 454.85 L 1077.18 449.61 L 1086.09 443.48 L 1100.7 442.82 L 1103.28 435.82 L 1104.95 429.1 L 1093.64 420.52 L 1099.38 414.73 L 1099.43 404.51 L 1097.21 401.65 L 1088.6 396.93 L 1072.31 395.31 L 1066.24 396.14 L 1051.15 389.39 L 1040.2 385.53 L 1026.18 390.06 L 1020.24 400.06" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1020 400 M 1020 400 C 996.23 398.56 990.78 420.81 1009.2 424 M 1020 400 C 994.93 398.72 991.07 417.9 1009.2 424 M 1009.2 424 C 990.37 431.66 1012.78 451.31 1027.2 444 M 1009.2 424 C 990.53 434.57 1009.54 450.45 1027.2 444 M 1027.2 444 C 1038.88 460.26 1072.94 459.93 1086 444 M 1027.2 444 C 1036.18 460.72 1072.27 457.86 1086 444 M 1086 444 C 1109.05 442.54 1108.23 429.57 1095 420 M 1086 444 C 1109.99 441.89 1109.65 430.06 1095 420 M 1095 420 C 1109.66 405.97 1084.7 387.64 1065 396 M 1095 420 C 1109.66 404.78 1085.11 387.15 1065 396 M 1065 396 C 1048.99 383.33 1025.51 382.04 1020 400 M 1065 396 C 1049.54 383.09 1028.29 384.79 1020 400 M 1020 400 C 1020 400 1020 400 1020 400 M 1020 400 C 1020 400 1020 400 1020 400" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 420px; margin-left: 991px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div 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977.65 400.66 977.26 400.19 C 976.87 399.73 976.44 400.31 976.56 399.54 C 976.68 398.77 977.29 395.86 977.98 395.58 C 978.67 395.29 980.39 397.69 980.7 397.81 C 981.01 397.94 979.83 396.54 979.82 396.34" fill="none" stroke="#0066cc" stroke-width="2" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1126.61 339.32 C 1126.61 339.32 1126.61 339.32 1126.61 339.32 M 1126.61 339.32 C 1126.61 339.32 1126.61 339.32 1126.61 339.32" fill="none" stroke="#0066cc" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1131.13 337.68 C 1131.66 337.92 1131.02 338.08 1131.44 338.26 C 1131.87 338.45 1133.53 338.14 1133.67 338.78 C 1133.81 339.42 1132.84 341.35 1132.27 342.1 C 1131.7 342.86 1131.01 343.08 1130.27 343.32 C 1129.52 343.55 1128.45 343.83 1127.8 343.52 C 1127.15 343.22 1126.5 342.24 1126.36 341.48 C 1126.21 340.72 1126.61 339.57 1126.93 338.95 C 1127.26 338.32 1127.82 338.12 1128.32 337.74 C 1128.82 337.36 1129.64 336.68 1129.94 336.68 C 1130.23 336.67 1130.06 337.7 1130.09 337.71 M 1131.31 338.71 C 1132.06 338.97 1132.97 337.17 1133.44 337.73 C 1133.92 338.28 1134.55 341.24 1134.18 342.05 C 1133.8 342.86 1132.05 342.36 1131.19 342.6 C 1130.33 342.84 1129.41 343.54 1129.02 343.49 C 1128.64 343.45 1129.18 342.86 1128.89 342.31 C 1128.59 341.76 1127.65 340.66 1127.26 340.19 C 1126.87 339.73 1126.44 340.31 1126.56 339.54 C 1126.68 338.77 1127.29 335.86 1127.98 335.58 C 1128.67 335.29 1130.39 337.69 1130.7 337.81 C 1131.01 337.94 1129.83 336.54 1129.82 336.34" fill="none" stroke="#0066cc" stroke-width="2" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; 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472.5 C 763.26 471.76 772.93 474.9 772.5 482.5 M 772.5 482.5 C 772.93 491.08 780.25 492.8 798.63 492.5 M 772.5 482.5 C 770.49 491.36 780.09 493.26 798.63 492.5" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 797.07 488.78 C 797.07 488.78 797.07 488.78 797.07 488.78 M 797.07 488.78 C 797.07 488.78 797.07 488.78 797.07 488.78 M 798.77 492.92 C 799.34 492.06 799.6 491.51 800.74 490.65 M 798.77 492.92 C 799.28 492.27 799.89 491.74 800.74 490.65" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 803.88 492.5 M 803.88 492.5 C 802.15 494.13 799.64 495.16 796.88 496 M 803.88 492.5 C 801.71 493.63 800.45 494.67 796.88 496 M 796.88 496 C 797.8 494.87 797.86 494.04 798.63 492.5 M 796.88 496 C 797.43 494.92 797.95 493.55 798.63 492.5 M 798.63 492.5 C 798.13 491.57 797.84 490.86 796.88 489 M 798.63 492.5 C 797.87 491.25 797.43 489.83 796.88 489 M 796.88 489 C 798.24 490.06 799.63 490.53 803.88 492.5 M 796.88 489 C 799.07 490.12 801.44 491.23 803.88 492.5" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 640 432.5 L 720 432.5 L 740 472.5 L 720 512.5 L 640 512.5 L 620 472.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 641.15 433.11 L 719.34 431.55 L 739.46 472.49 L 718.05 512.81 L 639.89 512 L 618.26 471.95 L 639.16 432.68" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 640 432.5 M 640 432.5 C 671.72 433.43 698.98 432.25 720 432.5 M 640 432.5 C 663.58 433.19 688.46 433.89 720 432.5 M 720 432.5 C 723.56 440.7 728.38 450.6 740 472.5 M 720 432.5 C 728.01 447.8 734.97 463.49 740 472.5 M 740 472.5 C 736.47 481.76 732.28 492.7 720 512.5 M 740 472.5 C 736.62 482 731.58 490.09 720 512.5 M 720 512.5 C 696.81 512.53 672.46 513.78 640 512.5 M 720 512.5 C 689.26 511.03 659.7 512.74 640 512.5 M 640 512.5 C 635.15 501.99 630.99 493.19 620 472.5 M 640 512.5 C 631.06 496.66 623.29 479.94 620 472.5 M 620 472.5 C 629.75 458.6 637.03 441.51 640 432.5 M 620 472.5 C 625.65 460.09 633.25 445.75 640 432.5" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 473px; margin-left: 621px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; 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920 483.28 920 475" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 921.15 473.31 L 919.98 473.32 L 923.4 467.01 L 935.09 462.07 L 945.19 461.83 L 959.9 462.76 L 970.1 462.9 L 978.78 469.41 L 980.27 474.37 L 980.54 523.45 L 978.34 532.34 L 968.35 536.87 L 949.66 541.5 L 931.85 538.16 L 921.25 532.13 L 921.24 525.1 L 920.32 473.07" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 920 475 M 920 475 C 920.24 468.38 933.54 458.29 950 460 M 920 475 C 921.89 468.75 931.88 459.68 950 460 M 950 460 C 967.26 459.06 978.53 468.11 980 475 M 950 460 C 966.37 460.54 978.36 468.58 980 475 M 980 475 C 979.79 487.19 980.52 498.21 980 525 M 980 475 C 980.72 488.51 979.77 501.81 980 525 M 980 525 C 980.32 534.52 966.9 539.26 950 540 M 980 525 C 978.92 533.08 966.48 538.3 950 540 M 950 540 C 932.89 539.77 918.94 531.53 920 525 M 950 540 C 935.57 538.11 921.82 532.84 920 525 M 920 525 C 918.04 514.07 918.96 499.54 920 475 M 920 525 C 919.88 506.32 920.09 488.95 920 475" 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1020.48 151.92 L 1021.6 144.49 L 1021.45 94.44" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1020 95 M 1020 95 C 1018.87 85.2 1032.14 78.7 1050 80 M 1020 95 C 1020.14 84.48 1032.49 82.05 1050 80 M 1050 80 C 1066.07 81.77 1078.85 86.64 1080 95 M 1050 80 C 1066.35 79.45 1080.42 87.47 1080 95 M 1080 95 C 1079.71 113.3 1080.12 128.77 1080 145 M 1080 95 C 1079.66 113.35 1079.59 133.94 1080 145 M 1080 145 C 1080.2 152.6 1064.64 158.71 1050 160 M 1080 145 C 1081.08 154.55 1068.46 162.05 1050 160 M 1050 160 C 1033.36 161.3 1021.12 154.12 1020 145 M 1050 160 C 1031.89 161.87 1020.94 153.59 1020 145 M 1020 145 C 1018.73 125.45 1019.16 110.24 1020 95 M 1020 145 C 1019.3 126.29 1019.12 109.18 1020 95" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1080 95 M 1080 95 C 1081.15 101.93 1068.34 110.2 1050 110 M 1080 95 C 1081.43 101.07 1067.75 111.09 1050 110 M 1050 110 C 1034.94 108.74 1020.61 101.29 1020 95 M 1050 110 C 1033.92 111.57 1022.11 101.87 1020 95" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 58px; height: 1px; padding-top: 133px; margin-left: 1021px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">backup recording</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="1050" y="136" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="IBM Plex Sans" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">backup rec...</text></switch></g><path d="M 700 597.5 Q 680 597.5 680 587.5 Q 680 577.5 647.62 577.5" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 642.37 577.5 L 649.37 574 L 647.62 577.5 L 649.37 581 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 597.5 M 700 597.5 C 687.82 596.9 680.5 592.66 680 587.5 M 700 597.5 C 684.41 598.16 682.28 595.06 680 587.5 M 680 587.5 C 681.97 581.16 667.75 577.56 647.62 577.5 M 680 587.5 C 678.36 580.87 670.01 578.72 647.62 577.5" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 642.66 577.16 C 642.66 577.16 642.66 577.16 642.66 577.16 M 642.66 577.16 C 642.66 577.16 642.66 577.16 642.66 577.16 M 646.34 579.03 C 646.8 578.46 647.28 578.1 647.65 577.52 M 646.34 579.03 C 646.66 578.72 646.89 578.36 647.65 577.52" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" 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transform="rotate(180,760,597.5)" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 700 572.5 M 700 572.5 C 731.85 572.7 762.7 572.86 800 572.5 M 700 572.5 C 731.75 572.75 762.22 572.44 800 572.5 M 800 572.5 C 803.71 576.59 807.17 582.11 820 597.5 M 800 572.5 C 805.88 580.24 811.78 586.37 820 597.5 M 820 597.5 C 814.85 604.97 805.59 612.85 800 622.5 M 820 597.5 C 815.46 604.06 808.78 610.93 800 622.5 M 800 622.5 C 765.62 620.73 733.34 622.54 700 622.5 M 800 622.5 C 763.84 623.47 729.31 622.43 700 622.5 M 700 622.5 C 705.53 618.87 709.05 610.97 720 597.5 M 700 622.5 C 704.99 616.41 710.17 610.79 720 597.5 M 720 597.5 C 714.09 587.94 705.18 582.98 700 572.5 M 720 597.5 C 715.61 591.07 711.37 587.42 700 572.5" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" transform="rotate(180,760,597.5)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" 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389.52 770 406.25 M 710 380 C 751.29 377.89 768.95 390.57 770 406.25 M 770 406.25 C 771.87 423.88 778.32 431.75 798.63 432.5 M 770 406.25 C 770.31 421.6 779.11 433.86 798.63 432.5" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 796.88 429 C 796.88 429 796.88 429 796.88 429 M 796.88 429 C 796.88 429 796.88 429 796.88 429 M 799.25 432.38 C 799.55 431.76 799.78 431.48 800.56 430.87 M 799.25 432.38 C 799.66 431.72 800.18 431.2 800.56 430.87" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 803.88 432.5 M 803.88 432.5 C 802.6 433.47 801.6 434.17 796.88 436 M 803.88 432.5 C 802.04 433.24 799.71 434.8 796.88 436 M 796.88 436 C 796.89 435 797.32 434.29 798.63 432.5 M 796.88 436 C 797.3 435.06 797.62 434.51 798.63 432.5 M 798.63 432.5 C 798.03 431.29 797.72 429.92 796.88 429 M 798.63 432.5 C 798.17 431.78 797.64 430.8 796.88 429 M 796.88 429 C 798.84 430.18 800.76 430.48 803.88 432.5 M 796.88 429 C 798.86 429.89 800.44 430.83 803.88 432.5" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 616.25 360 C 591.25 360 585 380 605 384 C 585 392.8 607.5 412 623.75 404 C 635 420 672.5 420 685 404 C 710 404 710 388 694.38 380 C 710 364 685 348 663.13 356 C 647.5 344 622.5 344 616.25 360 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 617.4 360.18 L 602.25 363.39 L 596.66 367.66 L 594.79 373.84 L 594.78 377.18 L 596.06 382.27 L 604.64 385.54 L 600.91 389.31 L 596.97 394.72 L 598.62 396.98 L 606.44 402.67 L 617.19 404.45 L 622.64 404.07 L 630.98 407.84 L 636.88 412.22 L 653.56 414.43 L 672.85 414.74 L 679.74 410.64 L 684.38 405.94 L 698.17 404.35 L 702.3 396.13 L 703.15 392.6 L 702.64 385.66 L 693.58 381 L 696.8 375.55 L 697.6 366.1 L 695.67 360.26 L 685.37 354.61 L 671.14 354.12 L 663.11 354.5 L 648.09 350.62 L 635.52 348.62 L 624.79 352.6 L 618.1 354.09 L 617.68 360.93" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 616.25 360 M 616.25 360 C 593.01 361.08 586.14 380.09 605 384 M 616.25 360 C 589.13 361.62 586.02 381.54 605 384 M 605 384 C 584.27 391.41 608.97 412.04 623.75 404 M 605 384 C 583.04 390.67 606.94 412.88 623.75 404 M 623.75 404 C 633.27 420.68 671.93 421.26 685 404 M 623.75 404 C 635.01 417.75 674.19 420.51 685 404 M 685 404 C 708.16 405.27 711.66 386.45 694.38 380 M 685 404 C 711.36 404.67 709.87 388.68 694.38 380 M 694.38 380 C 709.34 365.36 684.81 349.36 663.13 356 M 694.38 380 C 710.82 364.25 686.07 348.5 663.13 356 M 663.13 356 C 646.7 344.93 621.03 342.7 616.25 360 M 663.13 356 C 645.79 342.22 622.2 341.94 616.25 360 M 616.25 360 C 616.25 360 616.25 360 616.25 360 M 616.25 360 C 616.25 360 616.25 360 616.25 360" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g 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fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 809.12 607.5 L 816.12 604 L 814.37 607.5 L 816.12 611 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 900 725 M 900 725 C 898.61 727.59 904.91 729.79 910 730 M 900 725 C 900.71 726.72 903.06 728 910 730 M 910 730 C 915.36 731.95 920.25 711.56 920 668.75 M 910 730 C 918.82 730.26 919.06 710.42 920 668.75 M 920 668.75 C 921.42 626 883.76 605.55 814.37 607.5 M 920 668.75 C 918.69 630.15 885.1 606.6 814.37 607.5" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 808.92 607.73 C 808.92 607.73 808.92 607.73 808.92 607.73 M 808.92 607.73 C 808.92 607.73 808.92 607.73 808.92 607.73 M 812.59 609.6 C 812.81 608.85 813.31 608.25 814.56 607.34 M 812.59 609.6 C 813.52 608.71 814.3 607.76 814.56 607.34" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 809.12 607.5 M 809.12 607.5 C 811.15 606.11 813.84 605.65 816.12 604 M 809.12 607.5 C 811.6 606.6 814.28 605.49 816.12 604 M 816.12 604 C 815.1 605.29 814.68 606.48 814.37 607.5 M 816.12 604 C 815.75 604.72 815.45 605.52 814.37 607.5 M 814.37 607.5 C 815.08 608.09 815.14 609.34 816.12 611 M 814.37 607.5 C 815.07 608.88 815.55 610.07 816.12 611 M 816.12 611 C 814.33 609.53 812.92 609.92 809.12 607.5 M 816.12 611 C 814.09 610.17 812.27 609.05 809.12 607.5" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 878.7 729.35 Q 840 729.4 840 684.7 Q 840 640 765 640 Q 690 640 690 585 Q 690 530 758.95 530 Q 827.9 530 827.87 520.3" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 827.86 515.05 L 831.38 522.04 L 827.87 520.3 L 824.38 522.06 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 878.7 729.35 M 878.7 729.35 C 851.52 728.68 841.59 715.45 840 684.7 M 878.7 729.35 C 850.71 729.01 839.69 712.84 840 684.7 M 840 684.7 C 839.98 653.43 813.27 639.31 765 640 M 840 684.7 C 837.72 652.98 813.49 639.65 765 640 M 765 640 C 716.89 641.08 689.41 620.38 690 585 M 765 640 C 714.16 638.05 692.1 621.59 690 585 M 690 585 C 691.78 549.39 713.29 531.41 758.95 530 M 690 585 C 688.89 550.57 713.21 532.04 758.95 530 M 758.95 530 C 805.52 531.09 827.68 524.91 827.87 520.3 M 758.95 530 C 802.64 530.17 828.31 527.01 827.87 520.3" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 827.61 515.34 C 827.61 515.34 827.61 515.34 827.61 515.34 M 827.61 515.34 C 827.61 515.34 827.61 515.34 827.61 515.34 M 828.01 520.98 C 828.63 520.34 828.74 519.79 829.97 518.71 M 828.01 520.98 C 828.54 520.57 828.86 520.11 829.97 518.71" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 827.86 515.05 M 827.86 515.05 C 829.51 517.04 830.13 518.49 831.38 522.04 M 827.86 515.05 C 828.59 516.54 829.01 518 831.38 522.04 M 831.38 522.04 C 830.35 521.59 828.96 521.03 827.87 520.3 M 831.38 522.04 C 830.82 521.47 830.06 521.41 827.87 520.3 M 827.87 520.3 C 826.63 521.17 825.24 521.79 824.38 522.06 M 827.87 520.3 C 826.55 521.05 825.41 521.58 824.38 522.06 M 824.38 522.06 C 825.85 519.44 826.54 516.5 827.86 515.05 M 824.38 522.06 C 825.75 519.66 827.14 516.83 827.86 515.05" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 870 740 C 870 731.72 883.43 725 900 725 C 907.96 725 915.59 726.58 921.21 729.39 C 926.84 732.21 930 736.02 930 740 L 930 790 C 930 798.28 916.57 805 900 805 C 883.43 805 870 798.28 870 790 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 930 740 C 930 748.28 916.57 755 900 755 C 883.43 755 870 748.28 870 740" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 871.16 741.7 L 871.08 737.18 L 874.34 731.78 L 881.39 729.14 L 894.57 723.6 L 910.26 728.1 L 920.07 731.11 L 928.83 734.57 L 930.37 738.14 L 930.39 790.27 L 928.18 797.16 L 918.31 803.24 L 899.67 804.1 L 884.13 803.79 L 871.37 797.19 L 871.71 791.36 L 870.77 740.04" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 870 740 M 870 740 C 868.13 732.02 883.48 726.18 900 725 M 870 740 C 869.12 733.69 884.5 725.96 900 725 M 900 725 C 917.64 726.22 930.4 732.88 930 740 M 900 725 C 914.96 723.25 930.47 729.83 930 740 M 930 740 C 928.98 758.68 931.57 777.17 930 790 M 930 740 C 930.33 751.17 929.75 762.61 930 790 M 930 790 C 931.36 798.29 915.87 804.99 900 805 M 930 790 C 932.21 799.14 918.73 805.44 900 805 M 900 805 C 881.77 803.88 869.2 800.26 870 790 M 900 805 C 882.41 806.2 871.98 799.37 870 790 M 870 790 C 871.54 771.21 868.35 750.55 870 740 M 870 790 C 870.98 775.35 870.63 759.44 870 740" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 930 740 M 930 740 C 931.16 749.98 917.04 755.2 900 755 M 930 740 C 929.1 748.47 914.46 756.82 900 755 M 900 755 C 884.05 753.29 868.58 750.21 870 740 M 900 755 C 882.12 756.97 871.36 748.75 870 740" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 58px; height: 1px; padding-top: 778px; margin-left: 871px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: 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765.51 1046.37 765 M 1090 802.5 C 1090.95 776.74 1074.77 764.6 1046.37 765" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1041.35 764.74 C 1041.35 764.74 1041.35 764.74 1041.35 764.74 M 1041.35 764.74 C 1041.35 764.74 1041.35 764.74 1041.35 764.74 M 1045.02 766.61 C 1045.7 765.96 1046.17 765.66 1046.34 765.1 M 1045.02 766.61 C 1045.41 766.29 1045.7 765.76 1046.34 765.1" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1041.12 765 M 1041.12 765 C 1043.06 763.22 1045.11 762.14 1048.12 761.5 M 1041.12 765 C 1043.27 763.82 1046 762.78 1048.12 761.5 M 1048.12 761.5 C 1047.55 762.38 1047.43 763.23 1046.37 765 M 1048.12 761.5 C 1047.5 762.43 1046.9 763.51 1046.37 765 M 1046.37 765 C 1047.02 766.71 1047.89 767.38 1048.12 768.5 M 1046.37 765 C 1046.82 766.06 1047.37 767.2 1048.12 768.5 M 1048.12 768.5 C 1046.19 766.85 1042.21 766.12 1041.12 765 M 1048.12 768.5 C 1046.55 767.77 1045.22 767.11 1041.12 765" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="785" cy="763.75" rx="7.5" ry="7.5" fill="transparent" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 785 771.25 L 785 796.25 M 785 776.25 L 770 776.25 M 785 776.25 L 800 776.25 M 785 796.25 L 770 816.25 M 785 796.25 L 800 816.25" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 782.25 757.5 C 783.7 757.15 785.65 757.26 787.22 757.77 C 788.79 758.28 790.97 759.3 791.68 760.56 C 792.39 761.82 791.88 763.91 791.49 765.31 C 791.1 766.71 790.47 767.91 789.32 768.95 C 788.18 769.99 786.19 771.57 784.62 771.55 C 783.05 771.53 781.08 769.91 779.89 768.81 C 778.7 767.7 777.56 766.43 777.48 764.93 C 777.4 763.43 778.37 761.22 779.43 759.79 C 780.49 758.36 783.09 756.69 783.84 756.35 C 784.6 756 784.06 757.37 783.96 757.7 M 785.22 757.04 C 786.77 757.04 787.96 756.82 789.06 757.7 C 790.16 758.57 791.41 760.76 791.84 762.28 C 792.27 763.8 792.28 765.28 791.64 766.8 C 791 768.32 789.75 770.99 788 771.41 C 786.26 771.83 782.83 770.07 781.18 769.3 C 779.53 768.52 778.53 767.96 778.12 766.75 C 777.7 765.53 778.59 763.48 778.68 762.01 C 778.77 760.55 777.78 758.64 778.68 757.96 C 779.57 757.28 782.76 758.32 784.03 757.92 C 785.3 757.53 785.91 755.59 786.29 755.57" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 781.13 757.78 C 782.3 757.04 785.07 756.99 786.62 757.32 C 788.16 757.64 789.36 758.44 790.42 759.76 C 791.48 761.07 793.05 763.76 792.99 765.19 C 792.92 766.62 791.07 767.51 790.02 768.33 C 788.97 769.15 788.35 769.79 786.69 770.12 C 785.03 770.46 781.51 770.93 780.07 770.35 C 778.62 769.77 778.19 768.4 778 766.66 C 777.8 764.92 778.31 761.4 778.89 759.91 C 779.46 758.42 780.78 758.32 781.46 757.7 C 782.14 757.08 782.7 756.35 782.96 756.2 M 787.01 757.58 C 788.16 757.79 788.8 759.13 789.96 760.42 C 791.13 761.72 793.68 764.15 794 765.34 C 794.33 766.54 793.25 766.68 791.94 767.58 C 790.63 768.48 787.87 770.39 786.15 770.73 C 784.42 771.08 783.17 770.22 781.59 769.64 C 780 769.06 777.51 768.48 776.65 767.25 C 775.79 766.01 775.72 763.68 776.43 762.26 C 777.14 760.83 779.09 759.79 780.89 758.68 C 782.7 757.58 786.22 755.83 787.26 755.63 C 788.3 755.42 787.27 757.08 787.11 757.47" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 785 771.25 M 785 771.25 C 783.82 778.38 786.6 790.47 785 796.25 M 785 771.25 C 785.6 776.7 785.31 784.09 785 796.25 M 785 776.25 M 785 776.25 C 780.41 775.12 772.23 777.22 770 776.25 M 785 776.25 C 779.18 775.88 775.19 776.56 770 776.25 M 785 776.25 M 785 776.25 C 788.75 777.82 792.42 776.96 800 776.25 M 785 776.25 C 790.98 776.88 796.22 775.72 800 776.25 M 785 796.25 M 785 796.25 C 780.26 800.77 777.7 806.26 770 816.25 M 785 796.25 C 779.96 803 774.34 811.52 770 816.25 M 785 796.25 M 785 796.25 C 789.72 801.2 792.66 807.8 800 816.25 M 785 796.25 C 789.15 800.79 792.04 804.77 800 816.25" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 823px; margin-left: 785px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;">visualprime</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="785" y="835" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" 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353.18 542.83 371.5 532 M 371.5 532 C 384.55 549.62 428.09 550.4 445 532 M 371.5 532 C 386.87 551.59 428.14 548.3 445 532 M 445 532 C 475.33 533.82 474.66 512.77 456.25 505 M 445 532 C 476.5 534.16 474.33 514.22 456.25 505 M 456.25 505 C 476.91 485.75 443.91 467.11 418.75 478 M 456.25 505 C 474.18 489.12 444.02 469.07 418.75 478 M 418.75 478 C 398.32 465.37 370.88 466.38 362.5 482.5 M 418.75 478 C 399.57 466.5 370.7 464.05 362.5 482.5 M 362.5 482.5 C 362.5 482.5 362.5 482.5 362.5 482.5 M 362.5 482.5 C 362.5 482.5 362.5 482.5 362.5 482.5" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: 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625.11 L 367.35 632.2 L 377.79 635.6 L 389.81 636.38 L 395.16 633.55 L 404.54 640.29 L 416.74 647.2 L 433.37 649.62 L 444.24 645.18 L 457.02 642.71 L 470.62 634.17 L 487.7 630.77 L 492.45 628.48 L 492.5 623.19 L 492.29 619.85 L 492.54 615.08 L 479.64 606.94 L 486.77 602.33 L 484.65 593.34 L 483.41 584.19 L 472.03 578.78 L 460.42 579.88 L 444.81 579.09 L 428.61 571.57 L 410.86 571.09 L 395.87 576.51 L 393.21 578.29 L 389.15 586.58" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 387.5 585 M 387.5 585 C 355.96 585.12 350.67 607.47 374 612 M 387.5 585 C 357.88 586.77 348.54 607.41 374 612 M 374 612 C 352 620.27 375.64 643.23 396.5 634.5 M 374 612 C 348.99 621.72 378.64 642.36 396.5 634.5 M 396.5 634.5 C 408.6 651.93 455.35 653.14 470 634.5 M 396.5 634.5 C 410.63 653.55 453.71 653.38 470 634.5 M 470 634.5 C 500.31 634.83 500.71 615.33 481.25 607.5 M 470 634.5 C 498.18 634.52 499.72 616.01 481.25 607.5 M 481.25 607.5 C 498.65 588.09 468.15 570.48 443.75 580.5 M 481.25 607.5 C 502.3 590.57 470.26 569.59 443.75 580.5 M 443.75 580.5 C 425.67 567.23 393.56 565.22 387.5 585 M 443.75 580.5 C 425.1 566.93 394.93 567.54 387.5 585 M 387.5 585 C 387.5 585 387.5 585 387.5 585 M 387.5 585 C 387.5 585 387.5 585 387.5 585" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 148px; height: 1px; padding-top: 608px; margin-left: 351px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: 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772.46 M 763.86 776.59 C 764.13 776.23 764.94 775.21 765.83 774.33 M 763.86 776.59 C 764.46 775.77 765.39 774.94 765.83 774.33" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 768.88 776.25 M 768.88 776.25 C 768.05 777.43 765.72 777.16 761.89 779.77 M 768.88 776.25 C 767.05 776.71 766.11 777.48 761.89 779.77 M 761.89 779.77 C 762.71 779.26 762.82 778.3 763.63 776.26 M 761.89 779.77 C 762.39 778.98 762.67 778.09 763.63 776.26 M 763.63 776.26 C 763.38 775.22 762.86 774.18 761.88 772.77 M 763.63 776.26 C 762.95 775.01 762.71 774.25 761.88 772.77 M 761.88 772.77 C 764.22 774.29 767.06 775.32 768.88 776.25 M 761.88 772.77 C 764.58 774.04 767.63 775.37 768.88 776.25" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 666 831 Q 660 831 660 835.5 Q 660 840 491 840 Q 322 840 322.04 713.37" fill="none" stroke="none" 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618.14 820.5 L 631.55 818.97 L 637.01 819.73 L 646.28 827.74 L 656.54 829.11 L 675.82 828.72 L 686.86 824.76 L 695.64 820.66 L 710.15 818 L 715.36 808.39 L 714.69 802.66 L 705.3 796.06 L 707 788.4 L 710.85 781.85 L 705.6 776.31 L 699.43 769.9 L 681.93 770.68 L 675.82 769.33 L 664.25 763.86 L 647.78 762.04 L 639.09 764.37 L 629.26 773.22" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 630 775 M 630 775 C 607.57 775.6 601.12 793.99 619.2 799 M 630 775 C 606.05 775.47 599.03 796.69 619.2 799 M 619.2 799 C 600.96 806.06 620.38 825.33 637.2 819 M 619.2 799 C 599.69 806.17 623.74 828.44 637.2 819 M 637.2 819 C 649.19 834.83 684.76 833.99 696 819 M 637.2 819 C 649.94 835.59 684.32 834.16 696 819 M 696 819 C 719.02 820.13 719.69 801.9 705 795 M 696 819 C 718.2 816.99 718.58 804.94 705 795 M 705 795 C 718.68 777.46 695.71 763.5 675 771 M 705 795 C 722.26 779.43 697.4 762.08 675 771 M 675 771 C 659.95 759.63 636.44 757.72 630 775 M 675 771 C 659.75 758.91 634.85 757.84 630 775 M 630 775 C 630 775 630 775 630 775 M 630 775 C 630 775 630 775 630 775" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 795px; margin-left: 601px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">pretalx</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="660" y="799" fill="rgb(0, 0, 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253.43 C 631.18 254.5 632.67 255.48 632.67 257.08 C 632.68 258.68 631.24 261.89 630.13 263.04 C 629.03 264.2 627.47 263.98 626.07 264 C 624.67 264.02 623.12 263.97 621.73 263.18 C 620.33 262.39 618.4 260.72 617.69 259.24 C 616.97 257.75 616.73 255.64 617.42 254.29 C 618.12 252.94 620.89 251.83 621.85 251.13 C 622.81 250.43 623.26 250.18 623.18 250.08 M 622.52 251.23 C 624.04 250.59 625.75 250.43 627.48 251.17 C 629.21 251.91 632.19 254.44 632.9 255.67 C 633.61 256.9 632.4 257.32 631.73 258.54 C 631.06 259.75 630.22 261.77 628.88 262.94 C 627.54 264.11 625.38 265.79 623.71 265.53 C 622.04 265.27 620.04 262.76 618.85 261.38 C 617.66 259.99 616.69 258.44 616.56 257.23 C 616.44 256.01 616.91 255.25 618.12 254.07 C 619.34 252.9 623.09 250.92 623.86 250.17 C 624.64 249.41 622.87 249.23 622.76 249.55" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 627.9 250.55 C 629.29 250.91 630.62 252.04 631.29 253.57 C 631.97 255.11 632.24 257.98 631.94 259.76 C 631.64 261.53 630.65 263.41 629.51 264.22 C 628.36 265.02 626.79 264.92 625.06 264.6 C 623.33 264.28 620.43 263.57 619.12 262.32 C 617.81 261.08 617.14 258.69 617.2 257.14 C 617.26 255.59 618.52 253.96 619.48 253 C 620.45 252.03 621.4 251.74 622.99 251.32 C 624.58 250.91 627.91 250.49 629.04 250.53 C 630.17 250.56 629.79 251.34 629.76 251.55 M 626.36 251.12 C 627.64 251.71 630.27 252.84 631.15 254.1 C 632.03 255.37 631.97 257.41 631.64 258.71 C 631.32 260 629.95 260.7 629.17 261.9 C 628.4 263.09 628.31 265.84 627.01 265.88 C 625.71 265.92 622.73 263.13 621.38 262.14 C 620.02 261.16 619.47 261.29 618.89 259.96 C 618.3 258.63 617.65 255.45 617.86 254.17 C 618.07 252.89 618.84 252.9 620.14 252.28 C 621.44 251.66 624.64 250.5 625.65 250.45 C 626.67 250.4 626.12 251.94 626.23 251.99" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 625 265 M 625 265 C 623.41 275.73 624.29 283.59 625 290 M 625 265 C 624.06 270.97 625.22 278.06 625 290 M 625 270 M 625 270 C 618.95 269.44 613.9 268.54 610 270 M 625 270 C 620.06 270.2 613.28 270.48 610 270 M 625 270 M 625 270 C 630.41 271.49 633.4 269.48 640 270 M 625 270 C 629.74 270.25 634.86 269.54 640 270 M 625 290 M 625 290 C 617.48 299.43 614.3 305.18 610 310 M 625 290 C 619.81 295.78 616.04 302.28 610 310 M 625 290 M 625 290 C 628.03 293.58 634.4 300.62 640 310 M 625 290 C 629.98 295.16 634.63 302.18 640 310" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="525" cy="752.5" rx="7.5" ry="7.5" fill="transparent" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 525 760 L 525 785 M 525 765 L 510 765 M 525 765 L 540 765 M 525 785 L 510 805 M 525 785 L 540 805" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 527.64 746.13 C 529.36 746.67 531.73 748.37 532.53 749.82 C 533.34 751.26 532.82 753.43 532.46 754.8 C 532.11 756.16 531.73 757.03 530.43 758.02 C 529.12 759.01 526.41 760.82 524.63 760.76 C 522.86 760.71 520.91 758.93 519.79 757.7 C 518.67 756.47 518.02 755.01 517.89 753.41 C 517.76 751.8 518.22 749.53 519.01 748.06 C 519.8 746.59 521.07 744.95 522.61 744.6 C 524.15 744.25 527.27 745.64 528.25 745.97 C 529.23 746.3 528.58 746.41 528.5 746.58 M 520.77 745.76 C 522.22 745.03 526.38 743.54 528.31 744.16 C 530.25 744.77 531.67 747.8 532.38 749.46 C 533.09 751.11 533.08 752.6 532.57 754.07 C 532.07 755.53 530.7 757.42 529.34 758.24 C 527.98 759.06 525.89 758.71 524.42 758.98 C 522.95 759.25 521.69 760.81 520.52 759.86 C 519.35 758.91 517.98 754.93 517.39 753.26 C 516.79 751.59 516.03 751.31 516.94 749.83 C 517.84 748.36 521.72 745.21 522.8 744.39 C 523.89 743.57 523.56 744.55 523.46 744.93" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 523.09 744.5 C 524.81 744.1 527.71 745 529.02 745.83 C 530.33 746.66 530.48 748.12 530.95 749.48 C 531.43 750.85 532.14 752.64 531.86 754.02 C 531.58 755.39 530.37 756.74 529.28 757.73 C 528.19 758.71 526.88 759.88 525.32 759.91 C 523.77 759.95 521.22 758.98 519.94 757.94 C 518.67 756.9 517.93 755.14 517.68 753.69 C 517.44 752.24 517.39 750.57 518.48 749.25 C 519.56 747.93 522.93 746.43 524.19 745.76 C 525.45 745.09 526.11 745.11 526.04 745.23 M 526.93 744 C 528.46 744.51 530.07 746.5 530.93 748.08 C 531.78 749.66 532.16 751.76 532.06 753.46 C 531.96 755.16 531.56 757.22 530.32 758.27 C 529.07 759.33 526.09 759.8 524.58 759.8 C 523.07 759.8 522.28 759.21 521.25 758.29 C 520.22 757.37 519.13 755.98 518.39 754.25 C 517.65 752.53 516.11 749.61 516.82 747.93 C 517.53 746.26 521.02 744.65 522.65 744.19 C 524.27 743.73 525.74 744.8 526.58 745.18 C 527.41 745.57 527.69 746.19 527.64 746.52" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 525 760 M 525 760 C 525.8 767.79 524.08 776.84 525 785 M 525 760 C 525.04 767.32 525.17 775.88 525 785 M 525 765 M 525 765 C 521.99 764.72 517.02 764.82 510 765 M 525 765 C 520.65 765.18 515.5 765.7 510 765 M 525 765 M 525 765 C 530.51 764.44 533.06 764.65 540 765 M 525 765 C 527.92 765.09 531.44 765.19 540 765 M 525 785 M 525 785 C 521.02 791.04 517.77 792.96 510 805 M 525 785 C 521.44 789.16 518.91 794.31 510 805 M 525 785 M 525 785 C 528.51 791.76 531.82 796.43 540 805 M 525 785 C 530.34 790.46 534.49 796.85 540 805" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 812px; margin-left: 525px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" 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C 445.02 749.86 445.02 749.86 445.02 749.86 M 445.02 749.86 C 445.02 749.86 445.02 749.86 445.02 749.86 M 444.84 757.65 C 446.11 756.33 446.67 754.3 450.75 750.86 M 444.84 757.65 C 446.21 755.75 447.34 754.06 450.75 750.86 M 457.31 743.31 C 457.65 742.77 458.23 742.06 458.62 741.8 M 457.31 743.31 C 457.85 742.8 458.19 742.2 458.62 741.8 M 445.32 764.69 C 448.22 763.5 448.94 761.76 453.84 754.88 M 445.32 764.69 C 447.3 762.27 448.83 760.17 453.84 754.88 M 461.72 745.82 C 462.04 745.36 462.78 744.67 463.03 744.31 M 461.72 745.82 C 462.12 745.47 462.51 744.88 463.03 744.31 M 445.13 772.48 C 447.64 770.66 447.79 768.32 452.35 764.18 M 445.13 772.48 C 446.75 770.65 447.77 769.48 452.35 764.18 M 452.35 764.18 C 452.56 763.44 453.35 762.89 454.32 761.92 M 452.35 764.18 C 452.98 763.52 453.6 763.06 454.32 761.92 M 465.47 749.09 C 465.79 748.67 466.18 748.21 467.44 746.82 M 465.47 749.09 C 466.23 748.51 466.75 747.59 467.44 746.82 M 458.73 764.42 C 459.34 763.8 459.88 763.16 460.7 762.16 M 458.73 764.42 C 459.06 763.91 459.59 763.39 460.7 762.16 M 469.88 751.59 C 470.5 751.22 471.01 750.59 471.19 750.09 M 469.88 751.59 C 470.44 750.97 470.84 750.52 471.19 750.09 M 465.76 763.91 C 467.31 761.47 468.13 760.82 473.63 754.86 M 465.76 763.91 C 468.62 760.57 470.69 758.22 473.63 754.86 M 473.63 754.86 C 474.4 753.85 475.09 753.21 475.6 752.59 M 473.63 754.86 C 474.24 754.2 474.46 753.84 475.6 752.59 M 478.05 757.37 C 478.26 757.1 478.53 756.64 479.36 755.86 M 478.05 757.37 C 478.42 757.04 478.51 756.67 479.36 755.86 M 482.46 759.88 C 482.95 759.51 483.13 758.73 483.77 758.37 M 482.46 759.88 C 482.86 759.52 483.08 759.18 483.77 758.37 M 486.21 763.14 C 486.39 762.4 487.09 762.1 488.18 760.87 M 486.21 763.14 C 486.77 762.44 487.37 761.7 488.18 760.87 M 490.62 765.65 C 491.26 765.14 491.51 764.63 491.93 764.14 M 490.62 765.65 C 490.98 765.27 491.44 764.76 491.93 764.14" fill="none" stroke="#030303" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 461.03 729.33 C 461.03 729.33 461.03 729.33 461.03 729.33 M 461.03 729.33 C 461.03 729.33 461.03 729.33 461.03 729.33 M 459.54 738.63 C 462.53 736.45 464.9 734.55 466.75 730.33 M 459.54 738.63 C 461.05 736.1 463.36 734.25 466.75 730.33 M 463.95 741.14 C 466.41 738 469.62 735.28 471.16 732.84 M 463.95 741.14 C 466.37 738.31 469.1 734.28 471.16 732.84 M 467.7 744.4 C 469.65 742.56 472.28 738.99 474.92 736.1 M 467.7 744.4 C 470.03 741.78 473.48 737.84 474.92 736.1 M 472.11 746.91 C 473.48 744.45 474.94 742.24 479.33 738.61 M 472.11 746.91 C 473.88 744.72 476.29 742.48 479.33 738.61 M 475.87 750.17 C 477.35 748.51 479.69 743.52 483.74 741.12 M 475.87 750.17 C 477.9 747.19 480.25 744.85 483.74 741.12 M 480.28 752.68 C 482.76 749.81 483.25 748.93 487.49 744.38 M 480.28 752.68 C 482.73 749.91 485.4 746.94 487.49 744.38 M 484.69 755.19 C 487.73 753.68 487.82 750.81 491.9 746.89 M 484.69 755.19 C 487.95 752.07 489.9 748.9 491.9 746.89 M 488.44 758.45 C 489.66 756.09 492.63 753.59 496.31 749.4 M 488.44 758.45 C 491.06 755.68 492.46 753.41 496.31 749.4 M 492.85 760.96 C 496.23 757.66 498.37 754.45 500.07 752.66 M 492.85 760.96 C 494.5 758.66 496.64 756.72 500.07 752.66" fill="none" stroke="#030303" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 501.15 757.57 C 501.15 757.57 501.15 757.57 501.15 757.57 M 501.15 757.57 C 501.15 757.57 501.15 757.57 501.15 757.57 M 497.68 769.14 C 500.21 765.63 501.79 763.75 505.56 760.08 M 497.68 769.14 C 499.98 767.29 500.99 765 505.56 760.08" fill="none" stroke="#030303" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 445 749.89 M 445 749.89 C 443.8 758.45 446.09 768.28 445 772.5 M 445 749.89 C 444.95 756.49 444.92 763.87 445 772.5 M 445 772.5 C 446.03 772.68 447.2 772.25 448.11 772.5 M 445 772.5 C 446.15 772.35 447.02 772.58 448.11 772.5 M 448.11 772.5 C 451.33 771.43 449.84 771.52 451.22 769.36 M 448.11 772.5 C 450.03 772.42 451.81 770.62 451.22 769.36 M 451.22 769.36 C 451.74 767.53 451.45 766.42 451.22 763.08 M 451.22 769.36 C 451.29 767.13 450.9 765.24 451.22 763.08 M 451.22 763.08 C 455.06 764.05 460.64 762.62 466.76 763.08 M 451.22 763.08 C 458.08 762.35 462.8 763.24 466.76 763.08 M 466.76 763.08 C 468.08 760.38 470.26 755.7 472.98 753.66 M 466.76 763.08 C 468.52 760.21 470.33 757.66 472.98 753.66 M 472.98 753.66 C 479.27 757.83 485.96 763.36 491.63 766.22 M 472.98 753.66 C 476.34 756.07 482.01 760.28 491.63 766.22 M 491.63 766.22 C 492.71 763.84 493.73 761.63 495.86 759.94 M 491.63 766.22 C 493.23 763.72 494.85 761.44 495.86 759.94 M 495.86 759.94 C 493.92 760.62 491.32 761.33 490.39 762.45 M 495.86 759.94 C 493.99 760.78 491.63 761.88 490.39 762.45 M 490.39 762.45 C 482.65 755.92 474.41 749.78 457.44 740.29 M 490.39 762.45 C 482.7 756.7 474.97 752.24 457.44 740.29 M 457.44 740.29 C 457.06 741.2 456.51 741.62 456.07 742.23 M 457.44 740.29 C 457.11 740.89 456.83 741.17 456.07 742.23 M 456.07 742.23 C 459 745.31 463.38 748.87 469.99 751.65 M 456.07 742.23 C 461.64 745.43 466.22 748.04 469.99 751.65 M 469.99 751.65 C 468.35 753.97 466.91 755.61 464.9 759.31 M 469.99 751.65 C 468.21 754.03 466.84 756.67 464.9 759.31 M 464.9 759.31 C 460.81 760.49 454.99 758.46 451.22 759.31 M 464.9 759.31 C 462.27 759.34 458.78 759.27 451.22 759.31 M 451.22 759.31 C 451.13 758.34 450.9 755.96 451.22 753.03 M 451.22 759.31 C 451.32 757.51 451.28 755.33 451.22 753.03 M 451.22 753.03 C 450.77 753.08 451.35 748.71 448.11 749.89 M 451.22 753.03 C 451.86 752.34 448.26 750.56 448.11 749.89 M 448.11 749.89 C 446.98 749.81 445.39 749.75 445 749.89 M 448.11 749.89 C 447.48 749.76 446.6 749.82 445 749.89 M 456.63 735.95 M 456.63 735.95 C 467.09 743.28 475.67 747.92 490.58 759.06 M 456.63 735.95 C 467.35 744.66 477.42 751.94 490.58 759.06 M 490.58 759.06 C 495.13 758.11 499.67 756.01 502.82 753.66 M 490.58 759.06 C 493.7 757.86 497.69 755.75 502.82 753.66 M 502.82 753.66 C 492.34 745 479.64 736.75 465.52 728.54 M 502.82 753.66 C 495.55 749.15 487.74 743.44 465.52 728.54 M 465.52 728.54 C 466.27 726.64 463.15 727.59 463.21 727.95 M 465.52 728.54 C 463.76 729.28 462.48 727.36 463.21 727.95 M 463.21 727.95 C 461.92 728.06 461.48 726.6 461.17 729.17 M 463.21 727.95 C 461.1 728.5 463.44 727.85 461.17 729.17 M 461.17 729.17 C 459.3 730.45 459.39 732.08 456.63 735.95 M 461.17 729.17 C 460.46 730.58 458.96 732.13 456.63 735.95 M 501.27 757.43 M 501.27 757.43 C 500.02 760.08 496.47 765.19 495.3 766.72 M 501.27 757.43 C 500.18 759.26 498.71 762 495.3 766.72 M 495.3 766.72 C 496.31 766.91 497.32 767.88 498.97 769.17 M 495.3 766.72 C 496.74 767.48 497.99 768.54 498.97 769.17 M 498.97 769.17 C 501.41 766.59 502.2 763.5 505 759.94 M 498.97 769.17 C 501.34 765.29 504.07 762.03 505 759.94 M 505 759.94 C 503.59 758.82 502.87 758.48 501.27 757.43 M 505 759.94 C 504.28 759.32 503.34 758.81 501.27 757.43" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-width="1.24" stroke-linejoin="round" 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1450.34 54.56 1450.72 53.73 1452.03 52 M 1450.28 55.5 C 1450.85 54.2 1451.83 52.59 1452.03 52 M 1452.03 52 C 1451.17 51.01 1450.6 49.36 1450.28 48.5 M 1452.03 52 C 1451.28 50.74 1450.86 49.79 1450.28 48.5 M 1450.28 48.5 C 1451.6 49.21 1453.69 49.53 1457.28 52 M 1450.28 48.5 C 1453.02 49.38 1454.85 50.89 1457.28 52" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 81px; margin-left: 1380px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); 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155.48 C 1105.74 155.1 1106.16 155.04 1106.97 153.97 M 1105.65 155.48 C 1106 155.13 1106.35 154.69 1106.97 153.97" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1106.98 158.88 M 1106.98 158.88 C 1105.19 156.48 1104.62 153.19 1103.48 151.88 M 1106.98 158.88 C 1105.97 155.91 1104.42 153.67 1103.48 151.88 M 1103.48 151.88 C 1104.84 152.76 1106.16 153.55 1106.98 153.63 M 1103.48 151.88 C 1104.73 152.41 1105.47 152.79 1106.98 153.63 M 1106.98 153.63 C 1107.79 153.56 1109.12 152.79 1110.48 151.88 M 1106.98 153.63 C 1108.04 153.31 1108.85 152.82 1110.48 151.88 M 1110.48 151.88 C 1108.99 153.96 1108.37 156.05 1106.98 158.88 M 1110.48 151.88 C 1109.56 153.4 1109.31 155.2 1106.98 158.88" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1200 50 Q 1230 59 1260 50 Q 1290 41 1320 50 L 1320 90 Q 1290 81 1260 90 Q 1230 99 1200 90 L 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1337.92 144.54 1341.07 154.88 1340 170 M 1340 130 C 1340.5 137.85 1339.75 147.27 1340 170 M 1340 170 C 1320.94 164.03 1300.38 162.38 1280 170 M 1340 170 C 1318.91 162.86 1298.02 162.84 1280 170 M 1280 170 C 1260.77 174.89 1238.43 175.88 1220 170 M 1280 170 C 1257.89 174.87 1241.96 174.1 1220 170 M 1220 170 C 1220.06 157.93 1218.4 148.94 1220 130 M 1220 170 C 1219.95 154.7 1219.87 141.22 1220 130 M 1220 130 C 1220 130 1220 130 1220 130 M 1220 130 C 1220 130 1220 130 1220 130" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 150px; 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467.75 1394.33 467.01 C 1393 466.28 1393.82 463.8 1393.49 461.88 C 1393.16 459.96 1391.94 457.01 1392.36 455.49 C 1392.78 453.97 1395.06 452.87 1396.01 452.74 C 1396.95 452.62 1397.59 454.47 1398.02 454.75" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1400 467.5 M 1400 467.5 C 1399.72 473.11 1397.99 480.95 1400 492.5 M 1400 467.5 C 1400.26 474.52 1399.12 483.01 1400 492.5 M 1400 472.5 M 1400 472.5 C 1396.85 473.66 1394.29 473.9 1385 472.5 M 1400 472.5 C 1397.14 471.87 1393.05 471.89 1385 472.5 M 1400 472.5 M 1400 472.5 C 1402.61 471.42 1407.26 471.13 1415 472.5 M 1400 472.5 C 1405.35 472.6 1411.36 472.24 1415 472.5 M 1400 492.5 M 1400 492.5 C 1393.63 497.27 1391.36 506.64 1385 512.5 M 1400 492.5 C 1394.83 497.86 1391.65 505.08 1385 512.5 M 1400 492.5 M 1400 492.5 C 1404.26 501.19 1410.69 508.32 1415 512.5 M 1400 492.5 C 1405.46 500.09 1412.59 508.96 1415 512.5" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" 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505.82 1364.32 506.86 C 1362.82 507.91 1360.52 508.45 1359.14 508.35 C 1357.76 508.25 1357.34 507.44 1356.02 506.25 C 1354.69 505.06 1351.74 503.03 1351.2 501.2 C 1350.66 499.36 1351.6 496.8 1352.79 495.23 C 1353.97 493.66 1356.6 492.23 1358.31 491.77 C 1360.01 491.31 1362.38 492.06 1363.02 492.47 C 1363.67 492.88 1362.3 494.15 1362.17 494.23" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1360 507.5 M 1360 507.5 C 1358.62 516.08 1359.72 520.12 1360 532.5 M 1360 507.5 C 1359.49 516.53 1359.92 526.05 1360 532.5 M 1360 512.5 M 1360 512.5 C 1356.04 512.5 1352.1 511.75 1345 512.5 M 1360 512.5 C 1356.93 512.98 1353.88 512.83 1345 512.5 M 1360 512.5 M 1360 512.5 C 1364.58 512.24 1367.13 513.07 1375 512.5 M 1360 512.5 C 1363.89 512.67 1366.79 512.98 1375 512.5 M 1360 532.5 M 1360 532.5 C 1357.31 536.08 1352.46 542.08 1345 552.5 M 1360 532.5 C 1356.37 536.83 1352.08 542.92 1345 552.5 M 1360 532.5 M 1360 532.5 C 1363.94 536.53 1369.33 542.96 1375 552.5 M 1360 532.5 C 1364.81 537.94 1368.5 543.71 1375 552.5" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="1500" cy="520" rx="7.5" ry="7.5" fill="transparent" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1500 527.5 L 1500 552.5 M 1500 532.5 L 1485 532.5 M 1500 532.5 L 1515 532.5 M 1500 552.5 L 1485 572.5 M 1500 552.5 L 1515 572.5" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1501.08 512.24 C 1502.46 512.74 1504.88 514.84 1505.88 516.32 C 1506.87 517.8 1506.98 519.73 1507.05 521.12 C 1507.12 522.51 1507.21 523.57 1506.32 524.64 C 1505.42 525.72 1503.47 527.47 1501.68 527.57 C 1499.9 527.68 1496.95 526.17 1495.62 525.26 C 1494.28 524.35 1493.94 523.61 1493.67 522.11 C 1493.4 520.62 1493.56 517.86 1493.98 516.3 C 1494.4 514.74 1494.64 513.25 1496.2 512.76 C 1497.76 512.28 1502.04 513.08 1503.33 513.41 C 1504.63 513.73 1503.99 514.65 1503.99 514.71 M 1501.38 512.39 C 1502.81 512.53 1505.34 514.78 1506.31 516.25 C 1507.27 517.72 1507.29 519.78 1507.17 521.19 C 1507.05 522.6 1506.87 523.68 1505.57 524.72 C 1504.27 525.76 1500.78 527.23 1499.37 527.42 C 1497.97 527.62 1498.45 526.87 1497.13 525.9 C 1495.8 524.93 1491.99 523.34 1491.4 521.6 C 1490.81 519.85 1492.88 516.99 1493.58 515.45 C 1494.29 513.91 1494.06 512.93 1495.61 512.34 C 1497.17 511.76 1501.79 511.74 1502.91 511.92 C 1504.03 512.11 1502.41 513.07 1502.32 513.46" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1500 527.5 M 1500 527.5 C 1501.52 535.04 1501.44 539.28 1500 552.5 M 1500 527.5 C 1500.72 533.55 1500.73 541.08 1500 552.5 M 1500 532.5 M 1500 532.5 C 1495.23 531.05 1492.91 532.29 1485 532.5 M 1500 532.5 C 1493.72 532.88 1488.72 532.58 1485 532.5 M 1500 532.5 M 1500 532.5 C 1506.54 533.06 1513 532.02 1515 532.5 M 1500 532.5 C 1503.94 532.75 1508.22 532.22 1515 532.5 M 1500 552.5 M 1500 552.5 C 1496.6 554.9 1493.16 561.51 1485 572.5 M 1500 552.5 C 1497.51 555.81 1494.12 560.77 1485 572.5 M 1500 552.5 M 1500 552.5 C 1507.02 559.88 1510.37 565.59 1515 572.5 M 1500 552.5 C 1505.15 559.5 1512.4 568.16 1515 572.5" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="1390" cy="570" rx="7.5" ry="7.5" fill="transparent" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1390 577.5 L 1390 602.5 M 1390 582.5 L 1375 582.5 M 1390 582.5 L 1405 582.5 M 1390 602.5 L 1375 622.5 M 1390 602.5 L 1405 622.5" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1389.9 562.16 C 1391.58 561.87 1393.93 563.15 1395.12 564.12 C 1396.32 565.09 1396.8 566.43 1397.08 567.98 C 1397.37 569.54 1397.55 572.02 1396.83 573.45 C 1396.11 574.88 1394.4 575.94 1392.79 576.56 C 1391.18 577.19 1388.68 577.58 1387.17 577.2 C 1385.66 576.82 1384.38 575.77 1383.73 574.29 C 1383.08 572.81 1383.01 569.85 1383.25 568.31 C 1383.49 566.77 1383.81 565.93 1385.18 565.05 C 1386.56 564.17 1390.32 563.26 1391.5 563.02 C 1392.69 562.79 1392.25 563.57 1392.3 563.65 M 1392.24 562.74 C 1393.39 563.03 1393.9 564.39 1394.54 565.64 C 1395.17 566.9 1395.68 568.64 1396.04 570.28 C 1396.4 571.91 1397.27 574.43 1396.69 575.44 C 1396.12 576.45 1394.48 576.33 1392.59 576.32 C 1390.7 576.32 1386.64 576.14 1385.33 575.41 C 1384.03 574.69 1385.39 573.08 1384.76 571.97 C 1384.13 570.86 1381.33 570.24 1381.53 568.76 C 1381.74 567.28 1384.62 564.29 1385.99 563.08 C 1387.36 561.88 1389.18 561.58 1389.75 561.54 C 1390.32 561.49 1389.47 562.65 1389.44 562.84" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1390 577.5 M 1390 577.5 C 1390.42 584.01 1389.16 592.44 1390 602.5 M 1390 577.5 C 1389.95 585.56 1389.53 594.11 1390 602.5 M 1390 582.5 M 1390 582.5 C 1384.43 582.59 1380.72 582.84 1375 582.5 M 1390 582.5 C 1385.01 582.79 1379.55 582.32 1375 582.5 M 1390 582.5 M 1390 582.5 C 1395.51 583.89 1399.87 583.96 1405 582.5 M 1390 582.5 C 1393.98 582.82 1399.64 582.96 1405 582.5 M 1390 602.5 M 1390 602.5 C 1382.88 611.42 1377.87 614.65 1375 622.5 M 1390 602.5 C 1384.05 608.78 1378.55 616.61 1375 622.5 M 1390 602.5 M 1390 602.5 C 1392.7 605.22 1395.01 610.23 1405 622.5 M 1390 602.5 C 1394.5 609.35 1398.3 614.92 1405 622.5" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="1445" cy="570" rx="7.5" ry="7.5" fill="transparent" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1445 577.5 L 1445 602.5 M 1445 582.5 L 1430 582.5 M 1445 582.5 L 1460 582.5 M 1445 602.5 L 1430 622.5 M 1445 602.5 L 1460 622.5" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1443.75 562.58 C 1444.95 561.84 1445.76 561.58 1447.07 562.31 C 1448.38 563.03 1450.83 565.31 1451.63 566.92 C 1452.44 568.54 1452.39 570.65 1451.91 572.01 C 1451.42 573.37 1450.04 574.31 1448.7 575.09 C 1447.36 575.86 1445.44 576.48 1443.86 576.67 C 1442.28 576.86 1440.18 577.27 1439.21 576.22 C 1438.23 575.18 1437.96 572.17 1438.01 570.42 C 1438.06 568.67 1438.57 566.93 1439.5 565.72 C 1440.43 564.51 1442.92 563.65 1443.58 563.16 C 1444.25 562.67 1443.36 562.68 1443.48 562.77 M 1445.09 563.26 C 1446.91 563.19 1449.37 564.13 1450.64 565.14 C 1451.92 566.16 1452.4 568.03 1452.74 569.35 C 1453.08 570.67 1453.51 571.6 1452.68 573.05 C 1451.85 574.5 1449.61 577.26 1447.77 578.05 C 1445.92 578.84 1442.86 578.24 1441.61 577.78 C 1440.36 577.32 1440.94 576.73 1440.28 575.29 C 1439.62 573.85 1437.45 571.02 1437.65 569.13 C 1437.85 567.25 1440.31 565.28 1441.47 563.98 C 1442.62 562.68 1444.06 561.58 1444.57 561.32 C 1445.09 561.05 1444.52 561.89 1444.53 562.38" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1445 577.5 M 1445 577.5 C 1444.32 582.97 1445.88 591.61 1445 602.5 M 1445 577.5 C 1444.18 587.57 1445.34 597.14 1445 602.5 M 1445 582.5 M 1445 582.5 C 1438.62 581.14 1433.54 583.38 1430 582.5 M 1445 582.5 C 1439.81 582.7 1435.39 582.06 1430 582.5 M 1445 582.5 M 1445 582.5 C 1449.48 581.71 1454.74 582.91 1460 582.5 M 1445 582.5 C 1450.53 582.9 1456.07 582.2 1460 582.5 M 1445 602.5 M 1445 602.5 C 1441.56 610.23 1437.97 614.09 1430 622.5 M 1445 602.5 C 1440.59 607.75 1435.98 614.45 1430 622.5 M 1445 602.5 M 1445 602.5 C 1450.78 608.56 1455.05 612.86 1460 622.5 M 1445 602.5 C 1451.84 610.91 1457.2 617.37 1460 622.5" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1200 540 Q 1200 550 1161.9 550 Q 1123.8 550 1123.75 607.63" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1123.75 612.88 L 1120.26 605.88 L 1123.75 607.63 L 1127.26 605.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1200 540 M 1200 540 C 1199.37 545.05 1188.94 551.61 1161.9 550 M 1200 540 C 1198.64 546.22 1186.73 549.69 1161.9 550 M 1161.9 550 C 1134.52 549.68 1123.47 568.47 1123.75 607.63 M 1161.9 550 C 1136.69 547.72 1122.36 568 1123.75 607.63" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1120.48 605.62 C 1120.48 605.62 1120.48 605.62 1120.48 605.62 M 1120.48 605.62 C 1120.48 605.62 1120.48 605.62 1120.48 605.62 M 1122.19 609.76 C 1122.4 609.15 1123.25 608.46 1124.16 607.49 M 1122.19 609.76 C 1122.96 608.8 1123.63 608.1 1124.16 607.49" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1123.75 612.88 M 1123.75 612.88 C 1122.44 611.3 1121.5 609.12 1120.26 605.88 M 1123.75 612.88 C 1122.21 610.44 1120.82 607.53 1120.26 605.88 M 1120.26 605.88 C 1121.47 606.56 1121.99 607 1123.75 607.63 M 1120.26 605.88 C 1121.27 606.53 1122.07 607.04 1123.75 607.63 M 1123.75 607.63 C 1124.82 606.93 1125.55 606.9 1127.26 605.88 M 1123.75 607.63 C 1124.95 607.01 1126.03 606.38 1127.26 605.88 M 1127.26 605.88 C 1126.96 606.8 1126.2 609.09 1123.75 612.88 M 1127.26 605.88 C 1125.99 608.19 1124.7 611.27 1123.75 612.88" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1160 500 C 1160 491.72 1177.91 485 1200 485 C 1210.61 485 1220.78 486.58 1228.28 489.39 C 1235.79 492.21 1240 496.02 1240 500 L 1240 525 C 1240 533.28 1222.09 540 1200 540 C 1177.91 540 1160 533.28 1160 525 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1240 500 C 1240 508.28 1222.09 515 1200 515 C 1177.91 515 1160 508.28 1160 500" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1160 500 M 1160 500 C 1159.37 491.56 1176.98 486.04 1200 485 M 1160 500 C 1158.77 491.18 1179.58 483.96 1200 485 M 1200 485 C 1223.75 483.28 1241.52 489.74 1240 500 M 1200 485 C 1222.45 486.43 1241.13 492.34 1240 500 M 1240 500 C 1239.8 508.79 1241.5 515.16 1240 525 M 1240 500 C 1239.37 506.2 1239.22 510.84 1240 525 M 1240 525 C 1240.91 535.07 1223.1 540.12 1200 540 M 1240 525 C 1241.25 533.08 1223.55 538.53 1200 540 M 1200 540 C 1179.77 539.79 1161.7 532.03 1160 525 M 1200 540 C 1178.59 539.67 1161.84 531.93 1160 525 M 1160 525 C 1161.81 515.18 1158.61 507.26 1160 500 M 1160 525 C 1159.47 519.49 1160.53 513.63 1160 500" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1240 500 M 1240 500 C 1239.37 508.12 1221.16 516.04 1200 515 M 1240 500 C 1238.77 507.74 1223.76 513.96 1200 515 M 1200 515 C 1179.57 513.28 1161.52 506.3 1160 500 M 1200 515 C 1178.27 516.43 1161.13 508.9 1160 500" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" 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971.31 763.09 936.37 765 M 990 765 C 989 767.3 972.77 766.29 936.37 765" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 930.8 765.36 C 930.8 765.36 930.8 765.36 930.8 765.36 M 930.8 765.36 C 930.8 765.36 930.8 765.36 930.8 765.36 M 935.13 766.48 C 935.79 766.01 936.2 765.12 936.45 764.97 M 935.13 766.48 C 935.4 766.2 935.75 765.68 936.45 764.97" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 931.12 765 M 931.12 765 C 932.55 763.78 935.11 763.43 938.12 761.5 M 931.12 765 C 934.06 763.71 935.92 762.1 938.12 761.5 M 938.12 761.5 C 937.84 762.87 936.8 763.78 936.37 765 M 938.12 761.5 C 937.74 762.25 937.25 763.52 936.37 765 M 936.37 765 C 937.18 765.85 937.21 766.44 938.12 768.5 M 936.37 765 C 936.81 765.63 937.2 766.6 938.12 768.5 M 938.12 768.5 C 936.04 768.12 934.84 767.25 931.12 765 M 938.12 768.5 C 935.12 767.22 933.03 766.13 931.12 765" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="990" y="740" width="50" height="50" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1006.42 740 C 1005.85 740.01 1005.39 740.48 1005.4 741.04 L 1005.4 745.9 L 998.55 745.9 C 997.15 745.9 996 747.05 996 748.44 L 996 755.52 L 991.09 755.52 C 990.72 755.51 990.37 755.7 990.18 756.02 C 989.99 756.34 989.99 756.74 990.18 757.06 C 990.37 757.38 990.72 757.58 991.09 757.57 L 996 757.57 L 996 761.2 L 991.09 761.2 C 990.72 761.2 990.38 761.4 990.2 761.72 C 990.02 762.03 990.02 762.43 990.2 762.74 C 990.38 763.06 990.72 763.26 991.09 763.26 L 996 763.26 L 996 766.89 L 991.09 766.89 C 990.72 766.88 990.37 767.08 990.18 767.4 C 989.99 767.72 989.99 768.12 990.18 768.44 C 990.37 768.76 990.72 768.95 991.09 768.94 L 996 768.94 L 996 772.58 L 991.09 772.58 C 990.52 772.58 990.06 773.04 990.06 773.61 C 990.06 774.17 990.52 774.63 991.09 774.63 L 996 774.63 L 996 781.23 C 996 782.62 997.15 783.77 998.55 783.77 L 1005.4 783.77 L 1005.4 788.91 C 1005.4 789.27 1005.6 789.61 1005.92 789.8 C 1006.24 789.98 1006.63 789.98 1006.95 789.8 C 1007.27 789.61 1007.46 789.27 1007.46 788.91 L 1007.46 783.77 L 1011.12 783.77 L 1011.12 788.91 C 1011.12 789.27 1011.32 789.61 1011.64 789.8 C 1011.96 789.98 1012.35 789.98 1012.67 789.8 C 1012.99 789.61 1013.18 789.27 1013.18 788.91 L 1013.18 783.77 L 1016.84 783.77 L 1016.84 788.91 C 1016.84 789.27 1017.04 789.61 1017.36 789.8 C 1017.67 789.98 1018.07 789.98 1018.39 789.8 C 1018.7 789.61 1018.9 789.27 1018.9 788.91 L 1018.9 783.77 L 1022.56 783.77 L 1022.56 788.91 C 1022.56 789.27 1022.76 789.61 1023.08 789.8 C 1023.39 789.98 1023.79 789.98 1024.11 789.8 C 1024.42 789.61 1024.62 789.27 1024.62 788.91 L 1024.62 783.77 L 1031.51 783.77 C 1032.9 783.77 1034.05 782.62 1034.05 781.23 L 1034.05 774.63 L 1038.91 774.63 C 1039.48 774.63 1039.94 774.17 1039.94 773.61 C 1039.94 773.04 1039.48 772.58 1038.91 772.58 L 1034.05 772.58 L 1034.05 768.94 L 1038.91 768.94 C 1039.28 768.95 1039.63 768.76 1039.82 768.44 C 1040.01 768.12 1040.01 767.72 1039.82 767.4 C 1039.63 767.08 1039.28 766.88 1038.91 766.89 L 1034.05 766.89 L 1034.05 763.26 L 1038.91 763.26 C 1039.28 763.26 1039.62 763.06 1039.8 762.74 C 1039.98 762.43 1039.98 762.03 1039.8 761.72 C 1039.62 761.4 1039.28 761.2 1038.91 761.2 L 1034.05 761.2 L 1034.05 757.57 L 1038.91 757.57 C 1039.28 757.58 1039.63 757.38 1039.82 757.06 C 1040.01 756.74 1040.01 756.34 1039.82 756.02 C 1039.63 755.7 1039.28 755.51 1038.91 755.52 L 1034.05 755.52 L 1034.05 748.44 C 1034.05 747.05 1032.9 745.9 1031.51 745.9 L 1024.62 745.9 L 1024.62 741.04 C 1024.62 740.77 1024.52 740.5 1024.32 740.3 C 1024.12 740.11 1023.85 740 1023.57 740 C 1023.01 740.01 1022.55 740.48 1022.56 741.04 L 1022.56 745.9 L 1018.9 745.9 L 1018.9 741.04 C 1018.91 740.77 1018.8 740.5 1018.6 740.3 C 1018.4 740.11 1018.13 740 1017.86 740 C 1017.29 740.01 1016.83 740.48 1016.84 741.04 L 1016.84 745.9 L 1013.18 745.9 L 1013.18 741.04 C 1013.19 740.77 1013.08 740.5 1012.88 740.3 C 1012.68 740.11 1012.41 740 1012.14 740 C 1011.57 740.01 1011.11 740.48 1011.12 741.04 L 1011.12 745.9 L 1007.46 745.9 L 1007.46 741.04 C 1007.47 740.77 1007.36 740.5 1007.16 740.3 C 1006.96 740.11 1006.7 740 1006.42 740 Z M 998.55 747.95 L 1031.51 747.95 C 1031.79 747.95 1031.99 748.15 1031.99 748.44 L 1031.99 781.23 C 1031.99 781.52 1031.79 781.71 1031.51 781.71 L 998.55 781.71 C 998.26 781.71 998.06 781.52 998.06 781.23 L 998.06 748.44 C 998.06 748.15 998.26 747.95 998.55 747.95 Z M 1019.76 750.17 C 1019.19 750.17 1018.72 750.63 1018.72 751.2 C 1018.72 751.76 1019.19 752.22 1019.76 752.22 L 1027.33 752.22 L 1027.33 759.85 C 1027.32 760.23 1027.51 760.57 1027.84 760.76 C 1028.16 760.95 1028.56 760.95 1028.88 760.76 C 1029.2 760.57 1029.4 760.23 1029.39 759.85 L 1029.39 751.2 C 1029.39 750.93 1029.28 750.66 1029.09 750.47 C 1028.89 750.28 1028.63 750.17 1028.36 750.17 Z M 1001.53 750.21 C 1000.97 750.21 1000.5 750.67 1000.5 751.24 L 1000.5 759.81 C 1000.5 760.18 1000.7 760.52 1001.02 760.7 C 1001.34 760.88 1001.73 760.88 1002.05 760.7 C 1002.37 760.52 1002.56 760.18 1002.56 759.81 L 1002.56 752.27 L 1010.22 752.27 C 1010.6 752.28 1010.95 752.08 1011.14 751.76 C 1011.33 751.44 1011.33 751.04 1011.14 750.72 C 1010.95 750.4 1010.6 750.2 1010.22 750.21 Z M 1001.56 768.67 C 1000.99 768.68 1000.54 769.15 1000.55 769.71 L 1000.55 778.37 C 1000.55 778.93 1001.01 779.39 1001.58 779.39 L 1010.18 779.39 C 1010.55 779.39 1010.89 779.2 1011.07 778.88 C 1011.26 778.56 1011.26 778.17 1011.07 777.85 C 1010.89 777.54 1010.55 777.34 1010.18 777.34 L 1002.61 777.34 L 1002.61 769.71 C 1002.61 769.44 1002.5 769.17 1002.3 768.97 C 1002.11 768.78 1001.84 768.67 1001.56 768.67 Z M 1028.39 768.71 C 1027.82 768.72 1027.36 769.19 1027.37 769.76 L 1027.37 777.3 L 1019.71 777.3 C 1019.14 777.3 1018.68 777.76 1018.68 778.32 C 1018.68 778.89 1019.14 779.35 1019.71 779.35 L 1028.4 779.35 C 1028.67 779.35 1028.94 779.24 1029.13 779.05 C 1029.32 778.86 1029.43 778.6 1029.43 778.32 L 1029.43 769.76 C 1029.44 769.48 1029.33 769.21 1029.13 769.01 C 1028.93 768.82 1028.66 768.71 1028.39 768.71 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1006.42 740 M 1006.42 740 C 1005.22 740.53 1005.27 739.23 1005.4 741.04 M 1006.42 740 C 1006.84 738.73 1005.13 742.75 1005.4 741.04 M 1005.4 741.04 C 1005.14 741.91 1005.17 742.69 1005.4 745.9 M 1005.4 741.04 C 1005.44 742.95 1005.15 744.77 1005.4 745.9 M 1005.4 745.9 C 1003.71 745.68 1001.58 746.25 998.55 745.9 M 1005.4 745.9 C 1003.19 745.72 1000.96 746.17 998.55 745.9 M 998.55 745.9 C 995.61 745.43 994.82 747.4 996 748.44 M 998.55 745.9 C 995.73 744.58 993.95 748.34 996 748.44 M 996 748.44 C 996.69 750.16 995.94 751.13 996 755.52 M 996 748.44 C 995.94 750.22 995.65 752.33 996 755.52 M 996 755.52 C 994.2 755.58 992.23 755.7 991.09 755.52 M 996 755.52 C 994.07 755.32 992.28 755.5 991.09 755.52 M 991.09 755.52 C 991.96 756.56 989.53 753.99 990.18 756.02 M 991.09 755.52 C 992.1 753.85 990.11 754.5 990.18 756.02 M 990.18 756.02 C 991.38 754.59 989.15 757.04 990.18 757.06 M 990.18 756.02 C 991.52 758.23 989.68 755.54 990.18 757.06 M 990.18 757.06 C 988.68 757.92 992.35 759.42 991.09 757.57 M 990.18 757.06 C 989.65 758.46 989.33 755.38 991.09 757.57 M 991.09 757.57 C 992.66 757.26 995.08 757.41 996 757.57 M 991.09 757.57 C 992.1 757.58 993.13 757.66 996 757.57 M 996 757.57 C 995.64 758.31 996.3 759.85 996 761.2 M 996 757.57 C 995.97 758.8 996.2 759.8 996 761.2 M 996 761.2 C 994.04 761.05 993.16 761.42 991.09 761.2 M 996 761.2 C 995.08 760.99 993.99 761.37 991.09 761.2 M 991.09 761.2 C 990.83 762.54 989.99 762.68 990.2 761.72 M 991.09 761.2 C 988.73 760 988.21 763.28 990.2 761.72 M 990.2 761.72 C 989.78 763.71 988.95 762.57 990.2 762.74 M 990.2 761.72 C 988.85 759.92 989.29 763.08 990.2 762.74 M 990.2 762.74 C 990.5 762.36 989.15 764.21 991.09 763.26 M 990.2 762.74 C 991.61 761.05 991.78 765.06 991.09 763.26 M 991.09 763.26 C 993.16 762.93 995.12 763.24 996 763.26 M 991.09 763.26 C 992.41 763.44 993.77 763.52 996 763.26 M 996 763.26 C 996.34 763.77 995.85 764.43 996 766.89 M 996 763.26 C 995.86 763.89 995.98 764.73 996 766.89 M 996 766.89 C 994.03 766.54 992.3 767.19 991.09 766.89 M 996 766.89 C 994.05 766.71 992.71 766.93 991.09 766.89 M 991.09 766.89 C 989.34 766.02 992.24 768.68 990.18 767.4 M 991.09 766.89 C 991.23 765.92 988.6 767.89 990.18 767.4 M 990.18 767.4 C 989.14 767.49 991.35 766.13 990.18 768.44 M 990.18 767.4 C 990.02 768.57 988.51 768.59 990.18 768.44 M 990.18 768.44 C 988.47 768.86 991.17 770 991.09 768.94 M 990.18 768.44 C 988.25 766.61 988.67 768.2 991.09 768.94 M 991.09 768.94 C 992.49 768.94 993.06 769.21 996 768.94 M 991.09 768.94 C 992.82 768.91 994.8 769.07 996 768.94 M 996 768.94 C 995.91 769.72 996.03 771.29 996 772.58 M 996 768.94 C 995.95 770.18 995.85 771.62 996 772.58 M 996 772.58 C 994.05 772.52 992.13 773.01 991.09 772.58 M 996 772.58 C 993.97 772.35 992.13 772.57 991.09 772.58 M 991.09 772.58 C 989.11 771.46 990.45 771.87 990.06 773.61 M 991.09 772.58 C 989.69 774.16 992.33 773.66 990.06 773.61 M 990.06 773.61 C 988.89 772.67 990.81 775.68 991.09 774.63 M 990.06 773.61 C 991.69 775.49 988.65 772.78 991.09 774.63 M 991.09 774.63 C 993 774.87 994.97 774.29 996 774.63 M 991.09 774.63 C 992.27 774.77 993.32 774.59 996 774.63 M 996 774.63 C 996.15 776.69 996.63 778.11 996 781.23 M 996 774.63 C 996.22 776.22 996.14 778.43 996 781.23 M 996 781.23 C 995.81 783.01 997.39 784.48 998.55 783.77 M 996 781.23 C 997.84 781.13 998.91 783.76 998.55 783.77 M 998.55 783.77 C 1000.74 783.47 1003.5 784.24 1005.4 783.77 M 998.55 783.77 C 1000.3 783.81 1002.65 783.55 1005.4 783.77 M 1005.4 783.77 C 1005.33 785.66 1005.02 787.7 1005.4 788.91 M 1005.4 783.77 C 1005.43 785.41 1005.31 786.64 1005.4 788.91 M 1005.4 788.91 C 1003.94 787.84 1007.06 791.29 1005.92 789.8 M 1005.4 788.91 C 1003.11 787.13 1007.1 791.46 1005.92 789.8 M 1005.92 789.8 C 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747.65 1034.02 746.2 1031.51 745.9 M 1031.51 745.9 C 1029.12 745.74 1026.82 746.21 1024.62 745.9 M 1031.51 745.9 C 1029.66 745.89 1028.27 745.8 1024.62 745.9 M 1024.62 745.9 C 1024.35 745.18 1024.23 743.91 1024.62 741.04 M 1024.62 745.9 C 1024.47 744.08 1024.66 742.18 1024.62 741.04 M 1024.62 741.04 C 1024.06 739.03 1026.28 739.49 1024.32 740.3 M 1024.62 741.04 C 1025.35 739.16 1026.26 740.38 1024.32 740.3 M 1024.32 740.3 C 1022.59 740.95 1022.51 738.01 1023.57 740 M 1024.32 740.3 C 1022.83 737.98 1026.14 741.85 1023.57 740 M 1023.57 740 C 1024.51 741.92 1020.57 741.69 1022.56 741.04 M 1023.57 740 C 1022.73 742.08 1021.45 742.32 1022.56 741.04 M 1022.56 741.04 C 1023.04 743.08 1022.55 744.83 1022.56 745.9 M 1022.56 741.04 C 1022.72 742.4 1022.4 743.31 1022.56 745.9 M 1022.56 745.9 C 1021.14 745.85 1020.35 746.12 1018.9 745.9 M 1022.56 745.9 C 1021.47 745.85 1020.67 745.9 1018.9 745.9 M 1018.9 745.9 C 1019.05 744.24 1018.94 742.9 1018.9 741.04 M 1018.9 745.9 C 1019.15 744.87 1018.84 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1029.39 751.2 C 1028.43 752.2 1030.11 751.58 1029.09 750.47 M 1029.39 751.2 C 1027.97 748.89 1030.82 752.33 1029.09 750.47 M 1029.09 750.47 C 1029.53 749.3 1029.49 749.16 1028.36 750.17 M 1029.09 750.47 C 1027.53 750.94 1029.13 751.99 1028.36 750.17 M 1028.36 750.17 C 1025.04 750.77 1022.49 750.37 1019.76 750.17 M 1028.36 750.17 C 1025.23 750.55 1021.91 750 1019.76 750.17 M 1001.53 750.21 M 1001.53 750.21 C 1002.08 751.94 1000.97 751.36 1000.5 751.24 M 1001.53 750.21 C 1002.9 751.04 1000.35 750.33 1000.5 751.24 M 1000.5 751.24 C 1000.85 754.83 1000.45 757.51 1000.5 759.81 M 1000.5 751.24 C 1000.31 753.11 1000.44 755.03 1000.5 759.81 M 1000.5 759.81 C 1000.62 760.91 1002.29 760.41 1001.02 760.7 M 1000.5 759.81 C 1001.38 762.03 998.95 759.73 1001.02 760.7 M 1001.02 760.7 C 1001.49 762.45 1002.06 760.49 1002.05 760.7 M 1001.02 760.7 C 1000.39 759.46 1000.51 758.64 1002.05 760.7 M 1002.05 760.7 C 1002.87 762.12 1002.39 758.36 1002.56 759.81 M 1002.05 760.7 C 1002.98 761.35 1000.6 762.21 1002.56 759.81 M 1002.56 759.81 C 1002.84 756.68 1003.15 754.89 1002.56 752.27 M 1002.56 759.81 C 1002.26 757.07 1002.82 754 1002.56 752.27 M 1002.56 752.27 C 1004.02 752.22 1005.99 752.78 1010.22 752.27 M 1002.56 752.27 C 1005.18 752.68 1008.13 752.59 1010.22 752.27 M 1010.22 752.27 C 1011.74 753.09 1009.32 750.79 1011.14 751.76 M 1010.22 752.27 C 1011.51 753.57 1010.46 752.82 1011.14 751.76 M 1011.14 751.76 C 1010.83 751.43 1010.78 750.6 1011.14 750.72 M 1011.14 751.76 C 1012.4 752.4 1011.95 753.32 1011.14 750.72 M 1011.14 750.72 C 1009.44 751.69 1009.72 750.89 1010.22 750.21 M 1011.14 750.72 C 1010.2 751.85 1012.01 748.72 1010.22 750.21 M 1010.22 750.21 C 1008.01 750.3 1004.05 750.56 1001.53 750.21 M 1010.22 750.21 C 1007.45 750.32 1005 750.41 1001.53 750.21 M 1001.56 768.67 M 1001.56 768.67 C 999.91 767.91 998.68 769.12 1000.55 769.71 M 1001.56 768.67 C 999.22 770.95 999.53 770.3 1000.55 769.71 M 1000.55 769.71 C 1000.55 772.21 1000.8 774.24 1000.55 778.37 M 1000.55 769.71 C 1000.27 771.85 1000.74 773.42 1000.55 778.37 M 1000.55 778.37 C 1000.1 780.67 1000.47 779.31 1001.58 779.39 M 1000.55 778.37 C 1002.51 780.62 1000.11 781.33 1001.58 779.39 M 1001.58 779.39 C 1004.23 779.87 1007.92 779.79 1010.18 779.39 M 1001.58 779.39 C 1003.29 779.71 1005.68 779.8 1010.18 779.39 M 1010.18 779.39 C 1009.92 777.6 1009.55 779.79 1011.07 778.88 M 1010.18 779.39 C 1009.1 780.49 1009.46 781.13 1011.07 778.88 M 1011.07 778.88 C 1011.24 777.29 1009.54 779.44 1011.07 777.85 M 1011.07 778.88 C 1012 777.49 1013.15 775.91 1011.07 777.85 M 1011.07 777.85 C 1010.89 777.27 1009.55 778.2 1010.18 777.34 M 1011.07 777.85 C 1009.84 778.41 1008.56 778.38 1010.18 777.34 M 1010.18 777.34 C 1007.48 777.89 1004.83 776.97 1002.61 777.34 M 1010.18 777.34 C 1007.88 777.65 1005.01 777.29 1002.61 777.34 M 1002.61 777.34 C 1003.31 773.79 1002.35 770.77 1002.61 769.71 M 1002.61 777.34 C 1002.5 775.4 1002.26 773.26 1002.61 769.71 M 1002.61 769.71 C 1002.5 769.14 1002.25 771.03 1002.3 768.97 M 1002.61 769.71 C 1002.5 769.96 1003.51 771.43 1002.3 768.97 M 1002.3 768.97 C 1000.37 770.36 1001.11 767.23 1001.56 768.67 M 1002.3 768.97 C 1001.22 768.63 999.63 768.16 1001.56 768.67 M 1001.56 768.67 C 1001.56 768.67 1001.56 768.67 1001.56 768.67 M 1001.56 768.67 C 1001.56 768.67 1001.56 768.67 1001.56 768.67 M 1028.39 768.71 M 1028.39 768.71 C 1029.77 768.96 1027.21 770.62 1027.37 769.76 M 1028.39 768.71 C 1027.25 769.27 1027.97 770.35 1027.37 769.76 M 1027.37 769.76 C 1026.68 771.87 1028.03 775.56 1027.37 777.3 M 1027.37 769.76 C 1027.22 771.68 1027.73 774.05 1027.37 777.3 M 1027.37 777.3 C 1024.82 777.32 1023.63 777.34 1019.71 777.3 M 1027.37 777.3 C 1024.7 777.65 1022.42 777.29 1019.71 777.3 M 1019.71 777.3 C 1018.67 776.06 1019.23 777.87 1018.68 778.32 M 1019.71 777.3 C 1019.16 776.15 1019.87 776.71 1018.68 778.32 M 1018.68 778.32 C 1017 779.06 1017.84 781.02 1019.71 779.35 M 1018.68 778.32 C 1020.53 776.78 1018.66 778.05 1019.71 779.35 M 1019.71 779.35 C 1021.78 779.59 1023.65 779.32 1028.4 779.35 M 1019.71 779.35 C 1022.57 778.89 1025.59 779.11 1028.4 779.35 M 1028.4 779.35 C 1029.9 780.59 1030.78 777.94 1029.13 779.05 M 1028.4 779.35 C 1030.94 779.05 1028.22 781.11 1029.13 779.05 M 1029.13 779.05 C 1028.22 777.13 1030.44 778.31 1029.43 778.32 M 1029.13 779.05 C 1027.35 778.42 1029.33 777.26 1029.43 778.32 M 1029.43 778.32 C 1029.04 774.97 1029.88 772.56 1029.43 769.76 M 1029.43 778.32 C 1028.99 775.99 1029.29 773.85 1029.43 769.76 M 1029.43 769.76 C 1030.01 768.11 1027.98 768.54 1029.13 769.01 M 1029.43 769.76 C 1029.94 767.52 1027.96 771.4 1029.13 769.01 M 1029.13 769.01 C 1030.2 770.49 1027.08 770.45 1028.39 768.71 M 1029.13 769.01 C 1029.48 766.99 1030.71 768.26 1028.39 768.71 M 1028.39 768.71 C 1028.39 768.71 1028.39 768.71 1028.39 768.71 M 1028.39 768.71 C 1028.39 768.71 1028.39 768.71 1028.39 768.71" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 797px; margin-left: 1015px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: nowrap;">a shit ton of GPU power</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="1015" y="809" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="IBM Plex Sans" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">a shit t...</text></switch></g><path d="M 350 860 Q 380 860 815 860 Q 1250 860 1250 808.87" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1250 803.62 L 1253.5 810.62 L 1250 808.87 L 1246.5 810.62 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 350 860 M 350 860 C 369.37 858.56 523.31 859.89 815 860 M 350 860 C 368.44 861.11 523.57 858.41 815 860 M 815 860 C 1104.82 859.93 1250.66 844.39 1250 808.87 M 815 860 C 1105.76 860.18 1248.39 843.85 1250 808.87" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1250.3 803.27 C 1250.3 803.27 1250.3 803.27 1250.3 803.27 M 1250.3 803.27 C 1250.3 803.27 1250.3 803.27 1250.3 803.27 M 1250.7 808.92 C 1250.87 808.74 1251.24 808.16 1252.01 807.41 M 1250.7 808.92 C 1251.14 808.46 1251.68 807.75 1252.01 807.41" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1250 803.62 M 1250 803.62 C 1251.42 805.07 1251.8 807.3 1253.5 810.62 M 1250 803.62 C 1251.03 804.73 1251.84 806.49 1253.5 810.62 M 1253.5 810.62 C 1252.4 810.43 1251.76 809.6 1250 808.87 M 1253.5 810.62 C 1252.69 810.42 1252.2 810 1250 808.87 M 1250 808.87 C 1248.72 809.4 1247.99 810.08 1246.5 810.62 M 1250 808.87 C 1249.03 809.34 1248 809.6 1246.5 810.62 M 1246.5 810.62 C 1246.69 808.98 1248.97 807.92 1250 803.62 M 1246.5 810.62 C 1247.27 808.82 1248.36 807.78 1250 803.62" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 260 805 L 340 805 L 350 815 L 350 865 L 270 865 L 260 855 L 260 805 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 260 805 L 340 805 L 350 815 L 270 815 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 260 805 L 270 815 L 270 865 L 260 855 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 270 865 L 270 815 L 260 805 M 270 815 L 350 815" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 260 805 M 260 805 C 279.65 805.12 304.55 804.83 340 805 M 260 805 C 282.88 804.68 306.67 803.61 340 805 M 340 805 C 343.24 809.47 346.13 813.3 350 815 M 340 805 C 341.75 806.7 344.46 809.43 350 815 M 350 815 C 347.94 834.4 350.14 855.07 350 865 M 350 815 C 350.59 832.57 350.65 848.21 350 865 M 350 865 C 322.07 866.15 288.38 864.56 270 865 M 350 865 C 326.37 866.03 301.27 866.03 270 865 M 270 865 C 265.94 862.59 262.41 857.75 260 855 M 270 865 C 267.38 862.68 264.28 859.31 260 855 M 260 855 C 258.93 841.07 260.42 827.76 260 805 M 260 855 C 259.39 839.97 260.3 826.25 260 805 M 260 805 C 260 805 260 805 260 805 M 260 805 C 260 805 260 805 260 805" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 260 805 C 260 805 260 805 260 805 M 260 805 C 260 805 260 805 260 805 M 263.02 807.62 C 263.66 807 264.21 806.23 264.99 805.36 M 263.02 807.62 C 263.33 807.04 263.88 806.67 264.99 805.36 M 265.38 811 C 266.71 808.58 269.65 806.64 270.63 804.97 M 265.38 811 C 267.28 809.23 269.07 806.72 270.63 804.97 M 268.4 813.63 C 272.18 811.29 272.78 807.32 275.62 805.33 M 268.4 813.63 C 270.78 811.59 272.27 809.11 275.62 805.33 M 271.42 816.25 C 273.49 813.28 276.12 807.92 281.26 804.93 M 271.42 816.25 C 274.2 813.79 276.47 810.03 281.26 804.93 M 276.41 816.61 C 278.44 813.44 282.28 810.69 286.25 805.29 M 276.41 816.61 C 278.82 812.67 282.29 809.78 286.25 805.29 M 282.05 816.22 C 283.83 813.26 285.89 811.76 291.89 804.9 M 282.05 816.22 C 284.95 812.2 288.72 808.14 291.89 804.9 M 287.04 816.58 C 290.75 813.73 290.99 811.98 296.88 805.26 M 287.04 816.58 C 289.23 814.07 291.19 810.78 296.88 805.26 M 292.68 816.18 C 294.54 813.83 298.72 810.15 302.52 804.86 M 292.68 816.18 C 295.87 812.11 299.58 807.62 302.52 804.86 M 297.67 816.54 C 299.22 813.6 302.5 810.74 307.51 805.22 M 297.67 816.54 C 301.72 812.04 304.38 807.66 307.51 805.22 M 303.31 816.15 C 305.26 814.65 308.37 809.35 313.15 804.83 M 303.31 816.15 C 305.78 814.58 307.89 812.26 313.15 804.83 M 308.3 816.51 C 310.86 813.22 314.88 807.64 318.14 805.19 M 308.3 816.51 C 312.36 811.83 315.29 808.35 318.14 805.19 M 313.94 816.11 C 317.29 812.16 319.14 809.6 323.78 804.79 M 313.94 816.11 C 316.77 812.96 319.37 809.3 323.78 804.79 M 318.93 816.47 C 321.21 814 325.6 809.36 328.77 805.15 M 318.93 816.47 C 321.24 814.39 323.06 811.34 328.77 805.15 M 324.57 816.08 C 327.17 811.92 330.36 811.51 334.41 804.76 M 324.57 816.08 C 328.61 812.49 330.69 808.58 334.41 804.76 M 329.56 816.44 C 331.69 813 335.74 810.87 339.4 805.12 M 329.56 816.44 C 333 811.81 337.5 807.17 339.4 805.12 M 335.2 816.04 C 337.16 814.26 339.15 809.93 342.42 807.74 M 335.2 816.04 C 337.28 813.76 338.5 811.69 342.42 807.74 M 340.19 816.4 C 340.98 814.39 342.32 814.44 345.44 810.37 M 340.19 816.4 C 341.14 815.47 342.72 813.96 345.44 810.37 M 345.83 816.01 C 346.24 815.15 347.27 815.06 348.45 812.99 M 345.83 816.01 C 346.71 815.09 347.92 813.88 348.45 812.99" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="0.05" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 260 805 C 260 805 260 805 260 805 M 260 805 C 260 805 260 805 260 805 M 259.74 811.4 C 260.8 810.35 261.73 809.07 263.02 807.62 M 259.74 811.4 C 260.27 810.42 261.17 809.81 263.02 807.62 M 260.13 817.04 C 261.47 814.62 264.4 812.68 265.38 811 M 260.13 817.04 C 262.03 815.27 263.82 812.76 265.38 811 M 259.87 823.44 C 264.34 820.68 265.05 815.98 268.4 813.63 M 259.87 823.44 C 262.68 821.03 264.45 818.1 268.4 813.63 M 260.27 829.08 C 262.61 825.71 265.59 819.64 271.42 816.25 M 260.27 829.08 C 263.41 826.29 265.99 822.03 271.42 816.25 M 260 835.48 C 262.31 831.88 266.66 828.76 271.16 822.65 M 260 835.48 C 262.75 831.01 266.68 827.74 271.16 822.65 M 259.74 841.88 C 261.88 838.33 264.35 836.53 271.55 828.29 M 259.74 841.88 C 263.22 837.06 267.74 832.19 271.55 828.29 M 260.14 847.52 C 264.35 844.29 264.61 842.31 271.29 834.69 M 260.14 847.52 C 262.62 844.68 264.85 840.95 271.29 834.69 M 259.88 853.92 C 262.11 851.09 267.12 846.68 271.69 840.33 M 259.88 853.92 C 263.7 849.03 268.15 843.64 271.69 840.33 M 262.24 857.3 C 263.69 854.55 266.75 851.88 271.42 846.73 M 262.24 857.3 C 266.02 853.09 268.5 849.01 271.42 846.73 M 265.26 859.92 C 266.43 859.02 268.29 855.84 271.16 853.13 M 265.26 859.92 C 266.74 858.98 268.01 857.59 271.16 853.13 M 268.28 862.55 C 269.13 861.45 270.47 859.59 271.56 858.77 M 268.28 862.55 C 269.63 860.99 270.61 859.83 271.56 858.77" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="0.1" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 270 865 M 270 865 C 267.71 852.3 271.14 838.59 270 815 M 270 865 C 270.12 850.95 270.97 835.54 270 815 M 270 815 C 266.07 812.46 261.76 809.08 260 805 M 270 815 C 267.33 812.45 265.72 810.86 260 805 M 270 815 M 270 815 C 299.5 815.17 333.06 816.24 350 815 M 270 815 C 297.32 815.28 324.32 814.08 350 815" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 78px; height: 1px; padding-top: 840px; margin-left: 271px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">USK18<br />filter</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="310" y="844" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="IBM Plex Sans" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">USK18...</text></switch></g><path d="M 1097.5 617.5 C 1083.5 617.5 1080 635 1091.2 638.5 C 1080 646.2 1092.6 663 1101.7 656 C 1108 670 1129 670 1136 656 C 1150 656 1150 642 1141.25 635 C 1150 621 1136 607 1123.75 614 C 1115 603.5 1101 603.5 1097.5 617.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1097.5 617.5 M 1097.5 617.5 C 1082.87 615.54 1079.23 633.75 1091.2 638.5 M 1097.5 617.5 C 1083.33 619.72 1080.4 633.04 1091.2 638.5 M 1091.2 638.5 C 1081.75 644.68 1093.89 661.83 1101.7 656 M 1091.2 638.5 C 1078.41 645.22 1090.37 663.48 1101.7 656 M 1101.7 656 C 1106.88 668.57 1130.51 668.22 1136 656 M 1101.7 656 C 1110.1 668.22 1130.59 668.32 1136 656 M 1136 656 C 1151.64 655.67 1148.28 640.78 1141.25 635 M 1136 656 C 1149.27 653.94 1149.64 641.43 1141.25 635 M 1141.25 635 C 1148.93 622.16 1135.98 607.37 1123.75 614 M 1141.25 635 C 1149 619.58 1136.43 607.21 1123.75 614 M 1123.75 614 C 1116.64 603.89 1102 604.35 1097.5 617.5 M 1123.75 614 C 1113.85 601.77 1101.97 602.84 1097.5 617.5 M 1097.5 617.5 C 1097.5 617.5 1097.5 617.5 1097.5 617.5 M 1097.5 617.5 C 1097.5 617.5 1097.5 617.5 1097.5 617.5" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 68px; height: 1px; padding-top: 635px; margin-left: 1081px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Grafana</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="1115" y="639" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="IBM Plex Sans" 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731.44 279.99 739.85 255 740 M 290 710 C 291.19 728.37 280.08 738.61 255 740 M 255 740 C 232.09 739.9 220.05 749.51 220 763.63 M 255 740 C 232.49 739.85 219.8 748.6 220 763.63" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 216.5 761.88 C 216.5 761.88 216.5 761.88 216.5 761.88 M 216.5 761.88 C 216.5 761.88 216.5 761.88 216.5 761.88 M 218.2 766.02 C 218.77 765.48 219.05 764.49 220.17 763.75 M 218.2 766.02 C 218.68 765.61 219.04 764.88 220.17 763.75" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 220 768.88 M 220 768.88 C 218.75 766.09 216.82 763.3 216.5 761.88 M 220 768.88 C 218.45 766.46 217.74 764.05 216.5 761.88 M 216.5 761.88 C 217.29 762.42 218.18 762.54 220 763.63 M 216.5 761.88 C 217.55 762.3 218.61 762.69 220 763.63 M 220 763.63 C 221.05 763.33 221.25 762.85 223.5 761.88 M 220 763.63 C 220.86 763.2 221.53 762.67 223.5 761.88 M 223.5 761.88 C 222.67 764.36 221.28 765.91 220 768.88 M 223.5 761.88 C 222.24 764.58 221.36 766.86 220 768.88" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 230 673.08 Q 260 678.62 290 673.08 Q 320 667.54 350 673.08 L 350 706.92 Q 320 701.38 290 706.92 Q 260 712.46 230 706.92 L 230 673.08 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 230 673.08 M 230 673.08 C 249.37 675.84 268.45 676.1 290 673.08 M 230 673.08 C 250.85 675.59 272.11 675.18 290 673.08 M 290 673.08 C 308.56 667.48 330.47 669.5 350 673.08 M 290 673.08 C 309.14 669.09 330.19 669.39 350 673.08 M 350 673.08 C 351.93 682.76 351.22 690.17 350 706.92 M 350 673.08 C 349.68 686.26 350.7 700.14 350 706.92 M 350 706.92 C 330.76 704.9 308.32 704.49 290 706.92 M 350 706.92 C 329.84 701.88 308.75 703.19 290 706.92 M 290 706.92 C 269.83 711.63 249.23 709.16 230 706.92 M 290 706.92 C 271.66 711.72 249.93 708.39 230 706.92 M 230 706.92 C 231.7 694.63 230.93 682.66 230 673.08 M 230 706.92 C 230.51 693.72 230.26 682.88 230 673.08 M 230 673.08 C 230 673.08 230 673.08 230 673.08 M 230 673.08 C 230 673.08 230 673.08 230 673.08" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 690px; margin-left: 231px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; 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581.49 730.98 590.36 742.86 605 745 M 605 745 C 623.02 743.77 630.7 752.66 630 768.63 M 605 745 C 623.04 745.17 630.79 753.79 630 768.63" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 626.36 767.04 C 626.36 767.04 626.36 767.04 626.36 767.04 M 626.36 767.04 C 626.36 767.04 626.36 767.04 626.36 767.04 M 628.72 770.42 C 629.06 770.12 629.35 769.65 630.03 768.91 M 628.72 770.42 C 628.99 770.08 629.38 769.7 630.03 768.91" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 630 773.88 M 630 773.88 C 628.28 770.6 626.69 767.63 626.5 766.88 M 630 773.88 C 629.58 772.11 628.79 770.8 626.5 766.88 M 626.5 766.88 C 627.7 767.58 629 767.87 630 768.63 M 626.5 766.88 C 627.84 767.66 629.22 768.17 630 768.63 M 630 768.63 C 630.96 768.4 632.06 767.99 633.5 766.88 M 630 768.63 C 631.03 768.08 632.56 767.36 633.5 766.88 M 633.5 766.88 C 631.67 769.08 631.44 772.05 630 773.88 M 633.5 766.88 C 632.01 769.06 630.79 772.05 630 773.88" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 180 270 Q 180 130 238.63 130" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 243.88 130 L 236.88 133.5 L 238.63 130 L 236.88 126.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 180 270 M 180 270 C 179.37 177.43 198.02 131.61 238.63 130 M 180 270 C 179.5 175.95 201.44 132.08 238.63 130" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 236.94 126.43 C 236.94 126.43 236.94 126.43 236.94 126.43 M 236.94 126.43 C 236.94 126.43 236.94 126.43 236.94 126.43 M 238.65 130.56 C 239.14 129.73 239.48 129.34 240.62 128.3 M 238.65 130.56 C 239.19 130.06 239.56 129.52 240.62 128.3" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 243.88 130 M 243.88 130 C 240.83 131.2 238.88 132.87 236.88 133.5 M 243.88 130 C 242.21 130.62 240.81 131.95 236.88 133.5 M 236.88 133.5 C 237.13 132.65 237.84 131.74 238.63 130 M 236.88 133.5 C 237.58 132.34 238.21 130.91 238.63 130 M 238.63 130 C 238.31 128.63 237.2 127.81 236.88 126.5 M 238.63 130 C 238.18 129.12 237.68 128.33 236.88 126.5 M 236.88 126.5 C 238.51 127.99 239.9 128.84 243.88 130 M 236.88 126.5 C 239.36 127.31 241.27 129.05 243.88 130" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160 250 L 200 290 L 160 330 L 120 290 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160 250 M 160 250 C 170.65 262.04 181.51 270.47 200 290 M 160 250 C 169.56 260.22 179.54 269.55 200 290 M 200 290 C 191.69 297.13 183.96 306 160 330 M 200 290 C 189.11 301.62 177.83 312.84 160 330 M 160 330 C 150.16 322.58 142.18 311.12 120 290 M 160 330 C 145.34 316.6 131.55 301.47 120 290 M 120 290 C 137.18 274.76 153.07 259.65 160 250 M 120 290 C 128.89 280.21 138.46 269.66 160 250" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 78px; height: 1px; padding-top: 290px; margin-left: 121px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">CfP<br 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268.84 89.89 271.99 89.26 273.51 C 88.64 275.04 88.72 276.07 87.45 276.02 C 86.17 275.98 83.35 274.26 81.62 273.24 C 79.88 272.22 77.87 271.48 77.04 269.92 C 76.21 268.35 76.12 265.36 76.64 263.86 C 77.17 262.36 79.5 261.21 80.18 260.93 C 80.85 260.65 80.58 262.16 80.68 262.18" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 85 275 M 85 275 C 85.61 280.24 86.19 289.24 85 300 M 85 275 C 84.43 280.9 85.28 288.59 85 300 M 85 280 M 85 280 C 79.62 280.86 75.88 281.1 70 280 M 85 280 C 81.9 279.83 79.19 279.52 70 280 M 85 280 M 85 280 C 88.34 280.91 95.76 279.81 100 280 M 85 280 C 88.83 279.63 93.01 279.7 100 280 M 85 300 M 85 300 C 83.07 305.11 77.53 307.52 70 320 M 85 300 C 79.44 306.04 75.25 312.76 70 320 M 85 300 M 85 300 C 87.73 305.54 93.48 310.04 100 320 M 85 300 C 90.99 306.66 95.94 314.85 100 320" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" 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200 112.5 Q 200 35 151.37 35" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 146.12 35 L 153.12 31.5 L 151.37 35 L 153.12 38.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 115 135 M 115 135 C 131.04 136.95 139.42 126.26 140 112.5 M 115 135 C 131.19 135.85 138.91 128.29 140 112.5 M 140 112.5 C 139.2 98.2 117.69 91.78 70 90 M 140 112.5 C 140.74 96.78 115.12 91.08 70 90 M 70 90 C 22.97 91.52 1.56 107.97 0 140 M 70 90 C 22.42 91.32 1.87 106.91 0 140 M 0 140 C -0.39 172.79 32.38 189.24 100 190 M 0 140 C 0.49 172.04 33.63 187.9 100 190 M 100 190 C 165.17 191.04 200.01 165.17 200 112.5 M 100 190 C 168.93 190.94 199.22 166.44 200 112.5 M 200 112.5 C 200.23 61.13 183.27 34.51 151.37 35 M 200 112.5 C 202.27 59.42 183.89 33.02 151.37 35" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 145.85 35.31 C 145.85 35.31 145.85 35.31 145.85 35.31 M 145.85 35.31 C 145.85 35.31 145.85 35.31 145.85 35.31 M 149.52 37.18 C 150.2 36.89 150.62 36.01 151.49 34.92 M 149.52 37.18 C 150.18 36.33 150.84 35.5 151.49 34.92" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 146.12 35 M 146.12 35 C 147.67 33.28 151.04 32.75 153.12 31.5 M 146.12 35 C 148.41 34.13 151.04 32.58 153.12 31.5 M 153.12 31.5 C 152.39 32.49 151.81 33.67 151.37 35 M 153.12 31.5 C 152.63 32.33 152.34 33.28 151.37 35 M 151.37 35 C 151.74 35.84 152.02 36.17 153.12 38.5 M 151.37 35 C 151.83 36.24 152.71 37.19 153.12 38.5 M 153.12 38.5 C 151.2 37.45 148.87 35.74 146.12 35 M 153.12 38.5 C 150.49 36.91 148.19 36.07 146.12 35" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 40 115 C 16 115 10 135 29.2 139 C 10 147.8 31.6 167 47.2 159 C 58 175 94 175 106 159 C 130 159 130 143 115 135 C 130 119 106 103 85 111 C 70 99 46 99 40 115 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 40 115 M 40 115 C 15.37 115.93 10.2 133.19 29.2 139 M 40 115 C 14.5 114.66 11.8 135.42 29.2 139 M 29.2 139 C 8.39 148.88 33.45 167.5 47.2 159 M 29.2 139 C 10.01 146.4 32.23 168.55 47.2 159 M 47.2 159 C 57 173.64 93.04 176.84 106 159 M 47.2 159 C 58.79 173.43 94.67 176.13 106 159 M 106 159 C 130.24 159.85 128.29 144.95 115 135 M 106 159 C 128.55 158.43 129.06 143 115 135 M 115 135 C 129.11 119.93 106.12 101.55 85 111 M 115 135 C 127.91 118.56 105.85 104.3 85 111 M 85 111 C 68.63 97.13 45.04 98.4 40 115 M 85 111 C 71.19 98.09 46.18 100.29 40 115 M 40 115 C 40 115 40 115 40 115 M 40 115 C 40 115 40 115 40 115" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div 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L 1031 276.88 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 160 25 M 160 25 C 159.37 16.62 183.49 16.62 225 15 M 160 25 C 158.33 16.52 179.62 12.85 225 15 M 225 15 C 267.8 16.91 289.42 37.37 290 87.5 M 225 15 C 266.24 12.97 289.26 38.56 290 87.5 M 290 87.5 C 288.52 136.99 324.73 159.79 395 160 M 290 87.5 C 290.05 136.59 327.28 161.48 395 160 M 395 160 C 463.06 159 499.3 166.67 500 185 M 395 160 C 464.61 158.46 500.71 170.13 500 185 M 500 185 C 499.63 200.07 535.31 211.83 610 210 M 500 185 C 500.65 203.07 538.74 207.99 610 210 M 610 210 C 684.09 208.35 718.3 220.71 720 247.5 M 610 210 C 681.36 211.49 720.08 224.03 720 247.5 M 720 247.5 C 718.97 274.3 755.47 284.47 830 285 M 720 247.5 C 720.42 272.34 758.9 285.88 830 285 M 830 285 C 903.13 284.72 940.67 279.07 940 262.5 M 830 285 C 901.4 287.17 942.24 275.8 940 262.5 M 940 262.5 C 940.77 246.59 955.04 240.48 983.75 240 M 940 262.5 C 939.65 247.88 953.01 240.65 983.75 240 M 983.75 240 C 1012.34 238.86 1026.18 253.04 1027.5 278.63 M 983.75 240 C 1012.93 240.2 1025.8 253.89 1027.5 278.63" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1024.13 276.73 C 1024.13 276.73 1024.13 276.73 1024.13 276.73 M 1024.13 276.73 C 1024.13 276.73 1024.13 276.73 1024.13 276.73 M 1025.83 280.87 C 1026.54 280.24 1026.86 279.68 1027.8 278.6 M 1025.83 280.87 C 1026.32 280.03 1027.07 279.22 1027.8 278.6" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1027.5 283.88 M 1027.5 283.88 C 1027.17 281.77 1024.94 279.4 1024 276.88 M 1027.5 283.88 C 1026.46 280.82 1024.89 278.1 1024 276.88 M 1024 276.88 C 1024.99 277.3 1025.75 277.46 1027.5 278.63 M 1024 276.88 C 1025.39 277.56 1026.91 278.33 1027.5 278.63 M 1027.5 278.63 C 1028.82 277.78 1029.9 277.99 1031 276.88 M 1027.5 278.63 C 1028.33 278.3 1029.04 277.89 1031 276.88 M 1031 276.88 C 1029.76 277.97 1029.46 280.12 1027.5 283.88 M 1031 276.88 C 1030.12 278.67 1028.76 281.34 1027.5 283.88" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="145" cy="12.5" rx="7.5" ry="7.5" fill="transparent" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 145 20 L 145 45 M 145 25 L 130 25 M 145 25 L 160 25 M 145 45 L 130 65 M 145 45 L 160 65" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 148.88 4.75 C 150.03 5.25 150.14 7.47 150.77 9.2 C 151.39 10.93 152.73 13.42 152.63 15.12 C 152.54 16.81 151.55 18.36 150.19 19.37 C 148.82 20.37 146.31 21.27 144.46 21.16 C 142.6 21.05 140.13 19.87 139.03 18.69 C 137.92 17.52 138.01 15.77 137.82 14.1 C 137.64 12.43 137.24 10.28 137.93 8.66 C 138.62 7.05 140.11 5 141.97 4.42 C 143.82 3.84 147.71 4.65 149.07 5.19 C 150.44 5.73 150.3 7.45 150.14 7.65 M 142.94 4.38 C 144.48 4.26 148.11 4.78 149.41 5.9 C 150.72 7.01 150.45 9.48 150.76 11.08 C 151.06 12.67 151.39 14.32 151.25 15.45 C 151.12 16.58 151.06 16.87 149.94 17.86 C 148.83 18.85 146.33 21.45 144.57 21.39 C 142.8 21.32 140.3 18.89 139.34 17.47 C 138.38 16.05 138.63 14.72 138.82 12.86 C 139.02 11 139.57 7.58 140.49 6.29 C 141.4 5 143.6 5.55 144.31 5.12 C 145.02 4.68 144.92 3.45 144.76 3.66" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 145 20 M 145 20 C 146.2 28.37 146.54 34.16 145 45 M 145 20 C 144.95 30.22 145.61 40.34 145 45 M 145 25 M 145 25 C 138.27 26.05 134.37 26.28 130 25 M 145 25 C 141.41 25 138.24 25.25 130 25 M 145 25 M 145 25 C 150.52 25.22 155.68 24.1 160 25 M 145 25 C 148.41 25.53 152.74 25.07 160 25 M 145 45 M 145 45 C 140.65 53.09 133.2 62.42 130 65 M 145 45 C 140.39 51.78 135.65 57.41 130 65 M 145 45 M 145 45 C 149.45 51.04 151.23 54.58 160 65 M 145 45 C 149.66 50.56 153.99 58.31 160 65" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g 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pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 829 413.38 L 825.5 406.38 L 829 408.13 L 832.5 406.38 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 845 347.5 M 845 347.5 C 860.27 347.94 868.52 353.85 870 363.75 M 845 347.5 C 862.41 347.46 871.34 354.22 870 363.75 M 870 363.75 C 871.98 373.11 864.01 381.51 849.5 380 M 870 363.75 C 869.48 376.36 861.04 381.17 849.5 380 M 849.5 380 C 834.98 380.03 830.64 390.6 829 408.13 M 849.5 380 C 837.58 380.68 830.97 389.71 829 408.13" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 825.6 406.26 C 825.6 406.26 825.6 406.26 825.6 406.26 M 825.6 406.26 C 825.6 406.26 825.6 406.26 825.6 406.26 M 827.31 410.4 C 827.71 410.18 828.3 409.69 829.28 408.13 M 827.31 410.4 C 827.96 409.6 828.64 408.82 829.28 408.13" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 829 413.38 M 829 413.38 C 827.37 410.53 827.17 409.32 825.5 406.38 M 829 413.38 C 828.03 411.83 827.24 410.15 825.5 406.38 M 825.5 406.38 C 826.53 406.86 827.79 407.54 829 408.13 M 825.5 406.38 C 826.5 406.84 827.83 407.33 829 408.13 M 829 408.13 C 830.06 407.53 831.17 407.29 832.5 406.38 M 829 408.13 C 829.73 407.62 830.37 407.34 832.5 406.38 M 832.5 406.38 C 831.41 408.98 830.56 410.2 829 413.38 M 832.5 406.38 C 831.77 408.65 830.56 410.48 829 413.38" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 845 335 Q 970 335 970 417.5 Q 970 500 1045 500 Q 1120 500 1120 481.5 Q 1120 463 1263.63 463" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1268.88 463 L 1261.88 466.5 L 1263.63 463 L 1261.88 459.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 845 335 M 845 335 C 926.94 334.32 969.49 362.87 970 417.5 M 845 335 C 927.74 336.99 968.15 361.59 970 417.5 M 970 417.5 C 968.62 473.63 996.39 499.17 1045 500 M 970 417.5 C 971.07 473.85 995.73 502.24 1045 500 M 1045 500 C 1094.27 500.1 1119.16 494.67 1120 481.5 M 1045 500 C 1095.44 500.89 1121.06 492.38 1120 481.5 M 1120 481.5 C 1118.9 469.78 1168.63 461.12 1263.63 463 M 1120 481.5 C 1119.3 471.06 1166.07 461.92 1263.63 463" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 1261.85 459.53 C 1261.85 459.53 1261.85 459.53 1261.85 459.53 M 1261.85 459.53 C 1261.85 459.53 1261.85 459.53 1261.85 459.53 M 1264.21 462.91 C 1264.64 462.33 1265.15 461.95 1265.53 461.4 M 1264.21 462.91 C 1264.6 462.44 1265.13 461.8 1265.53 461.4" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1268.88 463 M 1268.88 463 C 1266.65 463.23 1265.33 465.07 1261.88 466.5 M 1268.88 463 C 1266.09 464.58 1263.95 465.31 1261.88 466.5 M 1261.88 466.5 C 1262.18 465.21 1262.8 464.59 1263.63 463 M 1261.88 466.5 C 1262.42 465.34 1263.14 463.75 1263.63 463 M 1263.63 463 C 1262.69 461.39 1262.49 460.56 1261.88 459.5 M 1263.63 463 C 1263.17 462.44 1262.71 461.71 1261.88 459.5 M 1261.88 459.5 C 1264.19 459.9 1265.58 461.24 1268.88 463 M 1261.88 459.5 C 1264.27 460.84 1266.69 462.17 1268.88 463" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 750 310 L 845 310 L 845 352.5 Q 821.25 339 797.5 352.5 Q 773.75 366 750 352.5 L 750 317.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 750 310 M 750 310 C 775.99 311.41 801.14 311.27 845 310 M 750 310 C 777.35 309.74 802.75 310.97 845 310 M 845 310 C 846.2 324.78 843.7 336.64 845 352.5 M 845 310 C 844.91 322.36 844.42 336.91 845 352.5 M 845 352.5 C 828.05 341.95 814.31 344.45 797.5 352.5 M 845 352.5 C 830.05 343.24 814.79 341.94 797.5 352.5 M 797.5 352.5 C 780.82 363.12 766.12 360.03 750 352.5 M 797.5 352.5 C 783.15 361.97 767.11 362.56 750 352.5 M 750 352.5 C 750.41 345.2 750.86 337.01 750 317.5 M 750 352.5 C 749.48 342.51 750.37 333.22 750 317.5 M 750 317.5 C 750.18 315.53 750.22 312.65 750 310 M 750 317.5 C 750.36 315.11 750.13 312.09 750 310" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 93px; height: 1px; padding-top: 328px; margin-left: 751px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; 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752.2 538.45 751.58 539.09 750.81" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 533.62 751 M 533.62 751 C 535.21 750.62 538.67 748.81 540.62 747.5 M 533.62 751 C 536 749.77 538.21 748.5 540.62 747.5 M 540.62 747.5 C 540.49 748.43 539.73 749.06 538.87 751 M 540.62 747.5 C 540 748.47 539.85 749.58 538.87 751 M 538.87 751 C 539.52 752.22 539.59 752.59 540.62 754.5 M 538.87 751 C 539.34 751.94 539.59 752.68 540.62 754.5 M 540.62 754.5 C 537.79 752.78 536.23 752.16 533.62 751 M 540.62 754.5 C 538.69 753.76 536.6 752.82 533.62 751" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 610 730 L 620 680 L 682.5 680 L 692.5 730 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 610 730 M 610 730 C 611.05 715.96 615.01 702.79 620 680 M 610 730 C 611.45 718.55 613.78 707.1 620 680 M 620 680 C 643.36 678.51 665.91 678.82 682.5 680 M 620 680 C 636.89 680.64 652.36 679.66 682.5 680 M 682.5 680 C 685.42 697.31 687.87 715.18 692.5 730 M 682.5 680 C 686.36 695.33 688.04 711.74 692.5 730 M 692.5 730 C 673.81 729.68 651.89 730.01 610 730 M 692.5 730 C 672.39 729.86 651.5 729.83 610 730" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 81px; height: 1px; padding-top: 705px; margin-left: 611px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; 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674.55 637.41 678.75 642 M 678.75 642 C 678.48 659.38 679.5 677.92 678.75 690 M 678.75 642 C 678.02 653.39 678.74 663.75 678.75 690 M 678.75 690 C 661.42 689.57 645.31 688.53 623.75 690 M 678.75 690 C 662.25 689.63 645.67 689.6 623.75 690 M 623.75 690 C 623.63 668.76 624.3 645.03 623.75 630 M 623.75 690 C 623.6 671.51 622.49 651.09 623.75 630 M 623.75 630 C 623.75 630 623.75 630 623.75 630 M 623.75 630 C 623.75 630 623.75 630 623.75 630" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 666.61 630.16 C 666.61 630.16 666.61 630.16 666.61 630.16 M 666.61 630.16 C 666.61 630.16 666.61 630.16 666.61 630.16 M 667.01 635.8 C 667.77 634.68 668.31 634.09 669.63 632.78 M 667.01 635.8 C 667.72 635.24 668.06 634.32 669.63 632.78 M 666.75 642.2 C 668.18 639.46 671.29 636.07 672.65 635.41 M 666.75 642.2 C 668.75 640.43 670.22 638.28 672.65 635.41 M 672.39 641.81 C 673.38 641.25 673.66 640.05 675.01 638.79 M 672.39 641.81 C 673.38 640.7 674.38 639.42 675.01 638.79 M 677.38 642.17 C 677.57 641.84 677.81 641.7 678.03 641.41 M 677.38 642.17 C 677.6 641.92 677.8 641.74 678.03 641.41" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="0.05" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 666.75 630 M 666.75 630 C 667.13 634.2 666.68 637.61 666.75 642 M 666.75 630 C 667.13 633.22 667.13 637.11 666.75 642 M 666.75 642 C 670.27 641.27 673.11 642.15 678.75 642 M 666.75 642 C 669.77 642.34 671.72 641.63 678.75 642" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; 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M 85 390 C 35.41 391.94 7.89 366.82 10 315 M 10 315 C 8.03 264.66 32.09 241.74 75 240 M 10 315 C 9.31 263.48 30.95 241.84 75 240 M 75 240 C 118.22 241.14 140.3 246.61 140 263.63 M 75 240 C 119 242.1 137.76 246.87 140 263.63" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 136.58 261.79 C 136.58 261.79 136.58 261.79 136.58 261.79 M 136.58 261.79 C 136.58 261.79 136.58 261.79 136.58 261.79 M 138.29 265.92 C 138.63 265.53 139.35 264.9 140.26 263.66 M 138.29 265.92 C 138.75 265.46 139.24 264.75 140.26 263.66" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 140 268.88 M 140 268.88 C 138.44 266.6 137.59 264.69 136.5 261.88 M 140 268.88 C 138.74 266.25 137.33 263.61 136.5 261.88 M 136.5 261.88 C 137.71 262.55 139.45 262.84 140 263.63 M 136.5 261.88 C 138.01 262.48 139.29 263.14 140 263.63 M 140 263.63 C 141.46 263.24 142.76 262.29 143.5 261.88 M 140 263.63 C 140.72 263.08 141.48 263 143.5 261.88 M 143.5 261.88 C 142.62 264.29 140.35 266.84 140 268.88 M 143.5 261.88 C 142.02 264.03 141.26 266.84 140 268.88" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1006.32 447 L 1006.32 432.5 L 1017.99 442.86 L 1029.65 432.5 L 1029.65 447 L 1045.97 447 L 1034.31 457.36 L 1045.97 467.71 L 1029.65 467.71 L 1029.65 482.21 L 1017.99 471.85 L 1006.32 482.21 L 1006.32 467.71 L 990 467.71 L 1001.66 457.36 L 990 447 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" transform="rotate(198,1017.99,457.36)" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1006.32 447 M 1006.32 447 C 1005.46 442.07 1006.21 438.93 1006.32 432.5 M 1006.32 447 C 1006.41 442.55 1006.36 436.68 1006.32 432.5 M 1006.32 432.5 C 1008.12 433.48 1010.55 435.96 1017.99 442.86 M 1006.32 432.5 C 1009.54 434.76 1011.73 437.32 1017.99 442.86 M 1017.99 442.86 C 1021.64 439 1023.11 439.19 1029.65 432.5 M 1017.99 442.86 C 1021.85 440.5 1024.61 437.44 1029.65 432.5 M 1029.65 432.5 C 1030.61 435.22 1029.42 438.11 1029.65 447 M 1029.65 432.5 C 1029.07 436.38 1030 440.56 1029.65 447 M 1029.65 447 C 1035.2 446.68 1039.53 446.15 1045.97 447 M 1029.65 447 C 1034.36 447.73 1038.93 446.6 1045.97 447 M 1045.97 447 C 1042 451.85 1036.35 455.43 1034.31 457.36 M 1045.97 447 C 1041.84 451.09 1038.34 453.48 1034.31 457.36 M 1034.31 457.36 C 1037.38 458.41 1040.73 460.69 1045.97 467.71 M 1034.31 457.36 C 1038.6 460.72 1041.31 463.85 1045.97 467.71 M 1045.97 467.71 C 1040.17 468.28 1035.75 466.49 1029.65 467.71 M 1045.97 467.71 C 1040.84 468.03 1035.9 467.62 1029.65 467.71 M 1029.65 467.71 C 1029.75 471.55 1029.37 476.4 1029.65 482.21 M 1029.65 467.71 C 1029.51 472.46 1028.89 477.61 1029.65 482.21 M 1029.65 482.21 C 1026.06 477.03 1021.13 474.27 1017.99 471.85 M 1029.65 482.21 C 1025.18 478.03 1020.5 475.33 1017.99 471.85 M 1017.99 471.85 C 1015.04 475.99 1010.17 480.43 1006.32 482.21 M 1017.99 471.85 C 1013.9 475.33 1009.43 479.96 1006.32 482.21 M 1006.32 482.21 C 1006.6 478.29 1006.82 472.04 1006.32 467.71 M 1006.32 482.21 C 1005.73 477.01 1005.71 473.01 1006.32 467.71 M 1006.32 467.71 C 1002.02 467.67 997.15 466.65 990 467.71 M 1006.32 467.71 C 1001.02 467.26 996.3 466.98 990 467.71 M 990 467.71 C 993.42 464.35 998.36 461.28 1001.66 457.36 M 990 467.71 C 993.68 464.74 998.68 460.27 1001.66 457.36 M 1001.66 457.36 C 998.68 453.08 994.34 450.8 990 447 M 1001.66 457.36 C 997.9 453.41 993 450.97 990 447 M 990 447 C 995.04 448.14 999 446.41 1006.32 447 M 990 447 C 995.77 447.69 1000.57 446.52 1006.32 447" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" transform="rotate(198,1017.99,457.36)" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)rotate(18 1017.9850000000001 457.355)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" 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199.5 M 1493.32 199.5 C 1492.3 198.98 1489.79 197.79 1486.32 196 M 1493.32 199.5 C 1491.63 199.11 1490.48 197.95 1486.32 196" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1270 423 L 1340 463 L 1270 503 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1269.75 424.01 L 1340.54 461.51 L 1271.08 501.73 L 1270.83 422.74" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 1270 423 M 1270 423 C 1284.46 430.35 1299.83 438.36 1340 463 M 1270 423 C 1285.94 433.41 1303.11 442.19 1340 463 M 1340 463 C 1325.24 469.64 1308.46 481.09 1270 503 M 1340 463 C 1318.75 476.16 1298.27 488.23 1270 503 M 1270 503 C 1270.82 475.32 1270.88 446.72 1270 423 M 1270 503 C 1269.36 479.93 1269.26 457.16 1270 423" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject 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319 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 130 690 M 130 690 C 130.27 645.93 107.01 625.96 65 624 M 130 690 C 128.66 644.68 109.34 622.31 65 624 M 65 624 C 22.1 625.91 0.13 588.52 0 522 M 65 624 C 20.44 623.99 -0.36 589.62 0 522 M 0 522 C -1.53 452.18 36.75 418.95 110 420 M 0 522 C -0.61 456.07 37.98 418.3 110 420 M 110 420 C 183.97 418.4 219.95 386.46 220 320 M 110 420 C 184.45 419.67 221.03 388.23 220 320 M 220 320 C 221.72 253.05 244.97 221.08 290 220 M 220 320 C 220.53 254.04 242.31 222.28 290 220 M 290 220 C 337.67 218.81 359.53 225.01 360 240 M 290 220 C 336.06 218.78 360.48 228.57 360 240 M 360 240 C 358.25 253.17 392.21 258.63 455 260 M 360 240 C 360.03 253.99 393.95 261.36 455 260 M 455 260 C 520.08 258.44 550.08 273.79 550 300 M 455 260 C 519.09 258.79 551.68 274.29 550 300 M 550 300 C 550.27 328.47 578.04 341.88 640 340 M 550 300 C 550.44 325.47 581.15 340.46 640 340 M 640 340 C 699.09 340.57 728.82 337.5 730 331.25 M 640 340 C 698.56 341.18 729.14 336.13 730 331.25 M 730 331.25 C 729.99 326.33 733.87 323.62 743.63 322.5 M 730 331.25 C 729.72 326.63 733.81 322.42 743.63 322.5" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 741.93 318.95 C 741.93 318.95 741.93 318.95 741.93 318.95 M 741.93 318.95 C 741.93 318.95 741.93 318.95 741.93 318.95 M 743.63 323.08 C 743.92 322.47 744.6 321.73 745.6 320.82 M 743.63 323.08 C 744.44 322.09 745.15 321.31 745.6 320.82" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 748.88 322.5 M 748.88 322.5 C 746.97 324.43 743.89 325.61 741.88 326 M 748.88 322.5 C 746.24 324.15 744.13 324.77 741.88 326 M 741.88 326 C 742.18 325.12 743.2 323.73 743.63 322.5 M 741.88 326 C 742.38 325.05 743.09 324.09 743.63 322.5 M 743.63 322.5 C 743.07 321.27 742.1 320.08 741.88 319 M 743.63 322.5 C 742.84 321.5 742.47 320.02 741.88 319 M 741.88 319 C 744.56 319.79 746.95 320.99 748.88 322.5 M 741.88 319 C 744.32 320.44 746.65 321.71 748.88 322.5" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 445 750 Q 397.5 750 397.5 795 Q 397.5 840 356.37 840" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 351.12 840 L 358.12 836.5 L 356.37 840 L 358.12 843.5 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 445 750 M 445 750 C 413.6 750.61 396.99 764.68 397.5 795 M 445 750 C 414.21 747.95 396.58 766.62 397.5 795 M 397.5 795 C 398.48 825.33 384.7 839.37 356.37 840 M 397.5 795 C 395.22 826.97 385.04 840.84 356.37 840" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 350.88 840.28 C 350.88 840.28 350.88 840.28 350.88 840.28 M 350.88 840.28 C 350.88 840.28 350.88 840.28 350.88 840.28 M 354.56 842.15 C 355.46 841.41 355.93 840.71 356.52 839.88 M 354.56 842.15 C 355.32 841.48 355.91 840.74 356.52 839.88" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 351.12 840 M 351.12 840 C 353.09 838.99 354.33 837.61 358.12 836.5 M 351.12 840 C 352.75 838.84 354.01 838.09 358.12 836.5 M 358.12 836.5 C 357.49 837.83 356.82 839.36 356.37 840 M 358.12 836.5 C 357.29 837.9 356.86 839.28 356.37 840 M 356.37 840 C 356.92 841.25 357.54 842.5 358.12 843.5 M 356.37 840 C 357.11 841.25 357.57 842.51 358.12 843.5 M 358.12 843.5 C 355.74 842.05 354.26 841.38 351.12 840 M 358.12 843.5 C 356.31 842.72 354.23 841.27 351.12 840" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 40 805 Q 40 710 63 710 Q 86 710 86 677.37" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 86 672.12 L 89.5 679.12 L 86 677.37 L 82.5 679.12 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 40 805 M 40 805 C 40.27 742.62 49.56 708.53 63 710 M 40 805 C 39.69 741.55 45.78 708.67 63 710 M 63 710 C 79.58 711.53 85.3 698.92 86 677.37 M 63 710 C 77.83 710.67 88.06 698.27 86 677.37" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 85.91 672.22 C 85.91 672.22 85.91 672.22 85.91 672.22 M 85.91 672.22 C 85.91 672.22 85.91 672.22 85.91 672.22 M 86.31 677.86 C 86.93 677.14 87.18 676.89 87.62 676.35 M 86.31 677.86 C 86.74 677.42 87.19 676.95 87.62 676.35" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 86 672.12 M 86 672.12 C 86.6 674.15 87.53 675.94 89.5 679.12 M 86 672.12 C 86.69 673.79 87.67 676.15 89.5 679.12 M 89.5 679.12 C 88.17 678.67 87.19 678.01 86 677.37 M 89.5 679.12 C 88.25 678.51 86.94 677.87 86 677.37 M 86 677.37 C 85.57 677.39 84.21 678.18 82.5 679.12 M 86 677.37 C 85.09 677.81 84.13 678.09 82.5 679.12 M 82.5 679.12 C 83.74 678.19 84.09 676.64 86 672.12 M 82.5 679.12 C 83.18 677.58 84.3 675.55 86 672.12" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 50 615 C 26 615 20 635 39.2 639 C 20 647.8 41.6 667 57.2 659 C 68 675 104 675 116 659 C 140 659 140 643 125 635 C 140 619 116 603 95 611 C 80 599 56 599 50 615 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 51.14 615.48 L 35 620.08 L 32.69 623.26 L 28.66 625.98 L 28.41 632.8 L 30.97 636.36 L 40.24 637.3 L 32.53 643.87 L 29.89 650.35 L 34.8 653.79 L 41.06 656.82 L 49.69 659.82 L 58.75 657.49 L 65.41 665.87 L 78.95 669.32 L 96.02 669.31 L 108.29 668.13 L 116.8 660.03 L 130.53 657.29 L 135.23 649.36 L 134.62 641.13 L 123.59 633.41 L 128.86 628.2 L 127.39 621.71 L 124.64 616.89 L 118.16 611.13 L 103.34 609.19 L 94.96 610.98 L 82.3 605.56 L 67.91 600.69 L 58.17 607.04 L 51.38 614.45" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 50 615 M 50 615 C 25.34 615.94 18.78 633.73 39.2 639 M 50 615 C 26.54 613.23 20.62 636.66 39.2 639 M 39.2 639 C 21.45 647.58 40.4 666.46 57.2 659 M 39.2 639 C 20.24 647.21 41.88 665.9 57.2 659 M 57.2 659 C 67.22 675.58 102.13 675.95 116 659 M 57.2 659 C 69.73 673.29 104.32 675.37 116 659 M 116 659 C 138.68 660.17 141.08 641.77 125 635 M 116 659 C 138.74 659.99 141.69 643.39 125 635 M 125 635 C 138.9 617.36 116.96 602.5 95 611 M 125 635 C 139.96 617.68 117.86 604.34 95 611 M 95 611 C 79.93 598.97 56.07 599.7 50 615 M 95 611 C 81.42 598.77 55.45 598.86 50 615 M 50 615 C 50 615 50 615 50 615 M 50 615 C 50 615 50 615 50 615" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div 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660.3 C 1.24 554.02 8.97 500.51 29.23 501.6 M 0 660.3 C 1.54 555.03 11.97 501.84 29.23 501.6" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 27.43 498.16 C 27.43 498.16 27.43 498.16 27.43 498.16 M 27.43 498.16 C 27.43 498.16 27.43 498.16 27.43 498.16 M 29.79 501.53 C 30.2 500.87 30.98 500.45 31.11 500.03 M 29.79 501.53 C 30.24 501.01 30.71 500.47 31.11 500.03" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 34.48 501.6 M 34.48 501.6 C 32.06 501.95 30.44 502.69 27.48 505.1 M 34.48 501.6 C 33.1 502.48 31.45 503.42 27.48 505.1 M 27.48 505.1 C 27.84 504.49 27.94 503.72 29.23 501.6 M 27.48 505.1 C 28.13 503.78 28.5 502.8 29.23 501.6 M 29.23 501.6 C 28.56 501.1 28.07 499.61 27.48 498.1 M 29.23 501.6 C 28.86 500.68 28.21 499.15 27.48 498.1 M 27.48 498.1 C 30.01 499.3 31.41 500.1 34.48 501.6 M 27.48 498.1 C 28.92 499.24 30.44 499.58 34.48 501.6" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 20 808.08 Q 50 813.62 80 808.08 Q 110 802.54 140 808.08 L 140 841.92 Q 110 836.38 80 841.92 Q 50 847.46 20 841.92 L 20 808.08 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 20 808.08 M 20 808.08 C 39.95 812.19 58.44 811.05 80 808.08 M 20 808.08 C 40.17 813.55 60.04 810.01 80 808.08 M 80 808.08 C 99.62 804.67 120.87 804.74 140 808.08 M 80 808.08 C 100.09 803.56 121.97 805.58 140 808.08 M 140 808.08 C 138.76 818.95 140.47 831.19 140 841.92 M 140 808.08 C 140.94 818.85 139.81 831.77 140 841.92 M 140 841.92 C 119.29 840.03 99.82 836.35 80 841.92 M 140 841.92 C 118.35 840.48 102.11 836.63 80 841.92 M 80 841.92 C 58.65 843.88 38.61 845.71 20 841.92 M 80 841.92 C 61.99 846.07 40.43 846.44 20 841.92 M 20 841.92 C 18.55 830.92 18.51 819.07 20 808.08 M 20 841.92 C 20.72 833.35 19.34 823.13 20 808.08 M 20 808.08 C 20 808.08 20 808.08 20 808.08 M 20 808.08 C 20 808.08 20 808.08 20 808.08" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 825px; margin-left: 21px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">mqttwarn</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="80" y="829" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="IBM Plex 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pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 141.12 825 M 141.12 825 C 142.6 824.56 145.42 822.9 148.12 821.5 M 141.12 825 C 142.38 824.2 144.22 823.24 148.12 821.5 M 148.12 821.5 C 147.91 822.72 146.99 823.42 146.37 825 M 148.12 821.5 C 147.42 822.73 146.88 824.3 146.37 825 M 146.37 825 C 147.22 826.28 147.64 827.36 148.12 828.5 M 146.37 825 C 146.77 825.64 147.06 826.65 148.12 828.5 M 148.12 828.5 C 146.27 826.98 145.02 826.41 141.12 825 M 148.12 828.5 C 146.38 827.93 144.05 826.4 141.12 825" fill="none" stroke="#ff6666" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 190 785 C 190 776.72 203.43 770 220 770 C 227.96 770 235.59 771.58 241.21 774.39 C 246.84 777.21 250 781.02 250 785 L 250 835 C 250 843.28 236.57 850 220 850 C 203.43 850 190 843.28 190 835 Z" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 250 785 C 250 793.28 236.57 800 220 800 C 203.43 800 190 793.28 190 785" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path 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stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 865 258.62 M 865 258.62 C 866.2 260.95 867.87 263.18 868.5 265.62 M 865 258.62 C 866.18 261.11 867.45 262.92 868.5 265.62 M 868.5 265.62 C 867.31 265.13 866.16 264.81 865 263.87 M 868.5 265.62 C 867.71 265.32 866.48 264.67 865 263.87 M 865 263.87 C 863.9 264.3 862.89 265.22 861.5 265.62 M 865 263.87 C 864.15 264.32 863.4 264.81 861.5 265.62 M 861.5 265.62 C 862.79 263.4 862.67 262.97 865 258.62 M 861.5 265.62 C 862.3 264.02 862.93 262.36 865 258.62" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="695" cy="257.5" rx="7.5" ry="7.5" fill="transparent" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 695 265 L 695 290 M 695 270 L 680 270 M 695 270 L 710 270 M 695 290 L 680 310 M 695 290 L 710 310" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 694.73 250.76 C 696.19 250.46 697.93 249.47 699.23 250.26 C 700.52 251.05 701.94 253.8 702.5 255.5 C 703.06 257.21 703.4 258.87 702.59 260.49 C 701.78 262.11 699.03 264.4 697.62 265.23 C 696.22 266.05 695.61 265.99 694.15 265.46 C 692.69 264.94 689.89 263.36 688.84 262.07 C 687.79 260.78 687.59 259.26 687.84 257.72 C 688.09 256.18 689.07 254.3 690.32 252.83 C 691.58 251.37 694.47 249.53 695.38 248.96 C 696.29 248.38 695.92 248.94 695.78 249.37 M 698.31 249.2 C 699.48 249.6 700.55 252.65 701.34 254.56 C 702.13 256.47 703.67 259.18 703.04 260.65 C 702.41 262.11 698.85 262.44 697.54 263.35 C 696.24 264.25 696.5 266.07 695.19 266.07 C 693.88 266.07 690.9 264.91 689.68 263.35 C 688.47 261.79 688.06 258.64 687.9 256.71 C 687.74 254.79 687.96 253.09 688.74 251.78 C 689.53 250.48 690.8 248.92 692.61 248.89 C 694.41 248.86 698.54 251.25 699.56 251.6 C 700.57 251.95 698.93 250.94 698.7 250.99" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 693.73 250.64 C 694.97 250.18 695.98 250.73 697.22 251.35 C 698.46 251.97 700.45 253.1 701.17 254.33 C 701.9 255.57 701.75 257.19 701.57 258.76 C 701.39 260.33 701.24 262.53 700.1 263.77 C 698.96 265.01 696.49 266.14 694.74 266.18 C 692.99 266.23 690.67 265.49 689.59 264.04 C 688.51 262.59 688.31 259.34 688.26 257.48 C 688.22 255.62 688.59 254.09 689.33 252.88 C 690.07 251.67 691.91 250.56 692.71 250.21 C 693.52 249.85 694.08 250.74 694.16 250.75 M 693.91 250.23 C 695.34 249.72 697.2 249.97 698.61 250.52 C 700.03 251.08 702.01 251.94 702.38 253.55 C 702.76 255.16 701.24 258.76 700.86 260.19 C 700.49 261.61 701.32 261.38 700.14 262.12 C 698.97 262.86 695.46 264.28 693.79 264.65 C 692.12 265.02 691.09 265.27 690.12 264.34 C 689.16 263.41 688.25 260.75 688.02 259.05 C 687.8 257.36 687.88 255.65 688.77 254.19 C 689.67 252.74 692.72 250.73 693.39 250.33 C 694.05 249.93 692.58 251.61 692.74 251.81" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 695 265 M 695 265 C 693.8 269.59 695.67 277.3 695 290 M 695 265 C 696.08 274.23 695.44 283.57 695 290 M 695 270 M 695 270 C 691.52 271.46 686.89 271.38 680 270 M 695 270 C 689.54 269.58 684.82 270.31 680 270 M 695 270 M 695 270 C 699.58 270.69 705.84 271.33 710 270 M 695 270 C 700.07 269.87 703.46 270.58 710 270 M 695 290 M 695 290 C 688.95 296.51 685.98 303.69 680 310 M 695 290 C 690.64 296.62 685.33 303.97 680 310 M 695 290 M 695 290 C 700.26 297.47 707.34 304.61 710 310 M 695 290 C 699.61 297.51 705.82 304.94 710 310" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 986.53 583.38 C 988.15 583.96 990.78 585 991.95 586.27 C 993.13 587.54 993.97 589.55 993.58 591.01 C 993.19 592.47 991.01 593.76 989.61 595.03 C 988.22 596.3 986.67 598.53 985.22 598.62 C 983.76 598.72 982.21 596.65 980.87 595.59 C 979.53 594.52 977.55 593.72 977.2 592.21 C 976.85 590.7 978.07 588.24 978.77 586.52 C 979.48 584.8 979.92 582.36 981.44 581.9 C 982.95 581.44 986.67 583.46 987.86 583.74 C 989.05 584.01 988.52 583.76 988.56 583.58 M 984.85 581.36 C 986.26 580.81 986.63 581.25 987.93 582.32 C 989.23 583.39 991.97 586.24 992.66 587.8 C 993.35 589.36 992.71 590.03 992.05 591.68 C 991.4 593.33 990.1 596.66 988.74 597.7 C 987.37 598.75 985.52 598.46 983.86 597.96 C 982.2 597.45 979.79 596.03 978.77 594.65 C 977.76 593.27 977.48 591.47 977.76 589.69 C 978.03 587.92 979.69 584.98 980.43 583.99 C 981.17 582.99 981.63 583.8 982.2 583.72 C 982.77 583.64 983.58 583.39 983.85 583.5" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 987.51 583.34 C 988.93 583.89 989.49 584.97 990.35 586.33 C 991.22 587.7 992.66 589.99 992.7 591.53 C 992.74 593.07 991.76 594.62 990.59 595.59 C 989.41 596.55 987.16 597.2 985.65 597.33 C 984.14 597.46 983.01 597.22 981.52 596.35 C 980.04 595.49 977.25 593.64 976.74 592.14 C 976.24 590.63 977.64 588.78 978.49 587.33 C 979.35 585.88 980.4 584.09 981.87 583.42 C 983.34 582.75 986.35 583.23 987.31 583.29 C 988.26 583.36 987.74 583.66 987.59 583.81 M 988.05 582.17 C 990.03 582.22 991.89 583.39 992.81 584.74 C 993.73 586.09 994.18 588.36 993.55 590.27 C 992.92 592.17 990.15 595.13 989.01 596.17 C 987.88 597.22 988.34 596.49 986.72 596.52 C 985.11 596.55 980.63 597.27 979.32 596.35 C 978.01 595.44 979.14 592.88 978.87 591.02 C 978.6 589.16 977 586.57 977.7 585.18 C 978.41 583.78 981.32 582.9 983.13 582.64 C 984.93 582.39 987.81 583.45 988.51 583.66 C 989.21 583.86 987.46 583.91 987.33 583.87" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 985 597.5 M 985 597.5 C 983.61 607.48 984.73 613.95 985 622.5 M 985 597.5 C 985.95 606.38 986.09 615.34 985 622.5 M 985 602.5 M 985 602.5 C 981.6 602.52 974.22 602.63 970 602.5 M 985 602.5 C 980.02 602.45 974.93 602.38 970 602.5 M 985 602.5 M 985 602.5 C 991.65 600.94 997.31 603.06 1000 602.5 M 985 602.5 C 989.43 602.22 992.37 602.86 1000 602.5 M 985 622.5 M 985 622.5 C 979.3 632.22 972.18 637.62 970 642.5 M 985 622.5 C 982.63 627.47 978.61 631.87 970 642.5 M 985 622.5 M 985 622.5 C 989.08 630.69 994.72 634.67 1000 642.5 M 985 622.5 C 988.57 627.58 991.31 630.31 1000 642.5" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 650px; margin-left: 985px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 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978.59 619.24 C 977.52 617.27 976.06 613.87 975.7 611.44 C 975.35 609 975.17 606.22 976.46 604.63 C 977.75 603.04 982.12 602.31 983.43 601.88 C 984.74 601.44 984.57 602.03 984.31 602.03" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" transform="rotate(90,985,612.5)" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 982.33 601.48 C 984.45 600.59 987.54 601.06 989.62 602.23 C 991.69 603.41 993.72 606.24 994.77 608.55 C 995.81 610.86 996.47 613.92 995.91 616.09 C 995.34 618.26 993.24 620.43 991.36 621.59 C 989.48 622.76 986.97 623.21 984.64 623.08 C 982.31 622.95 979.04 622.27 977.39 620.8 C 975.75 619.34 975.02 616.53 974.76 614.29 C 974.49 612.05 974.36 609.23 975.82 607.34 C 977.27 605.46 981.69 603.81 983.5 602.98 C 985.31 602.15 986.75 602.48 986.69 602.37 M 983.7 602.8 C 985.62 602.6 989.16 602.74 990.84 604.01 C 992.52 605.27 993.33 608.02 993.78 610.4 C 994.22 612.79 994.45 616.37 993.51 618.33 C 992.56 620.3 990.2 621.38 988.11 622.21 C 986.01 623.04 982.71 623.92 980.93 623.33 C 979.16 622.73 978.58 620.69 977.44 618.62 C 976.29 616.56 973.79 613.25 974.08 610.93 C 974.38 608.61 977.35 606.06 979.19 604.71 C 981.02 603.35 984.23 603.16 985.12 602.81 C 986 602.46 984.51 602.5 984.48 602.61" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" transform="rotate(90,985,612.5)" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 1000 602.5 M 1000 602.5 C 998.61 618.97 1006.88 629.22 1025 630 M 1000 602.5 C 999.38 621.25 1009.47 630.38 1025 630 M 1025 630 C 1041 630.56 1050.8 614.81 1050 585.5 M 1025 630 C 1040.82 629.84 1051.92 617.08 1050 585.5 M 1050 585.5 C 1051.54 554 1058.83 542.66 1075 541 M 1050 585.5 C 1051.98 553.67 1057.72 542.92 1075 541 M 1075 541 C 1092.25 542.12 1101.99 551.11 1100 576 M 1075 541 C 1091.87 540.2 1100.84 552.11 1100 576 M 1100 576 C 1099.8 598.91 1096.61 610.15 1085 611 M 1100 576 C 1099.98 598.84 1094.77 609.11 1085 611 M 1085 611 C 1073.53 610.69 1069.71 616.5 1070 624.75 M 1085 611 C 1073.24 609.93 1068.87 617.14 1070 624.75 M 1070 624.75 C 1070.12 633.54 1075.58 639.42 1084.83 638.5 M 1070 624.75 C 1071.15 636.18 1075.78 638.1 1084.83 638.5" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 1082.89 635.22 C 1082.89 635.22 1082.89 635.22 1082.89 635.22 M 1082.89 635.22 C 1082.89 635.22 1082.89 635.22 1082.89 635.22 M 1085.25 638.6 C 1085.56 638.06 1086.41 637.6 1086.56 637.09 M 1085.25 638.6 C 1085.56 638.33 1085.9 637.89 1086.56 637.09" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 1090.08 638.5 M 1090.08 638.5 C 1087.72 639.53 1085.58 641.32 1083.08 642 M 1090.08 638.5 C 1088.24 639.06 1086.19 640.23 1083.08 642 M 1083.08 642 C 1083.38 640.82 1084.33 640.04 1084.83 638.5 M 1083.08 642 C 1083.66 641.2 1084.12 639.99 1084.83 638.5 M 1084.83 638.5 C 1084.35 637.65 1083.85 636.3 1083.08 635 M 1084.83 638.5 C 1084.28 637.4 1083.64 636.11 1083.08 635 M 1083.08 635 C 1085.46 636.15 1088.69 636.77 1090.08 638.5 M 1083.08 635 C 1085.77 636.2 1087.58 636.91 1090.08 638.5" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 480 205 M 480 205 C 641.15 206.57 720.64 208.95 720 219.7 M 480 205 C 641.7 207.18 721.05 209.53 720 219.7 M 720 219.7 C 720.78 229.44 745.34 233.94 795.17 234.42 M 720 219.7 C 720.84 229.31 743.07 236.67 795.17 234.42" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 793.28 231.09 C 793.28 231.09 793.28 231.09 793.28 231.09 M 793.28 231.09 C 793.28 231.09 793.28 231.09 793.28 231.09 M 795.64 234.46 C 795.71 234.14 796.05 233.97 796.95 232.95 M 795.64 234.46 C 796.1 234.11 796.35 233.58 796.95 232.95" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 800.42 234.42 M 800.42 234.42 C 798.14 235.51 794.36 237.08 793.42 237.92 M 800.42 234.42 C 798.07 235.63 796.08 236.18 793.42 237.92 M 793.42 237.92 C 793.98 236.91 794.34 235.77 795.17 234.42 M 793.42 237.92 C 793.88 236.93 794.49 235.37 795.17 234.42 M 795.17 234.42 C 794.87 234.02 794.76 232.91 793.42 230.92 M 795.17 234.42 C 794.63 233.69 794.46 233 793.42 230.92 M 793.42 230.92 C 794.62 232.62 797.04 233.31 800.42 234.42 M 793.42 230.92 C 794.68 231.8 797 232.5 800.42 234.42" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><rect x="590" y="30" width="400" height="90" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="none" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 589.74 30.3 C 589.74 30.3 589.74 30.3 589.74 30.3 M 589.74 30.3 C 589.74 30.3 589.74 30.3 589.74 30.3 M 590.13 35.94 C 591.44 34.05 593.04 33.48 595.38 29.91 M 590.13 35.94 C 591.65 34.34 593.08 32.24 595.38 29.91 M 589.87 42.34 C 593.63 38.06 597.79 34.3 600.37 30.27 M 589.87 42.34 C 594.45 38.59 597.38 33.86 600.37 30.27 M 590.27 47.99 C 596.05 41.7 601.03 35.45 606.01 29.87 M 590.27 47.99 C 594.89 41.48 602.26 34.76 606.01 29.87 M 590 54.38 C 598.01 47.24 603.1 37.91 611 30.23 M 590 54.38 C 595.16 48.2 602.57 41.57 611 30.23 M 589.74 60.78 C 597.11 52.59 602.82 44.89 616.64 29.84 M 589.74 60.78 C 594.71 53.72 601.37 45.54 616.64 29.84 M 590.14 66.42 C 598.28 56.04 609.06 46.77 621.63 30.2 M 590.14 66.42 C 596.03 58.2 603.34 51.4 621.63 30.2 M 589.88 72.82 C 600.1 59.8 612 46.6 627.27 29.8 M 589.88 72.82 C 597.95 62.08 606.89 53.09 627.27 29.8 M 590.27 78.47 C 598.35 67.89 608.69 58.65 632.26 30.16 M 590.27 78.47 C 599.14 66.24 609.64 54.76 632.26 30.16 M 590.01 84.86 C 601.63 72.01 612.14 62.6 637.9 29.77 M 590.01 84.86 C 606.78 65.08 624.19 44.76 637.9 29.77 M 589.75 91.26 C 610.88 68.28 628.58 45.54 642.89 30.13 M 589.75 91.26 C 602.28 77.22 612.13 65.15 642.89 30.13 M 590.14 96.9 C 613.51 72.42 635.19 47.72 648.53 29.73 M 590.14 96.9 C 614 70.69 636.84 43.66 648.53 29.73 M 589.88 103.3 C 606.4 86.51 619.84 71.33 653.52 30.09 M 589.88 103.3 C 615.04 75.95 639.53 46.68 653.52 30.09 M 590.28 108.94 C 608.1 88.83 628.89 65.32 659.16 29.7 M 590.28 108.94 C 603.95 93.67 619.1 77.08 659.16 29.7 M 590.01 115.34 C 614.45 86.77 643.87 57.82 664.15 30.06 M 590.01 115.34 C 616.18 85.33 642.32 54.7 664.15 30.06 M 590.41 120.99 C 616.93 91.21 643.94 61.24 669.79 29.67 M 590.41 120.99 C 609.33 99.8 628.76 76 669.79 29.67 M 596.05 120.59 C 615.81 96.86 634.46 71.8 674.78 30.03 M 596.05 120.59 C 623.65 88.58 651.05 56.83 674.78 30.03 M 601.04 120.95 C 631.02 83.72 664.84 50.65 680.42 29.63 M 601.04 120.95 C 619.19 99.27 638.4 78.66 680.42 29.63 M 606.68 120.56 C 624.35 96.72 645.95 76.19 685.41 29.99 M 606.68 120.56 C 631.87 90.89 656.26 63.05 685.41 29.99 M 611.67 120.92 C 633.48 98.12 654.01 74.72 690.4 30.35 M 611.67 120.92 C 635.02 93.73 658.1 65.08 690.4 30.35 M 617.31 120.52 C 640.65 91.55 665.22 64.6 696.04 29.96 M 617.31 120.52 C 639.01 95.51 662.03 69.2 696.04 29.96 M 622.3 120.88 C 637.67 103.24 655.92 82.93 701.03 30.32 M 622.3 120.88 C 642.23 99.72 659.63 78.37 701.03 30.32 M 627.94 120.49 C 659.21 85.29 689.83 48.9 706.67 29.92 M 627.94 120.49 C 655.75 88.73 682.22 57.47 706.67 29.92 M 632.93 120.85 C 650.48 103.38 666.45 85.55 711.66 30.28 M 632.93 120.85 C 650.93 101.09 669.67 80.36 711.66 30.28 M 638.57 120.45 C 655.62 103.66 673.24 83.59 717.3 29.89 M 638.57 120.45 C 660.05 95.95 681.62 69.92 717.3 29.89 M 643.56 120.81 C 663.95 95.29 685.22 74.15 722.29 30.25 M 643.56 120.81 C 670.14 91.58 695.23 60.67 722.29 30.25 M 649.2 120.42 C 680.96 86.43 709.49 48.42 727.93 29.85 M 649.2 120.42 C 678.53 86.01 706.09 53.3 727.93 29.85 M 654.19 120.78 C 683.43 88.28 715.61 51.1 732.92 30.21 M 654.19 120.78 C 684.79 85.25 714.61 50.4 732.92 30.21 M 659.83 120.38 C 683.97 92.14 710.3 65.3 738.56 29.82 M 659.83 120.38 C 687.34 90.14 714.9 57.62 738.56 29.82 M 664.82 120.74 C 695.39 89.65 720.71 56.05 743.55 30.18 M 664.82 120.74 C 692.12 88.2 719.46 58.73 743.55 30.18 M 670.46 120.35 C 696.14 92.54 719.29 64.5 749.19 29.78 M 670.46 120.35 C 691.7 95.54 711.06 72.2 749.19 29.78 M 675.45 120.71 C 701.73 88.59 728.93 56.57 754.18 30.14 M 675.45 120.71 C 700.76 92.93 723.7 66.16 754.18 30.14 M 681.09 120.31 C 700.88 100.09 714.98 80.02 759.82 29.75 M 681.09 120.31 C 697.84 101.06 713.68 82.56 759.82 29.75 M 686.08 120.67 C 714.86 89.89 741.82 55.1 764.81 30.11 M 686.08 120.67 C 706.86 98.1 726.06 73.46 764.81 30.11 M 691.72 120.28 C 713.11 94.82 733.33 70.91 770.45 29.72 M 691.72 120.28 C 708.79 100.56 725.9 80.82 770.45 29.72 M 696.71 120.64 C 723.12 91.72 747.28 61.7 775.44 30.08 M 696.71 120.64 C 726.81 85.62 758.4 51.6 775.44 30.08 M 701.7 121 C 717.33 102.1 734.98 84.34 781.08 29.68 M 701.7 121 C 728.88 91.22 755.45 58.66 781.08 29.68 M 707.34 120.61 C 723.73 99.29 740.42 78.67 786.07 30.04 M 707.34 120.61 C 735.25 88.23 762.58 56.71 786.07 30.04 M 712.33 120.97 C 738.94 93.27 762.79 61.24 791.71 29.65 M 712.33 120.97 C 740.67 87.83 769.11 55.84 791.71 29.65 M 717.97 120.57 C 748.89 86.15 777.26 50.63 796.7 30.01 M 717.97 120.57 C 749.1 85.94 779.18 48.93 796.7 30.01 M 722.96 120.93 C 739.68 100.78 759.21 76.83 801.68 30.37 M 722.96 120.93 C 748.22 92.55 772.36 65.47 801.68 30.37 M 728.6 120.54 C 756.72 88.6 787.1 54.6 807.33 29.97 M 728.6 120.54 C 746.76 98.49 765.99 76.44 807.33 29.97 M 733.59 120.9 C 763.15 90.04 790.62 59.61 812.31 30.33 M 733.59 120.9 C 759.75 90.24 788.33 58.2 812.31 30.33 M 739.23 120.5 C 764.08 94.72 787.64 67.27 817.96 29.94 M 739.23 120.5 C 755.5 101.72 772.1 82.27 817.96 29.94 M 744.22 120.86 C 771.68 90.89 796.72 60.54 822.94 30.3 M 744.22 120.86 C 762.4 100.44 779.96 78.97 822.94 30.3 M 749.86 120.47 C 772.71 92.5 799.8 66.42 828.59 29.9 M 749.86 120.47 C 769.99 95.4 791.49 71.56 828.59 29.9 M 754.85 120.83 C 780.05 92.55 803.71 63.09 833.57 30.26 M 754.85 120.83 C 779.65 92.73 805.2 63.7 833.57 30.26 M 760.49 120.43 C 782.31 91.72 805.16 67.98 839.22 29.87 M 760.49 120.43 C 777.86 99.54 794.51 80.91 839.22 29.87 M 765.48 120.79 C 781.72 98.25 799.04 79.61 844.2 30.23 M 765.48 120.79 C 793.07 89.06 819.93 57.59 844.2 30.23 M 771.12 120.4 C 800.83 84.8 831.61 49.57 849.85 29.83 M 771.12 120.4 C 794.04 92.76 817.34 65.28 849.85 29.83 M 776.11 120.76 C 794.63 96.95 816.72 71.7 854.83 30.19 M 776.11 120.76 C 793.39 101.05 808.14 82.94 854.83 30.19 M 781.75 120.36 C 804.62 92.94 826.39 68.04 860.48 29.8 M 781.75 120.36 C 810.32 87.23 838.65 54.45 860.48 29.8 M 786.74 120.72 C 805.87 94.61 830.7 70.85 865.46 30.16 M 786.74 120.72 C 803.6 101.71 820.69 83.78 865.46 30.16 M 792.38 120.33 C 814.13 92.45 838.42 66.23 871.11 29.76 M 792.38 120.33 C 817.92 90.04 843.58 59.16 871.11 29.76 M 797.37 120.69 C 821.18 89.3 847.7 64.28 876.09 30.13 M 797.37 120.69 C 814.6 101.35 830.04 83.21 876.09 30.13 M 803.01 120.3 C 823.68 95.57 849.43 69.35 881.74 29.73 M 803.01 120.3 C 825.07 91.82 849.18 66.57 881.74 29.73 M 808 120.66 C 836.63 89.87 863.3 60.75 886.72 30.09 M 808 120.66 C 831.85 93.78 856.02 66.29 886.72 30.09 M 813.64 120.26 C 840.17 87.59 867.81 58.72 892.37 29.7 M 813.64 120.26 C 834.78 96.2 856.52 73.03 892.37 29.7 M 818.63 120.62 C 841.78 97.11 860.92 70.63 897.35 30.06 M 818.63 120.62 C 840.62 94.69 863.79 67.63 897.35 30.06 M 823.61 120.98 C 850.25 92.12 876.62 58.08 903 29.66 M 823.61 120.98 C 855.25 86.11 887.02 48.78 903 29.66 M 829.26 120.59 C 857.79 90.35 885.62 57.42 907.98 30.02 M 829.26 120.59 C 846.73 99.73 865.84 78.21 907.98 30.02 M 834.24 120.95 C 862.1 89.04 885.84 59.27 913.63 29.63 M 834.24 120.95 C 861.23 89.52 887.66 58.37 913.63 29.63 M 839.89 120.55 C 871.45 84.24 902.97 49.82 918.61 29.99 M 839.89 120.55 C 865.12 93.04 888.76 65 918.61 29.99 M 844.87 120.91 C 874.28 86.12 902.73 51.73 923.6 30.35 M 844.87 120.91 C 872.19 90.09 899.14 58.06 923.6 30.35 M 850.52 120.52 C 875.62 90.92 902.86 62.72 929.24 29.95 M 850.52 120.52 C 876.43 90.63 902.42 59.56 929.24 29.95 M 855.5 120.88 C 881 92.68 909.23 61.29 934.23 30.31 M 855.5 120.88 C 882.65 89.49 909.05 59.92 934.23 30.31 M 861.15 120.48 C 880.76 101.09 898.93 77.15 939.87 29.92 M 861.15 120.48 C 881.87 98.16 902.23 74.61 939.87 29.92 M 866.13 120.84 C 882.03 100.45 898.35 81.01 944.86 30.28 M 866.13 120.84 C 881.59 102.2 897.97 84.67 944.86 30.28 M 871.78 120.45 C 896.45 90.96 922.17 60.28 950.5 29.88 M 871.78 120.45 C 893.74 96.51 913.51 72.48 950.5 29.88 M 876.76 120.81 C 900.83 96.2 925.09 69.83 955.49 30.24 M 876.76 120.81 C 902.4 91.13 929.61 58.95 955.49 30.24 M 882.41 120.41 C 900.71 101.32 915.18 83.93 961.13 29.85 M 882.41 120.41 C 903.99 96.76 924.69 71.39 961.13 29.85 M 887.39 120.77 C 915.84 86.78 942.39 57.24 966.12 30.21 M 887.39 120.77 C 912.76 94.14 936.14 65.87 966.12 30.21 M 893.04 120.38 C 920.98 90.86 947.22 58 971.76 29.81 M 893.04 120.38 C 909.18 101.72 927.92 81.84 971.76 29.81 M 898.02 120.74 C 918 99.65 938.02 74.5 976.75 30.17 M 898.02 120.74 C 925.03 88.81 952.66 55.92 976.75 30.17 M 903.67 120.35 C 918.72 100.62 937.21 83.04 982.4 29.78 M 903.67 120.35 C 934.95 85.35 965.07 50.82 982.4 29.78 M 908.65 120.71 C 935.2 88.49 966.35 58.99 987.38 30.14 M 908.65 120.71 C 934.4 91.87 960.77 62.01 987.38 30.14 M 914.3 120.31 C 943.68 88.05 972.87 54.62 991.71 31.25 M 914.3 120.31 C 936.54 94.51 959.41 69.66 991.71 31.25 M 919.29 120.67 C 941.09 94.43 960.94 71.43 991.45 37.65 M 919.29 120.67 C 943.46 93.37 966.08 66.75 991.45 37.65 M 924.93 120.28 C 937.88 106.02 953.68 90.64 991.85 43.3 M 924.93 120.28 C 950.17 91.16 976.18 63.12 991.85 43.3 M 929.92 120.64 C 946.04 102.9 957.34 84.54 991.58 49.69 M 929.92 120.64 C 946.02 100.4 962.83 82.31 991.58 49.69 M 934.9 121 C 954.85 98.17 974.31 76.93 991.32 56.09 M 934.9 121 C 952.23 100.07 971.18 80.24 991.32 56.09 M 940.55 120.6 C 951.64 109.32 960.19 97.23 991.72 61.73 M 940.55 120.6 C 958.14 100.93 974.71 81.77 991.72 61.73 M 945.53 120.96 C 957.25 108.35 968.84 93.98 991.46 68.13 M 945.53 120.96 C 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120.81 C 670.14 91.58 695.23 60.67 722.29 30.25 M 649.2 120.42 C 680.96 86.43 709.49 48.42 727.93 29.85 M 649.2 120.42 C 678.53 86.01 706.09 53.3 727.93 29.85 M 654.19 120.78 C 683.43 88.28 715.61 51.1 732.92 30.21 M 654.19 120.78 C 684.79 85.25 714.61 50.4 732.92 30.21 M 659.83 120.38 C 683.97 92.14 710.3 65.3 738.56 29.82 M 659.83 120.38 C 687.34 90.14 714.9 57.62 738.56 29.82 M 664.82 120.74 C 695.39 89.65 720.71 56.05 743.55 30.18 M 664.82 120.74 C 692.12 88.2 719.46 58.73 743.55 30.18 M 670.46 120.35 C 696.14 92.54 719.29 64.5 749.19 29.78 M 670.46 120.35 C 691.7 95.54 711.06 72.2 749.19 29.78 M 675.45 120.71 C 701.73 88.59 728.93 56.57 754.18 30.14 M 675.45 120.71 C 700.76 92.93 723.7 66.16 754.18 30.14 M 681.09 120.31 C 700.88 100.09 714.98 80.02 759.82 29.75 M 681.09 120.31 C 697.84 101.06 713.68 82.56 759.82 29.75 M 686.08 120.67 C 714.86 89.89 741.82 55.1 764.81 30.11 M 686.08 120.67 C 706.86 98.1 726.06 73.46 764.81 30.11 M 691.72 120.28 C 713.11 94.82 733.33 70.91 770.45 29.72 M 691.72 120.28 C 708.79 100.56 725.9 80.82 770.45 29.72 M 696.71 120.64 C 723.12 91.72 747.28 61.7 775.44 30.08 M 696.71 120.64 C 726.81 85.62 758.4 51.6 775.44 30.08 M 701.7 121 C 717.33 102.1 734.98 84.34 781.08 29.68 M 701.7 121 C 728.88 91.22 755.45 58.66 781.08 29.68 M 707.34 120.61 C 723.73 99.29 740.42 78.67 786.07 30.04 M 707.34 120.61 C 735.25 88.23 762.58 56.71 786.07 30.04 M 712.33 120.97 C 738.94 93.27 762.79 61.24 791.71 29.65 M 712.33 120.97 C 740.67 87.83 769.11 55.84 791.71 29.65 M 717.97 120.57 C 748.89 86.15 777.26 50.63 796.7 30.01 M 717.97 120.57 C 749.1 85.94 779.18 48.93 796.7 30.01 M 722.96 120.93 C 739.68 100.78 759.21 76.83 801.68 30.37 M 722.96 120.93 C 748.22 92.55 772.36 65.47 801.68 30.37 M 728.6 120.54 C 756.72 88.6 787.1 54.6 807.33 29.97 M 728.6 120.54 C 746.76 98.49 765.99 76.44 807.33 29.97 M 733.59 120.9 C 763.15 90.04 790.62 59.61 812.31 30.33 M 733.59 120.9 C 759.75 90.24 788.33 58.2 812.31 30.33 M 739.23 120.5 C 764.08 94.72 787.64 67.27 817.96 29.94 M 739.23 120.5 C 755.5 101.72 772.1 82.27 817.96 29.94 M 744.22 120.86 C 771.68 90.89 796.72 60.54 822.94 30.3 M 744.22 120.86 C 762.4 100.44 779.96 78.97 822.94 30.3 M 749.86 120.47 C 772.71 92.5 799.8 66.42 828.59 29.9 M 749.86 120.47 C 769.99 95.4 791.49 71.56 828.59 29.9 M 754.85 120.83 C 780.05 92.55 803.71 63.09 833.57 30.26 M 754.85 120.83 C 779.65 92.73 805.2 63.7 833.57 30.26 M 760.49 120.43 C 782.31 91.72 805.16 67.98 839.22 29.87 M 760.49 120.43 C 777.86 99.54 794.51 80.91 839.22 29.87 M 765.48 120.79 C 781.72 98.25 799.04 79.61 844.2 30.23 M 765.48 120.79 C 793.07 89.06 819.93 57.59 844.2 30.23 M 771.12 120.4 C 800.83 84.8 831.61 49.57 849.85 29.83 M 771.12 120.4 C 794.04 92.76 817.34 65.28 849.85 29.83 M 776.11 120.76 C 794.63 96.95 816.72 71.7 854.83 30.19 M 776.11 120.76 C 793.39 101.05 808.14 82.94 854.83 30.19 M 781.75 120.36 C 804.62 92.94 826.39 68.04 860.48 29.8 M 781.75 120.36 C 810.32 87.23 838.65 54.45 860.48 29.8 M 786.74 120.72 C 805.87 94.61 830.7 70.85 865.46 30.16 M 786.74 120.72 C 803.6 101.71 820.69 83.78 865.46 30.16 M 792.38 120.33 C 814.13 92.45 838.42 66.23 871.11 29.76 M 792.38 120.33 C 817.92 90.04 843.58 59.16 871.11 29.76 M 797.37 120.69 C 821.18 89.3 847.7 64.28 876.09 30.13 M 797.37 120.69 C 814.6 101.35 830.04 83.21 876.09 30.13 M 803.01 120.3 C 823.68 95.57 849.43 69.35 881.74 29.73 M 803.01 120.3 C 825.07 91.82 849.18 66.57 881.74 29.73 M 808 120.66 C 836.63 89.87 863.3 60.75 886.72 30.09 M 808 120.66 C 831.85 93.78 856.02 66.29 886.72 30.09 M 813.64 120.26 C 840.17 87.59 867.81 58.72 892.37 29.7 M 813.64 120.26 C 834.78 96.2 856.52 73.03 892.37 29.7 M 818.63 120.62 C 841.78 97.11 860.92 70.63 897.35 30.06 M 818.63 120.62 C 840.62 94.69 863.79 67.63 897.35 30.06 M 823.61 120.98 C 850.25 92.12 876.62 58.08 903 29.66 M 823.61 120.98 C 855.25 86.11 887.02 48.78 903 29.66 M 829.26 120.59 C 857.79 90.35 885.62 57.42 907.98 30.02 M 829.26 120.59 C 846.73 99.73 865.84 78.21 907.98 30.02 M 834.24 120.95 C 862.1 89.04 885.84 59.27 913.63 29.63 M 834.24 120.95 C 861.23 89.52 887.66 58.37 913.63 29.63 M 839.89 120.55 C 871.45 84.24 902.97 49.82 918.61 29.99 M 839.89 120.55 C 865.12 93.04 888.76 65 918.61 29.99 M 844.87 120.91 C 874.28 86.12 902.73 51.73 923.6 30.35 M 844.87 120.91 C 872.19 90.09 899.14 58.06 923.6 30.35 M 850.52 120.52 C 875.62 90.92 902.86 62.72 929.24 29.95 M 850.52 120.52 C 876.43 90.63 902.42 59.56 929.24 29.95 M 855.5 120.88 C 881 92.68 909.23 61.29 934.23 30.31 M 855.5 120.88 C 882.65 89.49 909.05 59.92 934.23 30.31 M 861.15 120.48 C 880.76 101.09 898.93 77.15 939.87 29.92 M 861.15 120.48 C 881.87 98.16 902.23 74.61 939.87 29.92 M 866.13 120.84 C 882.03 100.45 898.35 81.01 944.86 30.28 M 866.13 120.84 C 881.59 102.2 897.97 84.67 944.86 30.28 M 871.78 120.45 C 896.45 90.96 922.17 60.28 950.5 29.88 M 871.78 120.45 C 893.74 96.51 913.51 72.48 950.5 29.88 M 876.76 120.81 C 900.83 96.2 925.09 69.83 955.49 30.24 M 876.76 120.81 C 902.4 91.13 929.61 58.95 955.49 30.24 M 882.41 120.41 C 900.71 101.32 915.18 83.93 961.13 29.85 M 882.41 120.41 C 903.99 96.76 924.69 71.39 961.13 29.85 M 887.39 120.77 C 915.84 86.78 942.39 57.24 966.12 30.21 M 887.39 120.77 C 912.76 94.14 936.14 65.87 966.12 30.21 M 893.04 120.38 C 920.98 90.86 947.22 58 971.76 29.81 M 893.04 120.38 C 909.18 101.72 927.92 81.84 971.76 29.81 M 898.02 120.74 C 918 99.65 938.02 74.5 976.75 30.17 M 898.02 120.74 C 925.03 88.81 952.66 55.92 976.75 30.17 M 903.67 120.35 C 918.72 100.62 937.21 83.04 982.4 29.78 M 903.67 120.35 C 934.95 85.35 965.07 50.82 982.4 29.78 M 908.65 120.71 C 935.2 88.49 966.35 58.99 987.38 30.14 M 908.65 120.71 C 934.4 91.87 960.77 62.01 987.38 30.14 M 914.3 120.31 C 943.68 88.05 972.87 54.62 991.71 31.25 M 914.3 120.31 C 936.54 94.51 959.41 69.66 991.71 31.25 M 919.29 120.67 C 941.09 94.43 960.94 71.43 991.45 37.65 M 919.29 120.67 C 943.46 93.37 966.08 66.75 991.45 37.65 M 924.93 120.28 C 937.88 106.02 953.68 90.64 991.85 43.3 M 924.93 120.28 C 950.17 91.16 976.18 63.12 991.85 43.3 M 929.92 120.64 C 946.04 102.9 957.34 84.54 991.58 49.69 M 929.92 120.64 C 946.02 100.4 962.83 82.31 991.58 49.69 M 934.9 121 C 954.85 98.17 974.31 76.93 991.32 56.09 M 934.9 121 C 952.23 100.07 971.18 80.24 991.32 56.09 M 940.55 120.6 C 951.64 109.32 960.19 97.23 991.72 61.73 M 940.55 120.6 C 958.14 100.93 974.71 81.77 991.72 61.73 M 945.53 120.96 C 957.25 108.35 968.84 93.98 991.46 68.13 M 945.53 120.96 C 960.53 104.15 976.56 86.1 991.46 68.13 M 951.18 120.57 C 965.58 105.98 979.15 89.71 991.85 73.78 M 951.18 120.57 C 962.14 108.22 972.27 94.77 991.85 73.78 M 956.16 120.93 C 965.03 113.65 970.6 101.3 991.59 80.17 M 956.16 120.93 C 966.08 110.94 974.3 99.07 991.59 80.17 M 961.81 120.53 C 966.64 112.39 974.57 105.28 991.33 86.57 M 961.81 120.53 C 972.12 109.52 982.54 96.6 991.33 86.57 M 966.79 120.89 C 974.6 114.03 980.13 106.18 991.72 92.21 M 966.79 120.89 C 973.39 112.87 981.22 104.81 991.72 92.21 M 972.44 120.5 C 975.69 114.41 980.04 109.72 991.46 98.61 M 972.44 120.5 C 979.52 112.36 986.41 105.03 991.46 98.61 M 977.42 120.86 C 980.61 115.55 987.51 110.06 991.86 104.25 M 977.42 120.86 C 980.07 116.93 983.01 113.7 991.86 104.25 M 983.07 120.46 C 985.21 118.3 989.09 114.99 991.59 110.65 M 983.07 120.46 C 984.95 118.22 987.61 115.07 991.59 110.65 M 988.05 120.82 C 989.09 119.36 990.79 118.36 991.33 117.05 M 988.05 120.82 C 989.56 119.12 990.5 118.09 991.33 117.05" fill="none" stroke="#ebebeb" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 590 30 C 681.13 30.46 775.04 30.06 990 30 M 590 30 C 671.29 30.52 753.62 30.21 990 30 M 990 30 C 988.91 47.71 991.37 64.45 990 120 M 990 30 C 990.63 55.86 991.36 82.2 990 120 M 990 120 C 833.94 119.36 675.36 120.09 590 120 M 990 120 C 892.48 118.67 795.61 118.9 590 120 M 590 120 C 590.51 85.5 592.17 54.15 590 30 M 590 120 C 590.35 95.86 589.05 71.33 590 30" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none" 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307.5 M 1005 307.5 C 986.95 308.35 978.84 314.95 980 328.75 M 1005 307.5 C 986.58 308.4 978.8 314.04 980 328.75 M 980 328.75 C 978.17 341.83 972.05 349.13 955 350 M 980 328.75 C 980.17 344.47 972.03 350.88 955 350 M 955 350 C 938.22 351.67 930 344.01 930 336.5 M 955 350 C 938.19 348.77 928.53 346.51 930 336.5 M 930 336.5 C 929.67 327.14 919.77 323.89 900 323 M 930 336.5 C 932.12 327.25 920.56 325.3 900 323 M 900 323 C 881.98 321.81 862.03 323.02 851.37 322.63 M 900 323 C 878.53 324.9 864.27 324.88 851.37 322.63" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 846.34 322.26 C 846.34 322.26 846.34 322.26 846.34 322.26 M 846.34 322.26 C 846.34 322.26 846.34 322.26 846.34 322.26 M 850.02 324.13 C 851.74 322.71 852.04 321.24 853.95 319.61 M 850.02 324.13 C 850.97 322.95 851.95 322.02 853.95 319.61" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" 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315 M 1095 315 C 1067.2 313.79 1040.14 314.07 1005 315 M 1095 315 C 1066.11 314.52 1035.91 314.7 1005 315 M 1005 315 C 1006.15 305.94 1004.87 299.69 1005 285 M 1005 315 C 1004.99 304.11 1004.01 292.67 1005 285" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 1014 285 M 1014 285 C 1013.9 291.26 1014.56 297.88 1014 315 M 1014 285 C 1013.44 295.89 1013.51 306.22 1014 315 M 1086 285 M 1086 285 C 1084.62 293.03 1084.8 301.08 1086 315 M 1086 285 C 1086.11 291.57 1086.63 298.64 1086 315" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: 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251.84 1302.13 264.98 1300 275 M 1300 235 C 1300.25 244.61 1300.27 254.81 1300 275 M 1300 275 C 1281.2 269.78 1260.24 270.55 1240 275 M 1300 275 C 1279.42 271.05 1259.9 267.22 1240 275 M 1240 275 C 1221.39 279.3 1200.8 281.8 1180 275 M 1240 275 C 1220.11 279.94 1200.39 279.67 1180 275 M 1180 275 C 1180.48 259.05 1179.08 244.85 1180 235 M 1180 275 C 1179.5 261.99 1179.64 249.37 1180 235 M 1180 235 C 1180 235 1180 235 1180 235 M 1180 235 C 1180 235 1180 235 1180 235" fill="none" stroke="#12161f" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 255px; margin-left: 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413.48 C 1178.98 412.54 1179.82 412.11 1180.36 411.22 M 1178.39 413.48 C 1178.98 412.89 1179.56 412.13 1180.36 411.22" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 1179.96 416.6 M 1179.96 416.6 C 1179.57 415.07 1177.91 412.32 1176.46 409.6 M 1179.96 416.6 C 1178.9 413.79 1177.07 410.92 1176.46 409.6 M 1176.46 409.6 C 1177.09 410.26 1177.65 410.08 1179.96 411.35 M 1176.46 409.6 C 1177.36 410.06 1178.36 410.73 1179.96 411.35 M 1179.96 411.35 C 1180.46 410.57 1181.76 410.95 1183.46 409.6 M 1179.96 411.35 C 1180.9 410.69 1181.83 410.57 1183.46 409.6 M 1183.46 409.6 C 1181.98 411.14 1180.99 413.28 1179.96 416.6 M 1183.46 409.6 C 1182.68 411.63 1181.35 413.78 1179.96 416.6" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 1094.58 158.89 L 1141.27 161.51 L 1140.26 188.61 L 1136.43 186.37 L 1128.79 183.17 L 1122.22 187.9 L 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1196.5 476.88 C 1198.01 477.47 1199.04 478.26 1200 478.63 M 1200 478.63 C 1201.7 478.29 1202.29 477.53 1203.5 476.88 M 1200 478.63 C 1200.88 478.25 1201.84 477.71 1203.5 476.88 M 1203.5 476.88 C 1203.26 478.38 1201.63 480.8 1200 483.88 M 1203.5 476.88 C 1203.09 478.43 1202.02 479.55 1200 483.88" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 1138.61 412.57 L 1153.08 415.6 L 1168.19 415.72 L 1185.26 415.42 L 1222.83 409.34 L 1237.02 407.32 L 1260.5 413.25 L 1261.93 449 L 1243.91 443.32 L 1231.38 441.91 L 1213.59 443.6 L 1179.02 453.71 L 1161.82 452.15 L 1141.77 449.68 L 1139.68 411.1" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 1140 413 M 1140 413 C 1159.36 420.12 1179.03 420.75 1200 413 M 1140 413 C 1159.17 417.5 1179.41 419.99 1200 413 M 1200 413 C 1220.29 406.98 1239.99 408.13 1260 413 M 1200 413 C 1221.12 406.2 1237.95 409.27 1260 413 M 1260 413 C 1258.83 424.88 1261.15 440.41 1260 448 M 1260 413 C 1260.25 423.89 1260.15 432.93 1260 448 M 1260 448 C 1239.83 441.66 1221.56 443.45 1200 448 M 1260 448 C 1241.8 440.65 1221.95 443.93 1200 448 M 1200 448 C 1181.63 453.17 1161.27 454.23 1140 448 M 1200 448 C 1181.38 454.17 1161.27 455.32 1140 448 M 1140 448 C 1139.41 436.53 1140.58 425.89 1140 413 M 1140 448 C 1140.75 433.86 1140.89 420.93 1140 413 M 1140 413 C 1140 413 1140 413 1140 413 M 1140 413 C 1140 413 1140 413 1140 413" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 118px; height: 1px; padding-top: 431px; margin-left: 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IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: none; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Ahlen</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="835" y="171" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="IBM Plex Sans" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Ahlen</text></switch></g><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 58px; height: 1px; padding-top: 150px; margin-left: 786px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;" data-drawio-colors="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: IBM Plex Sans; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: none; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: 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121.73 8.49 C 121.63 10.2 121.69 11.8 120.61 13.05 C 119.53 14.29 116.84 15.87 115.25 15.98 C 113.67 16.08 112.35 14.71 111.1 13.69 C 109.86 12.66 108.11 11.47 107.77 9.84 C 107.43 8.21 108.28 5.53 109.05 3.93 C 109.83 2.33 111.06 0.61 112.44 0.23 C 113.82 -0.15 116.4 1.56 117.33 1.64 C 118.27 1.72 117.87 0.9 118.05 0.73" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 115 15 M 115 15 C 113.16 18.89 116.1 27.69 115 40 M 115 15 C 114.34 23.72 114.75 33.41 115 40 M 115 20 M 115 20 C 108.52 18.53 104.93 21.42 100 20 M 115 20 C 109.82 20.28 104.22 20.48 100 20 M 115 20 M 115 20 C 119.18 19.21 119.9 18.95 130 20 M 115 20 C 119.47 19.99 124.78 19.99 130 20 M 115 40 M 115 40 C 110.88 46.05 107.06 52.88 100 60 M 115 40 C 110.41 46.99 106.33 52.4 100 60 M 115 40 M 115 40 C 122.51 46.51 125.05 54.23 130 60 M 115 40 C 118.67 43.68 121.64 48.27 130 60" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" 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302.27 819.05 302.7 821.27 303.63 M 821.27 303.63 C 822.27 302.89 823.9 302.04 824.77 301.89 M 821.27 303.63 C 822.18 302.94 823.17 302.59 824.77 301.89 M 824.77 301.89 C 824.11 304.98 823.09 306.64 821.25 308.88 M 824.77 301.89 C 824.25 303.57 822.94 304.93 821.25 308.88" fill="none" stroke="#ff3333" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 954.4 259.4 C 955.72 259.3 957.22 261.37 958.42 262.25 C 959.63 263.13 961.01 263.34 961.61 264.68 C 962.2 266.02 962.57 268.66 962 270.28 C 961.42 271.9 959.58 273.56 958.16 274.4 C 956.74 275.25 955.04 275.72 953.49 275.37 C 951.94 275.02 949.79 273.64 948.86 272.3 C 947.93 270.96 947.79 269.04 947.92 267.34 C 948.04 265.64 948.37 263.21 949.63 262.1 C 950.89 260.99 954.2 260.9 955.47 260.69 C 956.74 260.48 957.16 260.98 957.26 260.85 M 957.12 261.78 C 958.11 262.28 959.46 263.6 960.07 264.6 C 960.68 265.59 960.69 266.48 960.78 267.74 C 960.88 269 961.49 270.86 960.64 272.17 C 959.8 273.48 957.51 275.29 955.71 275.61 C 953.9 275.94 951.14 275.46 949.79 274.11 C 948.45 272.77 947.69 269.43 947.64 267.56 C 947.6 265.69 948.5 264.1 949.52 262.89 C 950.55 261.69 952.26 260.5 953.8 260.33 C 955.34 260.16 958.28 261.8 958.77 261.85 C 959.26 261.89 957.01 260.71 956.74 260.6" fill="rgb(255, 255, 255)" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 952.73 261.08 C 954.01 260.61 956.08 260.23 957.69 260.64 C 959.3 261.04 961.71 262.21 962.41 263.52 C 963.11 264.84 962.26 266.9 961.88 268.52 C 961.5 270.14 961.32 272.11 960.13 273.26 C 958.94 274.41 956.48 275.51 954.73 275.41 C 952.99 275.31 950.68 273.71 949.65 272.67 C 948.62 271.62 948.62 270.58 948.55 269.16 C 948.48 267.73 948.35 265.49 949.25 264.1 C 950.14 262.72 953.28 261.37 953.9 260.84 C 954.52 260.32 953.12 260.86 952.94 260.94 M 957.78 261.94 C 959.13 262.51 958.79 263.42 959.63 264.67 C 960.47 265.92 962.65 268.33 962.83 269.43 C 963.02 270.53 961.98 270.37 960.75 271.27 C 959.53 272.18 957.28 274.73 955.51 274.85 C 953.74 274.96 951.42 273.08 950.13 271.98 C 948.85 270.89 947.92 269.38 947.77 268.28 C 947.61 267.19 948.43 266.4 949.21 265.42 C 950 264.43 951.1 263.12 952.48 262.37 C 953.86 261.62 956.75 261.1 957.5 260.93 C 958.25 260.76 957.06 261.42 956.98 261.34" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 955 275 M 955 275 C 952.96 279.64 955.66 285.83 955 300 M 955 275 C 954.95 282.81 954.39 288.63 955 300 M 955 280 M 955 280 C 951.87 280.94 947.61 279.84 940 280 M 955 280 C 949.87 280.53 944.07 279.58 940 280 M 955 280 M 955 280 C 960.94 279.25 965 280.87 970 280 M 955 280 C 961.28 280.51 967.27 279.17 970 280 M 955 300 M 955 300 C 948.65 305.46 944.78 312.65 940 320 M 955 300 C 949.99 307.79 944.16 315.31 940 320 M 955 300 M 955 300 C 961.47 306.21 964.73 312.98 970 320 M 955 300 C 960.08 305.76 962.95 312.64 970 320" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0, 0, 0)" stroke-linejoin="round" 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